fina/winny/clen/t3 cutting advice


Chief SmackaHoe
whats up bro's:

just finished 3 week pyramid of clen, 4 week pyramid of T3 with amazing results!! Lost 35 pounds (188lbs to 153lbs) and didnt measure bf% but got to be alot (prob a little lean muscle as well tho) in those 7 weeks. Strict dieting and long low intensity cardio sessions along with a 5 day spilt workout regimine works wonders...

question is for a cutting cycle, will this be effective to harden muscle and lose more bf%, also what, if any post cycle therapy (pct) is needed ...

have: 2000 mg Finaplix H pellets
2 20 ml (50 mg each) Stan QV Winstrol
probly have some nolva on hand, but not sure how much yet..

was thinking:

week 1-6-------40 mg Finaplix (transdermal???) e2d
week 1-6-------50 mg Winstrol eod
week 1-3-------50--->100--->50 ug Clen
week 3-6-------50--->100--->50 ug t3

never made my own gear and are alittle shady with converting pellets into injects so i prob. will take the pussy way out and make a transdermal mix...

comments or advice appreciated...thx bro's
Achillies said:
I would agree with bigdaddy22 and also throw some test prop in the mix too!

Agreed, but even some cypionate could work very well.
But above all, make a good conversion with finaplix and a good kit.
there should be no need for nolva or clomid since Winstrol (winny) does not aromatize, correct??

and I have also read this:
"There is little or no need to stack secondary drugs with fina. It does not aromatize. There is some concern as to fina being progestagenic, so you should you opt to stack it with an aromatizable compound it may worsen potential gynocomastia so adding winstrol or Nolvadex, or even both to such a stack may be wise. But in itself or in a non-aromatizing stack this is not necessary. The use for post-cycle estrogen antagonists is limited as well, so Nolva or clomid to boost natural test will have little use. It is a very strong androgen receptor agonist however, so perhaps using some HCG after a cycle may help you retain more gains and prevent testicular shrinkage, but since HCG does increase estrogen that does reinstate the use of Nolvadex or clomid as well. "

so, should i try to get some HCG and use some Nolva (liquid) as well , or no post cycle therapy (pct) at all????
thinking about extending cycle to 8 weeks instead of 6:

week 1-8-------40 mg Finaplix (transdermal???) e2d
week 1-8-------50 mg Winstrol eod
week 1-3-------60 mg-->100--->50 ug Clen
week 3-6-------50--->100--->50 ug t3
week 6-8-------60 mg-->100--->50 ug Clen

any vet or mod comments/suggestions on this and post cycle therapy (pct) greatly appreciated..
i really dont want to bulk up AT ALL, stricly cut and lose bf%, so I wanna stay away from the test.
ok, so If i have 10 ml/100 mg QV prop and wanna throw it in, along with some proviron, what would you suggest>>>

week 1-8-------40 mg Finaplix (transdermal???) e2d
week 1-8-------50 mg Winstrol eod
week 1-3-------60 mg-->100--->50 ug Clen
week 5-8-------75 mg prop eod ???????????????
week 5-8-------25 mg proviron ed ?????????????
week 3-6-------50--->100--->50 ug t3
week 6-8-------60 mg-->100--->50 ug Clen
Weeks 1 - 8 - Test prop @ 100mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 8 - Tren @ 75mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 8 - Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg EOD
Proviron @ 25-50mg ED....optional
ok so im leaning towards this for a shortend 6 week cutting cycle..

Weeks 1 - 6 - Test prop @ 200mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 6 - Tren @ 75mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 6 - Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg EOD
Weeks 1 - 6 - Proviron @ 25-50mg ED....optional
Weeks 1 - 3 - Clenbuterol
Weeks 3 - 6 - t3

since i will throw in prop will nolva be neccessary>>

"It is also important to remember that the use of an injectable testosterone will quickly suppress endogenous testosterone production. It is therefore mandatory to complete a proper post cycle therapy, constisting of HCG and Clomid or Nolvadex at the conclusion of a cycle. This should help the user avoid a strong "crash" due to hormonal imbalance, which can strip away much of the new muscle mass and strength. "

I would rate myself as a LEVEL 2.5 on the Newbie I may be missing the fact that the Winstrol (winny) will help with the tren, and the proviron will also help as well. I am not 100% sure the science behind these compounds and there interactions, only what I have read or learned from you bro's.
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if you do a cutting cycle at 153 your gonna end up being like 140 pounds and look like an etheopean..... why oh why do all newbies want to get "cut" all the time.

If you did a test/dbol cycle you would look so much more jacked, and put alot more meat on your frame in order to get the look you are going for.
daan69 said:
if you do a cutting cycle at 153 your gonna end up being like 140 pounds and look like an etheopean..... why oh why do all newbies want to get "cut" all the time.

If you did a test/dbol cycle you would look so much more jacked, and put alot more meat on your frame in order to get the look you are going for.

at 156 today, im probably at around 15-20 bf%. I was 188 a month and a half ago, and bf% was probably higher! (year , i was borderline point of no return porker). I have been regimenting my diet and staying true to healthy precision meals.

I have been training hard all year and still have not had the results I am looking for. Still have flab ab, no definition (no lovehandles though). Semi bitch tits and small case of bye bye arm. I train right and I train hard. I designed a specific high rep-low weight-little rest between set split workout and a great alternating low/high intensity cardio regimine that works with great results thus far. I have been lifting for almost 6 years, and although not at my body shape potential, I am really close to my lifting potential.

The etheopean look isnt what im going for, hence why I will be taking 200 mg prop EOD, which should put on a considerable amount of mass with little water retention because of the other gear in the stack.

If this is wrong, please advise.