Feel like im not gaining the size I should be


New member
Hey guys whats going on. I'm 25 years old 5'9 190lbs single digits bf wise. I'm currently lean bulking and coming to the end of my cycle, and will be cruising on 250mg test e every 6th day for 6-8 weeks before blasting again. Sometimes I feel like i eat way to clean to gain the size i want or should be. But on the other hand I wanna stay somewhat vascular and keep bf down. Also, should I eat more while cruising to help maintain? I train heavy with a decent amount of volume. This is my diet. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance

Meal 1. Six egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, and a banana.
Meal 2. Eight ounces lean steak, half cup of almonds or half avocado.
Meal 3. 2 cups brown rice, eight once chicken breast.
Meal 4. 2 hours before workout. 1 cup oatmeal with a scoop of whey
Post Workout 50gram whey shake with six ounces grape juice
Meal 5. one hour after workout. 2 cups brown rice, eight once protein source.
Meal 6. before bed. Eight ounces of chicken with fiberotic carb. Usually spinach.
Also have 2 CHEAT meals weekly
its virtually impossible to gain lbm and stay lean. You need to eat and eat alot. It doesnt need to bve bad food choices but if you want to gain lbm then you need to eat well over maintenance. You can cut after you added the mass.
its virtually impossible to gain lbm and stay lean. You need to eat and eat alot. It doesnt need to bve bad food choices but if you want to gain lbm then you need to eat well over maintenance. You can cut after you added the mass.

I diasagree,im on a cutting cycle of 3js and I am a lot stronger than I was at the starting so that means I must have added some muscle and iv defiantely lost some fat
its virtually impossible to gain lbm and stay lean. You need to eat and eat alot. It doesnt need to bve bad food choices but if you want to gain lbm then you need to eat well over maintenance. You can cut after you added the mass.

a full body comp is difficult unless you have someone experienced helping you out..

also the closer you are to your genetic limit the harder it gets...

so it isn't impossibe.. its just tricky :)
I diasagree,im on a cutting cycle of 3js and I am a lot stronger than I was at the starting so that means I must have added some muscle and iv defiantely lost some fat

I said virtually, 99% of people would be better off bulking/cutting. It can be done but your gains will be far easier/faster than if you try to do it doing a "clean bulk"

a full body comp is difficult unless you have someone experienced helping you out..

also the closer you are to your genetic limit the harder it gets...

so it isn't impossibe.. its just tricky :)

That's what I was trying to say. Tricky and more time consuming imo. I think the eating is much harder this way too.
For me I think it's better to just bulk up in the winter and cut it off in the spring/summer. My body reacts better When I switch into a new phase. Besides how lean do you really need to be in the winter? Not like girls don't still go nuts over your body when it's at 12%. Especially because your look more "full" with a shirt on. Just me .02
Just something I made up.. I do alot of researching when it comes to this stuff. I honestly get anxiety over this shit sometimes. Its fucked up

Dont let this shit get to you,your looking sick man,your very very lean. I mean I cant give any diet advice as I got my diet from 3J,thats why there are guys like him around,think about it,everyone on this board is talking about 3js diets,there are many testomonials and picture proofs,why?Obviously he knows what hes doing,you could email him or if you stick it up in the 3j free diet sticky youl get some feedback,it rely is cruel the world of nutrition,its so hard to figure out
Dont let this shit get to you,your looking sick man,your very very lean. I mean I cant give any diet advice as I got my diet from 3J,thats why there are guys like him around,think about it,everyone on this board is talking about 3js diets,there are many testomonials and picture proofs,why?Obviously he knows what hes doing,you could email him or if you stick it up in the 3j free diet sticky youl get some feedback,it rely is cruel the world of nutrition,its so hard to figure out
agreed.. the best way to deal with a diet when your an armature at it is to get some help..

now whether thats just asking around for vet help, checking out my free diet advice thread, or hiring a nutritionist thats up to you
if thats you in your pic you havn't done so bad.. seems like you've hit a wall right?
if thats you in your pic you havn't done so bad.. seems like you've hit a wall right?

Yea 3J that's me in my avatar and thank you. Def have hit a wall though in the past year... Even increasing calories doesn't seem to help. Iv only ran a few pretty basic bulk cycles over the past couple years. Been thinking about introducing new compounds and staying on year round cruising/blasting. Every time I get off cycle even with a great pct i seem to lose almost everything. Get back on gain it back. Its an endless cycle. Fucking sucks, idk man... Fuck :scratchhe
hate to break it to ya bro but your diet is more then likely the suspect... i can see a few things that i can be changed right now that would make a difference...

have you ever thought about hiring a nutritionist?? did you know there are specific foods you need to eat in post cycle therapy (pct) or how to manipulate your diet after post cycle therapy (pct) to keep your gains??

none of it is a simple process
A nutritionist/trainer at my old gym has helped me a little. He mainly works with bodybuilders as well as does some shows himself. I'm def not opposed to hiring someone to help me achieve my goals.
look into it.. i am also a nutritionist and trainer.. but i work online

if your interested email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

but by all means if the trainer at the gym has given you results before dont shy away from him..

like i said you can also always check out my free diet advice thread
I wish I was rich so I cOuld hire 3J

who said you had to be rich bro?? its like 100 bucks to hire me and i do payment plans too...

i gotta say it try to be as inexpensive as possible so people can take advantage of my services

also i have a free diet advice thread you can check out if your funds are really tight
3j has literally set himself up so there are no excuses not to use him if you need him. talk to him and he will work with you.