feeling nothing so far from test cycle 13 days in???

@Hypnotix yes I have read a lot and bought everything as per stickies here for my cycle I don't have for one year because honestly as first order i did not wanted to risk with much money to test source 2nd if was caught with lot of gear I did not want any trouble ...
I have done pre cycle bloodwork everything seemed fine except (Globulin alpha 2 decreased - result 8.7% range 9.5-14.4
Globulin beta 2 increased 5.9% range 2.6-5.8) and I plan after few days again do bloodwork mainly for estradiol SHBG and test to see where I'm now.
I want to see SHBG levels because I read that test cycle get SHBG down a lot (by 20 points from 40-20) and that could be reason I don't feel very good... mine SHBG was 23 if it get down by 20 then I'm in big trouble???
so you also had low T prior to cycle? Then also did not felt anything much in first 2 weeks?
What should I do about aromasin? Suggested dose 10mg/day seems lot for me since after 1 such dose I felt pretty bad. Also 5MG seems too much???

You're getting better at using your enter key :D

Yes, I did have low T prior to cycle.

401 ng/dl pre cycle.
2100 ng/dl 7weeks into 500mg cycle.
360 ng/dl over a month after PCT ended.

I didn't feel anything mentally until around 3-4 weeks. Physically until 5-6 weeks.

All people are different. We will all metabolize things at different rates. So, don't expect to be dead nuts with everyone on the forum that is pinning the same dose, for the same amount of time that you have been on.


Like, a good example.. when I was in my bulk.. why did it take me 6500-7000 calories a day to put on 1lb a week, when I'm only 200lbs, 20% BF, standing at 5'8"? Most people would put on 10lbs a week eating that much.. and get really really fat.

I just want to show you why you shouldn't compare your body, your cycle, or your results with other peoples and expect to get EXACTLY what they got out of it. When we say, you can expect to gain 20lbs from your first cycle... that is a very generalized statement.. I went from 178-205. 27lbs.

Wait out those few more weeks, focus on your training, diet, and sleep. Once it takes off, you will know. Trust me.


Honestly I've never used Aromasin, so I can't really help you there. If we were talking Arimidex (Anastrozole), I might be able to guide you a little bit. Others should help you in that regard if you ask about it directly.

Hope this helps! Stay safe.

EDIT - Meant to say this before. When I said to buy a years worth of supply.. I just meant when you go to set up everything for TRT. The longer the better, so long as you don't get into product expiration. You have to dial in your levels.. so a single batch, or even batch 1 and batch 2, will be better. In comparison to batch 1 for three months, and then that batch 27 for 6 mos.. OR even worse.. that source gets screwed and you have to switch it up after just 1 or 2 vials (about the time you will likely be dialed in).
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i could order from PSL but since I'm in EU and they are USA I don't prefer it last thing what I want is that I go to collect package and customs officer ask to open package :D they do ask that for all packages from USA...
Huh??? No theydont ship from the U.S. Your good...no customes for you but yes for me since I do live in the US. And never had a problem with that BTW;-)
Ok, so I got blood test done and here are main results:
estradiol 48.88pg/ml little high - from last Friday so 4 days every day took 10mg aromasin yesterday and today took 15mg
SHBG 15 nmol/l before 23
testosterone 1437ng/dl so gear is not fake how much it should be I don't know but now is almost 3 weeks tomorrow is exactly 3 weeks so 6 pins,
first 4 @ 250mg last 2 ones ~340mg to compensate for one missing pin since i travel 8 days. last pin was Monday evening so ~36h since last pin test was done empty stomach morning.
did CBC - interesting thing is that RBC is decreasing from 5.31 - 4.83 ???
hematocrit is same before cycle and now 46
Only MCHC is little too high??? result 33.5 pg range 26.5-32.0
how I feel in terms of libido overall mood endurance etc not very bad but not like on gear still about same as when I had 360-380T???
any thoughts?
so tomorrow will be week 7 in test e 250week cycle
here are results so far, pretty mixed...

first I switched from aromasin to arimidex cause aromsin made my skin horrible, acne crazy red bumps swelling...
Now I'm almost acne free (I had this problem for 14 years and 3 years ago did 6 month 20mg/day accutane cycle)

Now about results...
Mentally, sex drive, libido is almost same as before cycle !!!! I don't feel anything better as when I was 380-430T...
Sleep is still very bad waking up early morning insomnia...

Now gym performance:
Bench press definitely smashed all previous records with exactly same training protocol...
here is comparison:
2015 February
85kg 2,5 min rest sets and reps 10 10 10 7 6 5 5 4 5 3 total 65
June 2015 when on DAA + beta alanine carnosin (the only supplements which did real thing in gym but side effect lost libido)
85kg 2,5 min rest 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 7 7 6 86 total
Now results on gear:
5 weeks 1 day in cycle:
bench press 85kg 2,5 min rest 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 7 7 92 = + total 6reps comparing when on DAA+beta alanine +27reps comparing when used nothing!!!
6 weeks 4 days in cycle:
100kg 8R 5min rest 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 5 74R!!! +11reps compared when on DAA+beta alanine

Now about squat and deadlifts yesterday I was fighting 135KG5x5 DL WTF... :(
I have done 2 years ago 150kg 5x5 with same protocol :(!!!! then I had some injury stopped doing heavy this year resumed on june 2015 did same 135x5 DL....
Squat 90KG 5X5 last session, previously when used nothing 95kg 5x5
Now about mass :D
every day I'm going to gym last weeks there are kilo or 2+ :D
before fasted state was 95-97 yesterday after eating 105.2KG!!! ~6-7kilos+
water I don't think much use arimidex 0.5 EOD yesterday though took only 0.25
Fat maybe little bit but still see abs almost same like before...
Eating yes now I eat lot more don't do every day IF eat 3-4 big meals every day and something between
If I was eating l like that before when was not on gear I believe I had gained much fat
So here are results so far pretty mixed...
mass gains excellent
strength gains very average
other sleep libido etc confidence overall feeling exactly same like when test was 380-400
= not very good sometimes even depressed
potential reason I see only one (Roaccutane which I took 3 years ago)
i could order from PSL but since I'm in EU and they are USA I don't prefer it last thing what I want is that I go to collect package and customs officer ask to open package :D they do ask that for all packages from USA...

They ship the EP line domestic brother :)
They ship the EP line domestic brother :)

yes noticed it, soon make order for test E I still have little pain after injecting current test E which is 300mg/ml hope that test from PSL will be better, I read that bigger concentration can make pain after injection.