Feeling Ill after Testosterone shot !


New member
How do i stop this it's the most annoying thing ever and worse than any physical pain imaginable ?!
I have a test injection and then 2 days later I feel like i've not slept in 2 weeks and have the worst drowsiness, flu-like symptoms ever. I'll sleep stupid amounts and then still feel extremely tired. No energy to train and i just feel completely ill.

It seems to be worst with quad and pec injects, delts aren't that bad. But obviouslsy using test prop i have to switch the muscle around.

I've just started taking a shit load of vitamin c and multi vitamins, guessing it could be immune system being lowered and then catching a flu or cold ? But why does it happen every single time !
Also tried antihistamine but makes no difference.
prop seems to do that to alot of guys.... it did it to me. like stated, u can switch to E or C. the way i dealt with it was popping 800-1600mg of ibuprofen a day (in spread doses) that got me thru my cycle.
Change your product, really good claen and EO based Test E will not do that
What? More guys have had serious issues with EO than you can count. Many have experienced intense pain, test flu and severe allergic reactions with a few requiring hospitalization.
What? More guys have had serious issues with EO than you can count. Many have experienced intense pain, test flu and severe allergic reactions with a few requiring hospitalization.
Ethyl Oleate reduces pain big time and products are much easily absorbed. Because when products contain organic oil ( grapeseed or anyother) the oil is digested by body fastly and product crashes inside muscle due to high concentration. In my point of view i will never inject a product who doesnt contain EO because i am sick of pain and almost all UG labs use shitty oils which are not meant to be injected. Oil for injection is not something that people can go and simply buy from somewhere
lol, get use to the pain with prop my friend
the teritories of using prop, just deal with it or switch esters bro
Ethyl Oleate reduces pain big time and products are much easily absorbed. Because when products contain organic oil ( grapeseed or anyother) the oil is digested by body fastly and product crashes inside muscle due to high concentration. In my point of view i will never inject a product who doesnt contain EO because i am sick of pain and almost all UG labs use shitty oils which are not meant to be injected. Oil for injection is not something that people can go and simply buy from somewhere
This is only true if you are not sensitive or allergic to EO. The truth is that more people are allergic to EO than you realize and it does cause intense pain, test flu and severe reactions in those individuals.
This is only true if you are not sensitive or allergic to EO. The truth is that more people are allergic to EO than you realize and it does cause intense pain, test flu and severe reactions in those individuals.

I hear people talk about being sensitive to eo all the time. I agree with Dr Phoenix, i love EO. I can name several very popular labs that use EO in all of their products. I think there are a lot more people using EO than they realize. I also think that EO gets blamed for problems when its not the problem.
Im not saying there arent people sensitive to it, i just dont think its as many people as everyone thinks. Just my opinion.
How do i stop this it's the most annoying thing ever and worse than any physical pain imaginable ?!
I have a test injection and then 2 days later I feel like i've not slept in 2 weeks and have the worst drowsiness, flu-like symptoms ever. I'll sleep stupid amounts and then still feel extremely tired. No energy to train and i just feel completely ill.

It seems to be worst with quad and pec injects, delts aren't that bad. But obviouslsy using test prop i have to switch the muscle around.

I've just started taking a shit load of vitamin c and multi vitamins, guessing it could be immune system being lowered and then catching a flu or cold ? But why does it happen every single time !
Also tried antihistamine but makes no difference.

Swith to cypionate or enthanate, switch to glute injections, and if you are still having problems, switch labs. What lab are you using? Please dont mention the source, just the lab.
Ethyl Oleate reduces pain big time and products are much easily absorbed. Because when products contain organic oil ( grapeseed or anyother) the oil is digested by body fastly and product crashes inside muscle due to high concentration. In my point of view i will never inject a product who doesnt contain EO because i am sick of pain and almost all UG labs use shitty oils which are not meant to be injected. Oil for injection is not something that people can go and simply buy from somewhere

I agree with you about EO. But you can easily buy filtered oil based carriers from medical suppliers. This includes grape seed oil, sesame oil, cottonseed oil, and many others. But for those that go to the grocery store to buy their oil, then i guess i see your point. But even these can be filtered and sterilized.
The lab i use, uses EO and they said a lot of people are very happy and i agree with that. I think it depends where they buy EO from??
In my opinion not all EO is same grade, same quality. If you buy EO online it can be any shit.
But if they have chance to buy it from real Chemical company than it should be ok.
Also i think allergy chance is higher with organic oils, because labs use almond oil, hazel nut oil and shit like that
There are a lot people out there who are allergic to these type of foods
I agree with you about EO. But you can easily buy filtered oil based carriers from medical suppliers. This includes grape seed oil, sesame oil, cottonseed oil, and many others. But for those that go to the grocery store to buy their oil, then i guess i see your point. But even these can be filtered and sterilized.
Years ago i have asked to the Chemical supply store which my friends owns about this subject.
He said that oil you say is good for cosmetics and other purposes. But they are not for injecting. Yes you can sterilize that of course but that doesnt mean you can use it for creating an injectable solution.
He talked about this subject too much and he said big Pharma companies buy these oil and apply further process before adding it to the products. I dont know what they do exactly but oils change color and viscosity. remember primo amps from bayer, their oil is so white like water and i used to inject too many real organon susta, they write on box that they use olive oil but product was same color with primo, not yellow or smell anything
Still cant figure it out, would lowered immune system + catching virus/flu each time make sense ?. Going to stop using insulin syringes as they only got 0.5" deep and get some 25g 1" then do glute injects only to see if it helps.
You are not getting a virus, its just a reaction to test prop. Your immune system is not related.
If you insist on Prop just get use to pain and test flu. By time you will feel them less.
And you need to tell what brand you use , hijacked also asked it
You are not getting a virus, its just a reaction to test prop. Your immune system is not related.
If you insist on Prop just get use to pain and test flu. By time you will feel them less.
And you need to tell what brand you use , hijacked also asked it

I've tried Enanthate, Cypionate, and decanoate ( injectable ) and all had the same degree of it. Which is why by now i'd expect my body to be used to the test if thats what the issue is.
ISIS Pharma I use now, and seems to be the best by far in terms of quality and results ( close to pharma grade ) Not tried the Pharma Enanthate or Cypionate though.

Had some flu medicine which helped with the excessive tiredness + ibuprofen + multi vits.

You know somethings wrong when you sleep for 12 hours, wake up and then go back to sleep for another 6 hours and STILL feel tired.
So Fucking annoying but determined to get through this test prop and hopefully overcome this flu feeling which i'm sure is to do with a lowered immune system.
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You may think what you want, but its your gear related.
If you will have some better quality gear Ug or Human doesnt matter
you will not have this problems
You are not getting a virus, its just a reaction to test prop. Your immune system is not related.
If you insist on Prop just get use to pain and test flu. By time you will feel them less.
And you need to tell what brand you use , hijacked also asked it
How can you possibly say that? Your immune system is related to all reactions having to do with a foreign substance injected into your body. It probably is not a virus as you stated, but it is immune system related.

Your immune system is the cause of redness, swelling, itching, rashes, fevers, etc, etc, etc... These are all indications that your immune system is fighting something that does not belong in your system. Your immune system reacts to these substances the same way it does viruses, bacteria and fungi.
You know somethings wrong when you sleep for 12 hours, wake up and then go back to sleep for another 6 hours and STILL feel tired.

Are you taking any AI's? Only time I've felt that is after taking too much Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and crashing..