Fat Kid Turned Lean - Need Some Advice Before Starting ANYTHING - Thanks

25 y/o

Back Story: 4 years ago I weighed in at 310lbs and had an epiphany and decided to stop being a guy who eats everything in site. Over the course of 2 years struggling with diet, cravings gym progression/regression I was able to lose a total of 100lbs. No supplements ever used outside of protein powder and an occasional waste of money buying the new "hip" fat burner (closest thing to working was original formula Hydroxycut damn near felt like crack). Diet has always been "pretty" solid. I use the term"pretty" because like any recovering fat kid I think we all have a craving or two that leaves us with the look regret as we regain consciousness and bear witness to the fact that we just consumed more calories in 1 sitting than a small town in ethiopia. Anyway...

Current: I have been stuck around this bubble of 200-215lbs. For the past year I have had friends around me use Tren/Test and other Anabolic Steroids and have seen them have great results, but their issues are usually being TOO SMALL and trying to gain mass where I am trying to just put on Lean Muscle and cut BF%. Over the past year I have been reviewing and trying to "Study" up on the basics and history of taking a cycle and whether going for a "bicycle" ride would even be helpful. I guess the only reason I have considered doing it is because I feel like I have been "stuck" in this spot and my mid section hasnt seen much change in a pretty long time. Workouts and dieting have been switched up. About the only thing I have not tried is Crossfit but that type of workout isnt something i enjoy, I am a typical "GYM" rat.

Weight Training - 4-5 days a week. And no I am not one of those guys who skips leg days.
Cardio - 30-60mins a day, but this is where i get burnt out. Cardio typically is the only area that suffers when i start getting "burnt" out on the gym. Weight training stays pretty consistent.

Goal: Being a fat kid, i guess my ultimate goal would be to obtain a 6pack. My midsection is the only area i really have any sort of confidence issue, chest, arms, back, maybe a little more muscle building with legs as well, but all those areas seem to be building fine and visually appealing, atleast to me.

I guess my question just relies in your opinions, I was thinking about trying to begin a Test P/Winny Cycle. I wont even go into detail about what I would be dosing how often post cycle therapy (pct) or anything like that because i guess i would like to get some feedback first.

I am not trying to avoid any hard work or cut any corners. I ahve lost the weight the hard way and been doing it myself for the past few years anyway so if all suggestions think it is just going to take some more time than i guess that is the reality i have to deal with but some solid feedback would be appreciated.

I appreciate all your time and help.
I wouldnt use Winstrol (winny) unless your going to use npp or deca bc Winstrol (winny) is really hard on the joint. and Npp and deca lubes your joints so Winstrol (winny) wont mess them up to bad. Congrats on the weight loss bro. You put in the hard work for it. But if i was you i would go with test prop with var. or you could go with test e or c with Anavar (var) if you want a longer ester. Make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and nolva and clomid for your pct.
Btw you dont want to ever use tren your first cycle. It has some harsh sides that you wont know how to control. Leave tren alone till your 5th or 6th cycle.
Test C or E for your first cycle man. Keep is simple and easy, no need to start off with multiple compounds until you know how your body reacts to just good ol' testosterone. Congratulations on the weight loss! Just remember though, it comes back so much easier than it was to take it off!

My .02c :)
I wouldnt use Winstrol (winny) unless your going to use npp or deca bc Winstrol (winny) is really hard on the joint. and Npp and deca lubes your joints so Winstrol (winny) wont mess them up to bad. Congrats on the weight loss bro. You put in the hard work for it. But if i was you i would go with test prop with var. or you could go with test e or c with Anavar (var) if you want a longer ester. Make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and nolva and clomid for your pct.

Awesome, and thanks. I appreciate the feedback. Just a follow up, being that it is my first cycle, would I have to worry about also getting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in there as well, I only plan on running it max 8 weeks if/when i do decide to do it, and do you think it would help with the goals i am shooting for?
Test C or E for your first cycle man. Keep is simple and easy, no need to start off with multiple compounds until you know how your body reacts to just good ol' testosterone. Congratulations on the weight loss! Just remember though, it comes back so much easier than it was to take it off!

My .02c :)

Aint that the fricken truth. I even look at a slice of pizza or bag of Peanut M&Ms the wrong way i put on 12lbs *sigh*. Wish i could have won the genetic olympics. Thanks for the input
Awesome, and thanks. I appreciate the feedback. Just a follow up, being that it is my first cycle, would I have to worry about also getting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in there as well, I only plan on running it max 8 weeks if/when i do decide to do it, and do you think it would help with the goals i am shooting for?

You dont need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a test only cycle. And you you use test e or c you need to run this cycle for 12 weeks not 8.
You dont need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a test only cycle. And you you use test e or c you need to run this cycle for 12 weeks not 8.

Alright, thanks bro. Obviously i still need to do additonal research, thanks again for your time and advice I appreciate it.
You say your mid-section is still very lacking in appearance...do you know your bf % I would get that checked before going on a cycle if your above 15-17% your going to be wasting your money on a cycle..I would rec making sure your diet is really on...3j has a free help topic in the diet section..I am currently using him and I can assure you he knows his stuff. I thought I ate clean but the reality is I wasnt eating the right macros or calories and I wasnt losing weight and I am 205lb now 230 on dec 20 mid section is the last to go and a non-puchased 6-pack is all diet bud not anything else...just my .02
Alright, thanks bro. Obviously i still need to do additonal research, thanks again for your time and advice I appreciate it.

Im so glad your type of a guy that wants to do research instead of jumping into something like this. That is what a lot of new guys are doing around here. They will only way 140lbs and want to start a cycle withh out and research and want to do oral only cycles and crap. Those are teh people that are really going to mess their selves up.
You say your mid-section is still very lacking in appearance...do you know your bf % I would get that checked before going on a cycle if your above 15-17% your going to be wasting your money on a cycle..I would rec making sure your diet is really on...3j has a free help topic in the diet section..I am currently using him and I can assure you he knows his stuff. I thought I ate clean but the reality is I wasnt eating the right macros or calories and I wasnt losing weight and I am 205lb now 230 on dec 20 mid section is the last to go and a non-puchased 6-pack is all diet bud not anything else...just my .02

Its not really bad, formation of my upper abdomin area has been developing visual appearance fo the top 4 abs specifically its that "c-ring" of the lower abs that is frustrating. I guess a combination of maybe even "loose skin" from the weight loss too. I have had a BF% calculated but it wasnt done via the most effective "water dunking" but calculations via the internet vary 13-18% depending on what calculators i use very the 100 different versions on the internet. I definitely could clean up my diet a lot more i know that, specifically counting calories a lot more effectively, weighing my protein amounts, and such but i do count my carb intake as well as eat a healthy amount of "leafy green" vegetables and try to curb my "sugar" cravings with green apples. I just also have the realization that in my job field sometimes a scheduled eating regime is tough to abide by but i do as best i can. I do appreciate the advice and i will definitely look into the post, if you could supply a link i would appreciate it as well. Thanks bro.
Im so glad your type of a guy that wants to do research instead of jumping into something like this. That is what a lot of new guys are doing around here. They will only way 140lbs and want to start a cycle withh out and research and want to do oral only cycles and crap. Those are teh people that are really going to mess their selves up.

Man, if there is 1 thing in life that scares me it is doing something wrong that affects my physique. I have worked way to hard and way to long to obtain the goals i have reached thus far, jumping into something that could hugely destroy the results i already have gained is not something i am prepared to do without proper help/research. Again, I appreciate the help.
Man, if there is 1 thing in life that scares me it is doing something wrong that affects my physique. I have worked way to hard and way to long to obtain the goals i have reached thus far, jumping into something that could hugely destroy the results i already have gained is not something i am prepared to do without proper help/research. Again, I appreciate the help.

You are a smart man my friend. And you are welcome
Its not really bad, formation of my upper abdomin area has been developing visual appearance fo the top 4 abs specifically its that "c-ring" of the lower abs that is frustrating. I guess a combination of maybe even "loose skin" from the weight loss too. I have had a BF% calculated but it wasnt done via the most effective "water dunking" but calculations via the internet vary 13-18% depending on what calculators i use very the 100 different versions on the internet. I definitely could clean up my diet a lot more i know that, specifically counting calories a lot more effectively, weighing my protein amounts, and such but i do count my carb intake as well as eat a healthy amount of "leafy green" vegetables and try to curb my "sugar" cravings with green apples. I just also have the realization that in my job field sometimes a scheduled eating regime is tough to abide by but i do as best i can. I do appreciate the advice and i will definitely look into the post, if you could supply a link i would appreciate it as well. Thanks bro.

here ya go bro!! Good luck refreshing to see you so open
Just wanted to give this one mor bump. Anyone else ahve an opinion? if not i will assume the previous comments pretty much are the consensus. Thanks again all.
Do combo of a simple Test E/C cycle and diet program with 3J. It will get you killer results. Keep us all posted man. Always nice to see progress.
Do combo of a simple Test E/C cycle and diet program with 3J. It will get you killer results. Keep us all posted man. Always nice to see progress.

for sure i will document after pictures. I have plenty of before thats for sure. I will update once i get things researched and going.
Test prop 150mg eod 8 weeks
Clenbuterol 2weeks on 2 off 8 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg ed 9 weeks
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Test prop 150mg eod 8 weeks
Clenbuterol 2weeks on 2 off 8 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg ed 9 weeks
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

So the Clen is obviously for weight loss Exem for Estrogen Block. post cycle therapy (pct) is obviously standard.

Since this would be my first cycle, is it all necessary? I obviously want it to be effective but also make sure the results I will see will be significant. Its fair to say the Test P/Winny cycle is obviously a no. Test P seems like it hasnt been completely disregarded, but suggestion is to use E/C I am guessing to reduce amount of sticking and make it easier on the body in general? Although, I like the fact the P says it has less water retention, my pain tolerance is fairly high if that is the only major side people are trying to help me avoid?

As far as post cycle therapy (pct) I have been looking at taking Arimadex/Var as well, some suggest even taking Arimadex the entire cycle as well as post cycle therapy (pct).