Fellaz Fellaz 2x t prop and Osta hcg clomid nolva erase


New member
Ok guys have 2 bottles of test p on the way bottle of osta hcg erase as an ai nolv clo the whole sh bang. If I use these correctly how bad will it effect my hpta damage wise????????????????????????
Test 100mg eod 6 weeks
Osta 10mg 7 weeks
Hcg from day 1 150iu 3x week
Erase (ai) one cap day 8weeks
nolva 40 40 20 10
clo 40 20 10 10
Erase as an ai? I highly doubt u can replace an ai with erase. Aromasin or Arimidex are good choices. Btw, u need to get rite man...