Feeling Ill after Testosterone shot !

How can you possibly say that? Your immune system is related to all reactions having to do with a foreign substance injected into your body. It probably is not a virus as you stated, but it is immune system related.

Your immune system is the cause of redness, swelling, itching, rashes, fevers, etc, etc, etc... These are all indications that your immune system is fighting something that does not belong in your system. Your immune system reacts to these substances the same way it does viruses, bacteria and fungi.
He is having these reactions every single time !!!!. After every shot
His immune system is normal, there is something wrong with the THING he injected.
No Matter how much he will boost his immune system, that reactions will not go away.
In fact if his immune system is weak than he should be feeling ill after quiting the gear
Lets see what will happen after he will stop injecting.
He will be perfectly normal !
Because according what you say he should be all the time ill all the time
Since there are viruses , bacterias , fungis everywhere.
Last Word, He is Normal and nothing is wrong with his immune system
If he will use good gear, he will not have this symptoms.
My guess is his gear is made from low quality raw material , which carries a lot of heavy metals and stuff which should not be inside
Read this article and you will see what i am talking about. If you gear is Dirty , i mean contaminated with poisonous chemical raw material
than there NOTHING that your immune system can do to help you.
Understood ? Your immune system cannot fight with chemical poisons
So Stop injecting that shit to yourself and get well. HEALTH COMES FIRST!
You say your results are really good but i couldnt get what type of results you are getting when you sleep 15-20 hours per day!
Unless you are not eating and lifting in your sleep of course.
Sorry to be harsh on you but thats the words which you need to hear.
Gear suppose to make you feel like you smash walls, not fucked in the ass
Bro it sounds to me like your gear is shit..crappy quality..have you used this supplier before? is this your first cycle...pro fucks up alot of people....but if your gettin the same reaction from cyp and enthanate then your gear is bunk crap...bite the bullet and toss the shit in the trash..even if you have used this source before..he obviously got a batch of shit and your health is more important than the few dollars you put out.. Health and Family FIRST my friend..Everything else is a distant second...
Such an interesting thread as I suffered exactly the same as the OP as in symptoms, that much that I am not prepared to do my second shot. My brand being..... ISIS Test 350 contains...... Eltyl Oleate, Test Acetate 20mgs, Test Prop 25mgs, Phenyl Prop 35mgs, Test Deconate 135mgs, Test Cypionate 135mgs....This is all per 1ml......I am wondering as reading OP feelings and illness if mine is due to the Prop'?
He is having these reactions every single time !!!!. After every shot
His immune system is normal, there is something wrong with the THING he injected.
No Matter how much he will boost his immune system, that reactions will not go away.
In fact if his immune system is weak than he should be feeling ill after quiting the gear
Lets see what will happen after he will stop injecting.
He will be perfectly normal !
Because according what you say he should be all the time ill all the time
Since there are viruses , bacterias , fungis everywhere.
Last Word, He is Normal and nothing is wrong with his immune system
If he will use good gear, he will not have this symptoms.
I think we have a language barrier bro. I did not say it was his immune system. I said his immune system is what causes the reaction to the foreign substance his body does not like. You said his immune system is unrelated, which is incorrect.
I think we have a language barrier bro. I did not say it was his immune system. I said his immune system is what causes the reaction to the foreign substance his body does not like. You said his immune system is unrelated, which is incorrect.
I was trying to say , there is nothing wrong with his immune system.
When i say immune system is not related i meant NOT RELATED TO SUBJECT OR TO PROBLEM.
Because the guy things that something wrong with his body, he is fine , just the gear is fucked up
The reactions are not important, its important what causes them. Thats the way of solving the problem
Interesting you say about brand Dr Phoenix.......I wonder if Isis may have produced a bad batch? I know they are made in Italy.
I really dont know anything about Is***305;s, but if 2 people who use Test products are saying that both have bad reaction, i would look at the gear first.
On the other hand, The friend who started thread says he used Test prop, Test E, Test C all from same brand and still feel the bad symptoms
So its not Test prop being bad ass, Second guy uses some mixture test , and whola again.
What would you think ? Logic says the problem is with Gear. I know Test Flu, yes it sucks but Test Flu doesnt make you sleep 15 hours per day
It makes you tremble, slight fever , feeling cold but sweating but it passes pretty fastly. In my case it was starting after 15-16 hours injecting Test prop
makes me shitty for 3-4 hours and disappear. Thats all, nothing like the guy describes here
Ethyl Oleate reduces pain big time and products are much easily absorbed. Because when products contain organic oil ( grapeseed or anyother) the oil is digested by body fastly and product crashes inside muscle due to high concentration. In my point of view i will never inject a product who doesnt contain EO because i am sick of pain and almost all UG labs use shitty oils which are not meant to be injected. Oil for injection is not something that people can go and simply buy from somewhere
You're right on everything besides the fact of picking up injectable oil anywhere. You can literally pick up injectable oil ANYWHERE. May not be USP grade but if filtered it's just as good.
I really dont know anything about Is***305;s, but if 2 people who use Test products are saying that both have bad reaction, i would look at the gear first.
On the other hand, The friend who started thread says he used Test prop, Test E, Test C all from same brand and still feel the bad symptoms
So its not Test prop being bad ass, Second guy uses some mixture test , and whola again.
What would you think ? Logic says the problem is with Gear. I know Test Flu, yes it sucks but Test Flu doesnt make you sleep 15 hours per day
It makes you tremble, slight fever , feeling cold but sweating but it passes pretty fastly. In my case it was starting after 15-16 hours injecting Test prop
makes me shitty for 3-4 hours and disappear. Thats all, nothing like the guy describes here

Thank you Dr P. Well I am looking at getting some Genesis Test E so hope that will be better. I have some Sukhumvit Testo-Prop 100 to hand which is suspended in EO oil so at least that is one good thing! I am wondering now.......It must be the Isis gear?

My Test flu from the Isis started a few hours after and made me very tired and irritable plus loss of libido, maybe due to feeling tired? Arimidex helped greatly though with libido.
You're right on everything besides the fact of picking up injectable oil anywhere. You can literally pick up injectable oil ANYWHERE. May not be USP grade but if filtered it's just as good.
Bro its not the same thing , if you filter a oil this does not mean that you can inject that inside your body.
Believe me all UG labs do the same thing but its not the same, thats why realy UG s started to use Ethyl Oleate.
If it would be just enough to filter it, why would they spend money on EO, anyway, its really silly subject to argue.
As soon as you dont feel uncomfortable and no injection you can use any oil you want
diabetic needles?

no offence bro but how the fuck were you injecting an oil base through a diabetic needle? I'm just curious.
Well i'll try sukhimvit medical group once i've finished this. Can't see it being the brand or oil though as i've used 3 labs all with the same issue, ... If it was due to bad oil there would be swelling/abcess/irritation surely ?

Flu medicine helps, so how could it be an oil issue.. it must be immune system related?? and lots of people complain of ' test flu ' so it must be to do with the effect of testosterone itself on some peoples bodies and the fact it wipes out your immune system increasing susceptibility to catching bugs, colds and flu unless precautions are made.

no offence bro but how the fuck were you injecting an oil base through a diabetic needle? I'm just curious.

Suprisingly I've done test cyp, test enan, and test+deca combo... all of which took a while to draw but not that long to inject.. Test Prop draws and injects like water in a matter of seconds ( heat the vial beforehand )
However ive got some 27g 1"s coming soon as the slin pins ( 29g 0.5" )definitely don't go deep enough into the muscle, and it feels as if the oil moves around rather than stays deep in the muscle and this causes some inflammation
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On the other hand, The friend who started thread says he used Test prop, Test E, Test C all from same brand and still feel the bad symptoms
Test E, Test C and Test Prop were all different brands.
Annoying as there is so much talk about the causes of 'test flu' on the internet but no professional medical evidence as to what exactly is happening.
" Immune response due to foreign/exogenous substance entering the body " is the consensus found on most forums, if this is the case would the body eventually stop seeing it as a foreign substance and gradually adapt to it if i keep on with the EOD prop injects ?
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Test E, Test C and Test Prop were all different brands.
Annoying as there is so much talk about the causes of 'test flu' on the internet but no professional medical evidence as to what exactly is happening.
I know there seems to be some disagreement here, but once again, test flu is also caused by your immune system fighting what it perceives to be, an attack by a foreign substance.

A fever due to a cold for example, is not caused by the cold. It is caused by the immune system response in sending white blood cells to attack the foreign substance, virus, bacteria, etc. In most cases your body will adapt to the gear and the response stops.

However, if you are allergic to a specific compound you will continue to have these issues. Also, as Dr P. pointed out, if it is shit gear and contains product that you body cannot adapt to, your symptoms continue until you remove the source.

If you can find the common denominator between your 3 different brands, you will have your answer. I'm willing to bet they all contain EO or the same type of oil. The symptoms you describe and the fact there are 3 different labs only leaves a couple possibilities.

Are you allergic to bee stings or ethanol or have an alcohol intolerance?
Are you allergic to bee stings or ethanol or have an alcohol intolerance?

interesting you say that, i THINK i am allergic to bee stings. I once got stung by something and my hand swollen up like fuck... my dad has strong histamine reactions so could be something there.
I've bought some anti-histamines so will start taking them and see if they help any.

The tiredness has completely gone, last jab was 2 days ago and i think if i keep on with this prop my body will get used to it.
Also when injecting I keep going until the last little air bubbles go in, might stop before it gets to the bubble as realistically im just injecting air which could have germs/contaminants in.
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I've already tried both of those and still had the same thing.
Although it wasn't as bad due to the less freq injections.

do you get light kidney and liver ach after a day of the shot? had this felt like shit but after 3-4 weeks it went away. felt like death/zero testosteron.

is your testosterone legit and is it working? like libido/agression oily skin etc...
do you get light kidney and liver ach after a day of the shot? had this felt like shit but after 3-4 weeks it went away. felt like death/zero testosteron.

is your testosterone legit and is it working? like libido/agression oily skin etc...

I get slightly darkened ( deeper/healthier ) skin complexion, better hair growth/thickness, muscle fulness and im now getting slightly oily skin. And when the flu feeling stops, good sense of wellbeing and contentment with energetic workouts and big appetite. Its just the initial 'drop' after the jab which lets it down.

Don't get any kidney ache or liver aches, don't drink alcohol, don't take many oral supplements except ibuprofen and drink fair amount of water.
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I get slightly darkened ( deeper/healthier ) skin complexion, better hair growth/thickness, muscle fulness and im now getting slightly oily skin. And when the flu feeling stops, good sense of wellbeing and contentment with energetic workouts and big appetite. Its just the initial 'drop' after the jab which lets it down.

Don't get any kidney ache or liver aches, don't drink alcohol, don't take many oral supplements except ibuprofen and drink fair amount of water.

Exactly the same as me......As in word for word!