Fat Ass
You will be gasping for air, but it's doable.
No pain no gain right? It's only 8 weeks right? lol
You will be gasping for air, but it's doable.
Nailed it right on the head. I'm not going to lie, I do get pretty winded doing heavy weight - but god damn the gains are fantastic!No pain no gain right? It's only 8 weeks right? lol
D'oh! If it makes you feel better, I started off this blast with 4 vials of tren ace, bought two more and am now debating on picking up another four as I want to bump it up some more. Wife's gonna kick my ass!So, I'm an idiot. Received my packages from both RUI and Pinn today and there were 5 bottles of test and 1 tren. I was thinking I got shorted but checked my order and it was for only one tren. Sigh....I'll be ordering the rest of what I need, not sure what I was thinking.
I started at 350mg/wk, bumped up to 450mg/wk and am now at 600mg/wk to find my "sweet spot". I've been really lucky and haven't had any really negative sides, so I figured I might as well see what my threshold is for this compound. I don't plan on going higher than 600mg though as the wife is starting to hem and haw at the bank balance's mysterious "cash withdrawals" lol. 350mg/wk with daily injects isn't a bad place to start at all imo and should definitely give you a good idea on how you react to the drug. Running test at 14 weeks isn't terrible, but I wouldn't push it much past that. I am a firm believer though that you should wait until you have EVERYTHING on hand BEFORE you start your cycle though, so I would wait just in case the worst happens and your next shipment of tren is delayed/lost/etc.Wow! what are you dosing at? That's a lot man. I'm thinking of starting without the rest of my tren. Pinn ships damn fast, under a week so originally I was going to pin 100 eod but now I think I'm going to do daily pins at 50 tren A/prop so 1 vial should last 20 days which is enough time to get the other two bottles. I think I will run tren for 60 days (empty the bottles) then test I have 5 vials and will probably run that through till empty as well so 100 days. Sound good you think? Should I risk starting without the rest of my tren? Or maybe do a week of test to kick off then add the tren....this will be my first run of prop too.
It's an expensive way to live, no doubt. You should see what some of my friends spend on the stuff like HGH. Hint: One could buy a used car every year with what they spend. It's totally worth it though imo.Oh, I do have everything for PCT except my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and bac water and I will need more pins since I'm switching to ed instead of eod but I'm not worried about those I'll get them ordered. Funny thing is, this cycle has been spendy and I've been happy hat I was done buying for it other than food but alas....another couple bottles of tren, and more pins. lol It's never ending.
I still think you should hire 3J. He has me on a carb-cycling diet, which is pretty painful on weekends as that's when carb intake drops to zero, but the inches keep coming off. Don't go by the scale either, remember that muscle weighs 1.5 times more than fat, and so even if you're losing body fat - that muscle gain will keep that scale at about the same reading even though you're changing your body composition for the better.Man this diet thing is killing me. Been back and forth like crazy. At a fat ~20% bodyfat I am not sure to eat at a deficite and go Keto style or bulk up a little. Reason to bulk would be to lower BF % by simply adding muscle to the mix which in turn takes more calories to maintain which in turn would burn fat quicker or just shred down to a skinny dude and then plan a bulk cycle. Don't know if I can get to see abs by the end of this or not but that's kind of my goal.
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I don't know if you need to go THAT long, but a good week should tell you how you do react to the short ester. You DO want to run test longer than tren, so your second statement is perfectly reasonable. I don't remember, did you have a dopamine agonist lined up? (Prami/Caber) Definitely needed when running that 19-nor.Also debating running the prop on it's own for a couple weeks (maybe 15-20 days) since it's my first prop experience then adding tren A for 60 days then finish with prop alone for the last 20-25 days.
Any thoughts?
One more thing to add, I have a power lifter friend who is willing to work with me on this cycle and really push me harder than I can do on my own. Just $20 an hour is all he's going to charge (he charges a lot more). He is competitive and is all natty but doesn't care I'm going to be on cycle. So If I run with him for the 5x5 I know I will get my ass kicked. So my workouts will be extremely tough I imagine. Would feel good to be pushed again.
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I don't know if you need to go THAT long, but a good week should tell you how you do react to the short ester. You DO want to run test longer than tren, so your second statement is perfectly reasonable. I don't remember, did you have a dopamine agonist lined up? (Prami/Caber) Definitely needed when running that 19-nor.
Not much of a friend if he's charging you imo. Or does he coach professionally?
I'm really digging the carb cycling, but it isn't quite as fast as when I did straight up keto. It is nice not to have to go through induction though. Ok, so it was more or less your suggestion - that's cool on compensating your friend. It would be even better if he just became your workout partner though. I've been given the green light to order more, so I am going to be continuing at 600mg/wk for another 4 weeks.
Pfft, it's only 80 today - BRING ON THE HEAT! Be happy AZ isn't like the Pacific Northwest where I used to live as 80 degrees felt like 110 due to the damn humidity! It sounds like you're definitely motivated and ready to do this and you're in for one hell of a ride man!At ~20% body fat and you probably aren't lol so I am thinking Keto will shred me down quickly and I should still see some gains if I keep calories up to maintenance. If I shred fast then I could up carbs later in the cycle to a normal carb cycle. That's where I'm leaning but not excited at all about no carbs (under 50 a day) but screw it I want this to go flawless.
Yeah my buddy would absolutely work out with me for free (as a workout partner) if I could do it when he works out but our schedules don't match so I appreciate what he's doing, I know I wouldn't do it for that kind of money. Also with a workout partner workouts take forever and I don't have that kind of time at all unfortunately. All he is doing is weight training with me, I run at night around my neighborhood. Being in AZ it's easy to run whenever at night. Soon it'll be over 100 degrees and dark out and I'll be sweating my ass off especially on tren. I just need to make sure he knows I'm not aiming to be a power lifter just getting in shape and getting a clean ripped shape more lean mass than strength gains I think.
Pfft, it's only 80 today - BRING ON THE HEAT! Be happy AZ isn't like the Pacific Northwest where I used to live as 80 degrees felt like 110 due to the damn humidity! It sounds like you're definitely motivated and ready to do this and you're in for one hell of a ride man!
Your diet plan sounds good to me, and tren should definitely help facilitate being able to remain anabolic even in a caloric deficit. 115 you say? I know what part of the state you live in now. I do agree though, I don't care if that thermometer says 100+ as long as the humidity stays nice and low. Monsoon and I do not get along.I hope so, I'm nervous man. Not sure why. I think it's more of a nervous excited, reading about tren for a looong time and finally sitting on some. I think I'll start the prop Monday morning then order up the rest of my damn tren (still don't know how that happened). It's funny too, when I had everything ordered and on it's way I thought to myself, not to bad but now it's going to be like a $1000 cycle so I want it to be worth every penny.
You running penn tren by chance? Heard it's one of the best...I think I bought the best I could all around this time so the test might even be a different feel for me let alone it being prop. Always had what I believed was cheaper stuff in the past.
I think I have decided I'll run CKD for diet, so Sunday morning midnight through Friday afternoon less than 50 carbs a day with lots of fat and protein and then switch on Friday to less than 50 fat a day and the rest in carbs and protein through Saturday. This should put me in ketosis for most of the week. If that shreds fast enough I'll change my diet to slow it back down and bulk. Only need to lose ~15-20lbs of fat right...that should be quick. lol Also thinking of doing 500 under normal maintenance as well which I know with my buddy I will be burning more than usual.
Dude I was born in AZ!! I can't handle humidity at all. Some days we get 10 minutes of rain here which is mother nature just fucking with us for the next day and a half. It's horrible. Otherwise, bring on the 115 degree long as it's dry I don't mind it to much (I say that not on tren).
OK, Started the prop a couple minutes ago. .5cc to the left quad. I'm going to pin daily to keep blood levels consistent. Also starting CKD today so no more carbs for a couple of weeks. Running to the pharmacy today to grab an oral syringe to measure out the stane and prami, going to take those before bed.
Leg is sore even with only .5cc in there but nothing completely horrible or dramatic at all so I hope it goes smooth from here.