Dude, if you havent come off any stimulants in the past 2 weeks (such as an eca/ecy stack, clen, adderall, etc) you're just probably low test man. Hope that doctor of yours orders blood tests.
NEVER think depression, man. If they diagnose you with depression, tell that doctor to get fucked and find one that doesnt lick sweaty ballsacks for a living. Read this:
"To the patient's detriment, conventional doctors are increasingly prescribing drugs to treat depression, elevated cholesterol, angina and a host of other diseases that may be caused by an underlying hormone imbalance.
If doctors checked their male patient's blood levels of estrogen, testosterone, thyroid, and DHEA (instead of prescribing drugs to treat symptoms), they might be surprised to learn that many problems could be eliminated by adjusting hormone levels to fit the profile of a healthy 21-year- old.
Few physicians know what hormone blood tests to order for men, nor do they have the experience to properly adjust hormones to reverse the degenerative changes that begin in mid-life."
Of critical concern to psychiatrists are studies showing that men suffering from depression have lower levels of testosterone than control subjects. (94-98 ) For some men, elevating free testosterone levels could prove to be an effective anti-depressant therapy. There is a basis for free testosterone levels being measured in men suffering from depression and replacement therapy initiated if free testosterone levels are low normal or below normal."
The whole bulk of the reading is in the link below this paragraph. I know it talks a lot about 40+ yr old males and you're young, but you gotta remember that sometimes when you run gear test levels dont fully recover to normal levels for a while, even after post cycle therapy (pct). This renders the same effect as loss of test due to aging.
HRT - http://forums.anabolic-research.com