Final thoughts,questions,concerns before I dart my ass.


New member
I have my gear and I am ready to do my first cycle. 5'10", 200lbs., 18% bf. 3 yrs. working out.

wks. 1-10: EQL test. enan. 400mgs/wk.
EQL deca 300mgs./wk.
.5 mgs. liquidex eod.
wks. 13-16: clomid
Do I stop the liquidex after the last injection?
I appreciate any comments, maybe up the test to 500mgs?
Oh yeah, I don't have EQ so I am going with deca for those of you who are going to say use EQ. :D
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For a first cycle..I would drop the deca and use dbol at 25mg a day for the first 4 weeks... I think at 400mg of test and the dbol you will be very happy with what you see.... if you work out hard and eat right...but that is just me....
I like to run the anti-e till the end of clomid. I feel this helps from estrogen levels fluxuation to much via aromatation as your body begins to bring more test. Furthor more since you no longer have exengonous test in your body, this can increase the negative feed back loop that Clomid slightly stimulates.

Some dont like best for me though.

Take .25mg ED not .5 EOD of the liquidex.
You already have your gear so you are set. Whether you use d-bol is preference but keep in mind you want get a sudden burst with these long acting esthers. Also, don't expect teh kick until the end of wk four.
take arimidex while test levels are low post cycle is a bad idea. Borrowed from Nandi on CEM:
Post cycle there are two good reasons not to use arimidex/letrozole. First the coronary vessel wall lesions. Your estrogen and testosterone levels will be very low as it is post cycle. Local aromatization of test to estrogen blocks lesion formation. Aromatase inhibitors given to mice double the size of arterial plaques in a matter of weeks:

The second reason is SHBG. SHBG levels are very low post cycle and stay low for weeks or months, depending on your cycle. The level of SHBG determines your total testosterone level. If SHBG is depressed and testosterone starts to recover, the elevated free test will act in a negative feedback manner to suppress test production, prolonging recovery.

Estrogen elevates SHBG, allowing for higher total test levels. If you block estrogen production post cycle with an aromatase inhibitor, you will only prolong the suppression of SHBG, which will prolong your recovery. I have seen this phenomenon in post cycle blood tests sent to me by members for interpretation.
drop the deca, you dont need it.
get some nolva, "just in case" (you really want to have this BELIEVE ME)

you might want to cut down the bodyfat before you cycle, if you bloat at all, at 18% youll look like a balloon.
this is where im at, cutting down for next cycle!
Warmachine said:

you might want to cut down the bodyfat before you cycle, if you bloat at all, at 18% youll look like a balloon.
this is where im at, cutting down for next cycle!

The liquidex is for the bloating as well.
Systema said:
I have my gear and I am ready to do my first cycle. 5'10", 200lbs., 18% bf. 3 yrs. working out.

wks. 1-10: EQL test. enan. 400mgs/wk.
EQL deca 300mgs./wk.
.5 mgs. liquidex eod.
wks. 13-16: clomid
Do I stop the liquidex after the last injection?
I appreciate any comments, maybe up the test to 500mgs?
Oh yeah, I don't have EQ so I am going with deca for those of you who are going to say use EQ. :D

What's Deca doing in there? Are you anticipating joint pain or something? I'd replace the Deca with 30-40mg's ED of Anavar or increase the test enan to 750mg's per week.
Re: Re: Final thoughts,questions,concerns before I dart my ass.

Juice Authority said:
What's Deca doing in there? Are you anticipating joint pain or something? I'd replace the Deca with 30-40mg's ED of Anavar or increase the test enan to 750mg's per week.

Deca will complement the test. well. It isn't just a drug for joint pain. It will help me build mass just like any other AS would. This is my first cycle so it is still a trial and error kind of thing. Deca has worked well for many bros. If I don't like it maybe I will try anavar next time.