feeling nothing so far from test cycle 13 days in???


New member
I had previously low T 360-380ng/dl reason I started cycle since I dont have to loose anything anyway ... Im 30 11%BF 96KG at 1.93m trained past 3 years regularly, started with 500mg test E week. Split twice week. Since I had low T I expected something now already what do you think but so far nothing mentally sleep still bad in gym i had little bit better workouts as 2 weeks ago when was very bad but still not anything better as I had previously I mean I did not beat yet any records...
About estradiol I dont know seems some days ago I crashed it little bit I took 10MG aromasin week before then 2 days later 5MG felt like hell very tired took nothing last Sunday was pretty good now Monday took again 5mg today yesterday afternoon not feeling good I have no idea what dose should I choose now if any... my theory is why to use aromsin at beginning when test levels not yet peaked above normal levels? Thought its difference if you use 10mg 1st day or 30 day when test levels are through the roof shouldn't it be used later weeks not immediately in cycle?
Also have injection site pain its not inflammation because after 3 days it's gone I aspirate now I read don't need to do it but anyway strange first pin was quad outer region not middle big pain 2 days then glute again pain after 7 days rest pinned same quad still pain but little bit less??? I use 300mg/ml test is it too much concentrated??? maybe someone have graph how test increase day by day when starting cycle what do you think how much I'm now 13 days in 500mg week have done 4 pins tomorrow 5th
You are all over the place with this post. Give it time, keep pushing yourself in the gim, you will see results after 4-6 weeks. 2 weeks is not enough time to see results from test. Also take stane ED, dont wait for simptoms..
Good luck with your cycle.
You answered your own question in your post. What are you expecting to "feel" 13 days in running test e? Takes 4-6 weeks bud. Why are you even cycling to begin with? Why not go to the doc and see about trt? Your at best going to be the same test level you were before the cycle. You'll lose whatever gains you get after because your body isn't even producing enuff test for where your at before you cycled. Playing around with ai's isn't a good idea either. Your all over the place hence why you feel like shit.

I would abort cycle and go see a doc in 4 weeks. Your really only hurting yourself...
You answered your own question in your post. What are you expecting to "feel" 13 days in running test e? Takes 4-6 weeks bud. Why are you even cycling to begin with? Why not go to the doc and see about trt? Your at best going to be the same test level you were before the cycle. You'll lose whatever gains you get after because your body isn't even producing enuff test for where your at before you cycled. Playing around with ai's isn't a good idea either. Your all over the place hence why you feel like shit.

I would abort cycle and go see a doc in 4 weeks. Your really only hurting yourself...

Testosterone makes me feel like a pretty pretty princess. I think yours is bunk if you don't feel the same! :wiggle:

Yeah... Not much to add after tbone. It IS normal to feel like a pretty pretty princess... Riiiight....?
LOL .... when I feel like a princess I get blood work immediately....cause I know my estrogen/prolactin or something is outa wack....
Testosterone makes me feel like a pretty pretty princess. I think yours is bunk if you don't feel the same! :wiggle:

Yeah... Not much to add after tbone. It IS normal to feel like a pretty pretty princess... Riiiight....?

Fuck I'm married and pull that monkey 3+ X a day. I think I'm blind
Testosterone makes me feel like a pretty pretty princess. I think yours is bunk if you don't feel the same! :wiggle:

Yeah... Not much to add after tbone. It IS normal to feel like a pretty pretty princess... Riiiight....?
pretty princess? hmm I never had that feeling when on T. You may be on to something here.
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yea, when I start feeling like a princess is when I have to stop watching disney shows with my kids. lol

Ohhhh shiiiiii... You may be on to something!

So it's NOT normal, but somehow my androgen receptors are being infiltrated by godawful kid's programming?! :laugh:

Is it Friday yet...? :(
You answered your own question in your post. What are you expecting to "feel" 13 days in running test e? Takes 4-6 weeks bud. Why are you even cycling to begin with? Why not go to the doc and see about trt? Your at best going to be the same test level you were before the cycle. You'll lose whatever gains you get after because your body isn't even producing enuff test for where your at before you cycled. Playing around with ai's isn't a good idea either. Your all over the place hence why you feel like shit.

I would abort cycle and go see a doc in 4 weeks. Your really only hurting yourself...

I have been to these stupid doctors as you know if you are "normal" range then they don't give a fuck most likely anyway I will just continue blast and cruise after 12 weeks just go to 200mg/week and that's it I'm tired for 2 years I have tried everything to get back normal T levels but obviously I have run out of options. I even tried clomid restart but it made feel like absolute hell... very very extremely tired after 2 weeks @25mg ED, initially it was good pretty quickly I beat BP record into 1 week libido was fantastic etc, but then it get so much worse so seems also PCT anyway would be hell for me... if dosages are lot more... I was on beta alanine + DAA some months ago within 1 week I also broke all previous records I had feeling like I could go on and on... then problem was that I lost libido on DAA... I believe it took my T levels to around 500-600 and felt effect at least in gym very noticeably from clomid I got to 700 lab result and also really felt that in gym, I believe now 14 days in T cycle I should have at least 700+ levels right? If so it should reflect in gym... let's see today.. today is BP day
yes I know 4-6 weeks everyone is talking but that is for guys with normals T levels I think...
I know also I need blood work I done before cycle E was 36pg/ml normal test. After 5 days I will do bloodwork because I will be in country where its a lot cheaper, anyway if I took 10mg aromasin/day at least now in begining I would be very very tired...
I have been to these stupid doctors as you know if you are "normal" range then they don't give a fuck most likely anyway I will just continue blast and cruise after 12 weeks just go to 200mg/week and that's it I'm tired for 2 years I have tried everything to get back normal T levels but obviously I have run out of options. I even tried clomid restart but it made feel like absolute hell... very very extremely tired after 2 weeks @25mg ED, initially it was good pretty quickly I beat BP record into 1 week libido was fantastic etc, but then it get so much worse so seems also PCT anyway would be hell for me... if dosages are lot more... I was on beta alanine + DAA some months ago within 1 week I also broke all previous records I had feeling like I could go on and on... then problem was that I lost libido on DAA... I believe it took my T levels to around 500-600 and felt effect at least in gym very noticeably from clomid I got to 700 lab result and also really felt that in gym, I believe now 14 days in T cycle I should have at least 700+ levels right? If so it should reflect in gym... let's see today.. today is BP day
yes I know 4-6 weeks everyone is talking but that is for guys with normals T levels I think...
I know also I need blood work I done before cycle E was 36pg/ml normal test. After 5 days I will do bloodwork because I will be in country where its a lot cheaper, anyway if I took 10mg aromasin/day at least now in begining I would be very very tired...

1. Please use breaks in your paragraphs.. well, actually make paragraphs and organize your thoughts a little better. It's annoying to read through it all when it's presented like that.

2. I'm a little biased in this department because of my situation and the way I handled it. (Goes against "most", not all, but most of what is preached here.) Take my next words of advice carefully is what I'm implying.


So, I don't think when I decided to do my first cycle (only cycle) that I was necessarily ready for the growth, the strength gains, the physical appearance changes.. Do I think it was irresponsible of me to have taken the dive in to AAS, at the time yes. But! Thanks to the people on this forum, the guys that are going to be harking you for what you're doing incorrectly (Megatron, Tbone, Halfwit, etc.).. I at the very least took all the necessary precautions before beginning. This lead me to having everything in order.. bloodworks, AI, post cycle meds, injection materials, methods, scheduling, etc. I was good to go.

Now, having all of these things in line before, during, and after cycle I got to see how the chemicals were affecting me, how my levels were before the cycle, and how they were affected after the cycle. I can say honestly that the difference in "feeling" from 2 weeks to 6 weeks is just phenomenal. You will, if your stuff is g2g, be amazed. Especially if you've been dealing with Low T for a while. It will be a eye opener. And so it was for me.

With my bloodworks, I got to see that I had low T before cycle, solid levels of T while on, and back to low T weeks after PCT. Sure enough, few weeks beyond that bloodwork and I'm back to feeling like my old dreary self. Unmotivated, weak, slow minded, and loss of sex drive. I was just like "fuck this".. I know how it feels to be on, at double would I could be running for TRT. If I just feel half as good as that.. what would be considered "normal".. that would be fine with me!

And here is my main point I suppose.. you will feel better throughout this cycle you're doing. The value of "better" for you compared to me.. I don't know. This may bring about that little question in your head upon cycle completion.. "do I commit to TRT for the rest of my life?". I said yes to the dress. I'm 8 1/2 weeks in and I feel good. Better than before cycle, better than between end of cycle and a few weeks back. I took the lifetime commitment, because I don't think it's okay to have to feel the way I did everyday. If it were me, and I had especially exhausted every avenue of recovery (which I didn't necessarily), I would without a doubt be Dr. searching, or handling TRT on my own.

Just make sure you have everything prepared, and try to keep a years stock of everything at a time. Buy as much of one batch as you can if doing it on your own. If it's underdosed, just dial it in to hit the numbers you are after. Donate blood, monitor blood pressure, cholesterol. Run 4-5 blood works a year at minimum. Do not leave anything unanswered.. keep up to date on everything medically if you decide to do this.

Sorry, I'm in a talking mood today. lol
@Hypnotix yes I have read a lot and bought everything as per stickies here for my cycle I don't have for one year because honestly as first order i did not wanted to risk with much money to test source 2nd if was caught with lot of gear I did not want any trouble ...
I have done pre cycle bloodwork everything seemed fine except (Globulin alpha 2 decreased - result 8.7% range 9.5-14.4
Globulin beta 2 increased 5.9% range 2.6-5.8) and I plan after few days again do bloodwork mainly for estradiol SHBG and test to see where I'm now.
I want to see SHBG levels because I read that test cycle get SHBG down a lot (by 20 points from 40-20) and that could be reason I don't feel very good... mine SHBG was 23 if it get down by 20 then I'm in big trouble???
so you also had low T prior to cycle? Then also did not felt anything much in first 2 weeks?
What should I do about aromasin? Suggested dose 10mg/day seems lot for me since after 1 such dose I felt pretty bad. Also 5MG seems too much???
Try PSL if I can suggest that. I literally felt my libido jumpbafter the first two sticks of test e 250. That shit is no joke!!!!
Man, this post is extremely hard to read and follow. The guys here can help you out but you really need to construct sentences and paragraphs so it's easier to read. If not, double space between your thoughts so it's not all crunched together.
Try PSL if I can suggest that. I literally felt my libido jumpbafter the first two sticks of test e 250. That shit is no joke!!!!

that's how it should be libido up and all other good stuff pretty soon OK for those who had normal levels and all was alright maybe takes longer but for me I had to feel definitely something now, my libido is not any better now after 15 days and 5 pins it is same as or even worse when I did not took gear...
last 2 training sessions yesterday and today are even worse as previous ones. I will know for sure next week when will ddo estradiol SHBG and T test.
I think SHBG is way down and in that no case no amount of gear will do any good.
Of course could be also source is bad and test is under dosed although there was review site about them and they have 80+good votes
i could order from PSL but since I'm in EU and they are USA I don't prefer it last thing what I want is that I go to collect package and customs officer ask to open package :D they do ask that for all packages from USA...
@Hypnotix yes I have read a lot and bought everything as per stickies here for my cycle I don't have for one year because honestly as first order i did not wanted to risk with much money to test source 2nd if was caught with lot of gear I did not want any trouble ...
I have done pre cycle bloodwork everything seemed fine except (Globulin alpha 2 decreased - result 8.7% range 9.5-14.4
Globulin beta 2 increased 5.9% range 2.6-5.8) and I plan after few days again do bloodwork mainly for estradiol SHBG and test to see where I'm now.
I want to see SHBG levels because I read that test cycle get SHBG down a lot (by 20 points from 40-20) and that could be reason I don't feel very good... mine SHBG was 23 if it get down by 20 then I'm in big trouble???
so you also had low T prior to cycle? Then also did not felt anything much in first 2 weeks?
What should I do about aromasin? Suggested dose 10mg/day seems lot for me since after 1 such dose I felt pretty bad. Also 5MG seems too much???
I very seriously doubt that AAS of any type or dose will drop your SHBG (okay maybe mibolerone) to 3. It's folks that are often estradiol dominant (estradiol increases SHBG) that see giant reductions in the protein. Aromasin at 10mg/ED is a great place to start.

I think you're listening too carefully to your body as 1 dose of an AI typically won't crash estradiol by design. It's a compounded effect that spans several half-lives of the drug. Relax, and enjoy. If you think you're feeling ill because of the cycle, that's where a blood test can confirm or reject your suspicions.
I very seriously doubt that AAS of any type or dose will drop your SHBG (okay maybe mibolerone) to 3. It's folks that are often estradiol dominant (estradiol increases SHBG) that see giant reductions in the protein. Aromasin at 10mg/ED is a great place to start.

I think you're listening too carefully to your body as 1 dose of an AI typically won't crash estradiol by design. It's a compounded effect that spans several half-lives of the drug. Relax, and enjoy. If you think you're feeling ill because of the cycle, that's where a blood test can confirm or reject your suspicions.

OK i see then for someone who has high shbg estradio AAS reduce shbg much more as for someone who has lower levels, let's see where I'm from 23SHBG next week... estradiol was 36pg/ml for me in June so I think it's pretty normal.
OK i see then for someone who has high shbg estradio AAS reduce shbg much more as for someone who has lower levels, let's see where I'm from 23SHBG next week... estradiol was 36pg/ml for me in June so I think it's pretty normal.

Yep, definitely what I would consider normal. :)