few upper body pics, week 9

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As fsr as I know but ill try and make improvements next time I hit legs, thsnks
Just have to keep it light in the meantime, maybe higher reps, less weight?
Even when I walk now it hurt and put pressure on my right leg it aches
I dont now if its a genetic thing or what my dad has had 2 knee surgerys and same with my grandfather, so I dont know if its genetics or what

Not necessarily high reps less weight but reduce the weight for sure and work on form. If your form is off you have basically programmed yourself to squat wrong. Reduce the weight work on the form and do lots of sets and reps to re-program yourself and your proprioceptive feedback. Then go up in intensity or volume as dictated by your training.
Unless your mechanics or leverages are crazy you only want your knees an inch or two in front of your toes. Don't let your knees to out too far forward and don't let them cave in on the ascent or descent either. Go to just below parallel (where the crease in your shorts at the hip is below top of the patella or knee)
Okay will do, thanks
Whats the best thing to do in the meantime, ice it up to take the swelling down
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Okay will do, thanks
Whats the best thing to do in the meantime, ice it up to take the swelling down

RICE...rest, ice, compression, elevation. Take an anti-inflammatory if needed and do what's in the video. I use bicycle tire tubes instead of the compression bands he uses in the video. $10 and works. He does it on the elbow but it works for the knees as well.

they do they do, I was going to trt last cycle but now im glad I didn't... I chose not to because someone said what if I meet a chick I wanna knock up and cant without vitro id kick myself when she bailed....... so I didn't and I found myself in that exact situation a lil while later lol

congrats btw!
This morning I weighed myself when I got to the gym. 218.6!!! Whoa. Then about halfway / three quarters through my workout I felt like I needed to give birth, so I made a pitstop and pooped 2lbs out.

216.8 after my dump. :(
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