Fasting while doing AAS and weightlifting?

Like intermittent fasting or the type of fasting for religious reasons?

If u mean like a 1-3 day fast I would ask the following:
Do you consider simple fruit juice a part of fast? Like grape juice or something?

I see very little problem with steady state cardio while fasting but intense lifts or hiit would be out of question for me with anything longer than a day when I'm glycogen depleted
The only time I personally think a 'fast' is ok is while you sleep, or if you are sick and liquids is the best way to flush it out, and if you are doing a cleanse or something along those lines. As far as building muscle or even maintaining muscle fasting is completely counter productive IMHO.

Now im sure there is some genetically gifted people that CAN build muscle (or not lose muscle) with no food but the average person would not benefit from this.

All that said, will it kill you? No. Will it harm you? No.
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You can still train fasted and make gains because steroids are THAT good.

Is it optimal? No.
Is it recommended? No.
Can you get away with it? Yes.

If we were talking off cycle, then fasted weightlifting is counter productive under all accounts.
Wait.....What???? Why would you........... I'm confused???? This ran through my head as I am currently eating my 5th round of chicken, rice and Broc.
No joke. true story.
Wait.....What???? Why would you........... I'm confused???? This ran through my head as I am currently eating my 5th round of chicken, rice and Broc.
No joke. true story.

there are many people who have different opinions, the other day at the gym I overheard a guy saying that he lost more weight when he fasted etc.
there are many people who have different opinions, the other day at the gym I overheard a guy saying that he lost more weight when he fasted etc.

I'm sure he lost more weight we he fasted simply because he was at a huge deficit. But with that he didn't have any protein or energy for his muscles so I'm sure he became catabolic unless he is on gear which depending he could stay anabolic. I'm not sure why anyone would fast other then for religious purposes. You can lose a ton of weight of you only ate 1000 calories and had good macros to fit that. Fasting just doesn't seem prevalent in relation to bodybuilding to me.
there are many people who have different opinions, the other day at the gym I overheard a guy saying that he lost more weight when he fasted etc.

Did he systematically fast?
Like every Monday no food. Or nothing after 2pm etc.

I would think a fast like this would not be a problem if scheduled appropriately. Like an easy cardio day while on fast. Then eat and have plenty of fuel in tank for heavy/strenuous weight or hiit days. Could you imagine Tabata sets while fasting? Ouch. They hurt pretty bad anyway lol
there are many people who have different opinions, the other day at the gym I overheard a guy saying that he lost more weight when he fasted etc.

I don't even know where to begin with this. I am sure all the guys who know a little are very entertained by this response.

Only because I have the time and I am currently bored I will dive right into this one.

Bodybuilding the very name of it implies the body is being built. What do you need to build? Raw material or food. Most of us spend the whole day trying to figure out how on earth we will fit 4000 plus calories at a ratio of 50/35/15. So to suggest, or ask if it is worth it to fast just seems like asking someone if it makes sense to burn your life savings.

Having said that there are those that believe in intermittent fasting. I have read several reports on it and even through my own experience I can say it does not work for me. The idea of intermittent fasting is that as long as you get the required macro nutrients into your body for the day it does not matter if you eat them all after 2pm or throughout the day. The theory is the body will burn more fat for fuel during the day and when you eat after the fasting is complete for that day the body replenishes its glycogen stores and does not lay down fat. Again most of us have challenges eating the 6 - 9 times a day every 2 hours to get in the required calories we need. So why would we try to cram all that into 3-4 meals?

Now if you were to do this in a calorie deficit while on AAS then yes you would cut fat quickly. Would you cut it any quicker this way than if you just took in less calories throughout the day? As long as your ratio on the macros is correct I doubt it would be any quicker.

The way I have used this that actually works is called the anabolic diet. In which for 5 days you would hit your macro requirements for fat and Protein but eat little to no sugars or starchy carbs. fibrous carbs like broc and asparagus are ok. Then on the 5th day you lower the fat and protein to very little and eat primarily carbs. Sugar is fine, whatever as long as the fat is low eat it. For 2 days. What happens is while you are eating high protein and moderate fat the body is forced to use it's glycogen stores. By the 5th day your almost ketogenic. Your body has been depleted of its glycogen and has been burning fat for energy. Then the 5th day you eat carbs and you get a huge insulin surge. which pushes all the aminos in your blood from the rich protein diet all week into the muscles along with all those yummy carbs and simple sugars and also a bunch of water. You get a huge natural anabolic response. You can actually grow a little while losing weight.

I did this back years ago when i was natty I would lose 10 pounds during the 5 days of low carb then on the high carb days my weight would sky rocket up like 10 pounds. then the first 2 days of low carb the 10 pounds would fall of and I would lose another 2-3 on top of that. over the course of 10 weeks you can lose 15-20 pounds of pretty much just fat. It slows down after about 9 weeks but it works.

But since this is the anabolic section there should be no reason for us to fast only to accurately monitor our calorie intake and macro ratios. Not to mention that diet was a pain in the ass. Made me more grumpy then I am now on tren. plus headaches from low sugar and then the 10 pound bloat after you eat the carb days. It just was not a pleasant experience. But it works. Much easier now to just lower the calories by 500 a day, stay on AAS and watch the fat melt away while I stay huge and strong:)

Bet you were not expecting that! Your welcome:)
Milton, Hey sorry for being harsh on you I just re read your posts. I see it's for religious purposes. Hopefully somewhere in all that sarcasm there is something of value. I mean no disrespect towards you or your religion. Good luck

The tren has me with a very short fuse:)
Milton, Hey sorry for being harsh on you I just re read your posts. I see it's for religious purposes. Hopefully somewhere in all that sarcasm there is something of value. I mean no disrespect towards you or your religion. Good luck

The tren has me with a very short fuse:)

no worries I pardon thee, lol,but dont we fast every night for real, look at the word breakfast. lol
^^ unless your jay cutler and the alarm clock goes off in the middle of the night to get another meal in
I can't fast and train. In ketosis, I run out of gas; with carbs/glycogen I go hypoglycemic. :(

I know there's a ton of guys that love IF, but I'm still of the opinion that it will always boil down to calories in versus calories out.

My .02c :)
no worries I pardon thee, lol,but dont we fast every night for real, look at the word breakfast. lol

That's funny because the last article I read on the topic stated that the natural 6-8 hours of fasting we do while we sleep is the amount of time that is ideal for the theory to work. the article concluded the most efficient fast was the 6-8 hours of sleep.