Finaplix-H Pellets and Refrigeration


New member
I got a package of Finaplix-H pellets in the mail today, one cartridge. I was wondering if i need to keep these refrigerated as they came with an ice pack, an insulated bag, and said keep refrigerated on the top of the shipping box. Any idea?
hmmmm....Im going to go with my instincts on this one and say keep it refrigerated. just a hunch. i dont think that label on the box/dry ice was just clever packaging.
i wasnt trying to be an idiot haha, i was just saying it didnt really make sense to keep it refrigerated if the pills were soon to be crushed and brewed. Was wondering what this did for the pellets, the refrigeration that is. Im guessing keeping the bioavailability up?

Thanks d tone. I was just wondering if others also keep their refrigerated.
all jokes aside, ive never heard of anyone refrigerating them. Ive never dealt with them so im not really sure.
If you walk into a true feed store, they are packaged on the shelf. Don't worry about refigerating them. I'm sure it was just in case of overheating on a truck or something. The amount of filler they could prolly withstand a nuclear blast.

Next time get two carts. That will yield 33ml @100mg/ml if my old math is correct. They hurt a lil more, but i would eat Tren pellets if they worked. I love Tren almost as much as pussy! lol
I just ordered one more cartridge. Im going to make about 46ml at 75mg/ml or so.

Alright i though the refrigeration was serious haha. I will take it out of my fridge then. I will be brewing next week or so. Will keep you guys posted in new thread.

Thanks for all the help. I cant wait to try this stuff, i have heard rave things about tren.
I just ordered one more cartridge. Im going to make about 46ml at 75mg/ml or so.

Alright i though the refrigeration was serious haha. I will take it out of my fridge then. I will be brewing next week or so. Will keep you guys posted in new thread.

Thanks for all the help. I cant wait to try this stuff, i have heard rave things about tren.

how are you planning on making your solution? DId you get Finaplix-H or Component TH?

I have a simple recipe for that stuff if you want it.
Planning on doing one of dtones recipes for 4g TA. I got finaplix-H (2) cartridges. It was easier for me to get the fina pellets than the component. Next time i will get the component.

I plan to brew it in BA BB solution (magic solution) ha. add grapeseed oil, let it seperate for a day or two, suck out the TA into uncapped sterile vial. Coffee filter the filler to get the rest of the TA. Then use syringe filters to filter the TA into capped and sealed sterile vials, then purge the filter at the end. Sound groovy?
Planning on doing one of dtones recipes for 4g TA. I got finaplix-H (2) cartridges. It was easier for me to get the fina pellets than the component. Next time i will get the component.

I plan to brew it in BA BB solution (magic solution) ha. add grapeseed oil, let it seperate for a day or two, suck out the TA into uncapped sterile vial. Coffee filter the filler to get the rest of the TA. Then use syringe filters to filter the TA into capped and sealed sterile vials, then purge the filter at the end. Sound groovy?

you can do it that way, but im impatient and would never use a coffee filter again. lol

Here's how i did it.

1. Add solvents and pellets to beaker. Heat on hot plate on med-high heat until you get a brownish looking liquid.

2. Add oil and lower heat a bit. After about 15 minutes or so, the fillers and shit should start to seperate from the liquid gold on top.

3. Let it cool down a tad and draw off the liquid gold very carefully without sucking up any filler gunk.

4. Put that into another vial. Don't worry about filtering yet or whether its a sterile vial.

5. This is where you would use the coffee filter, etc. I just put that gunk into a big vial somewhere. If you make more in the future you can add all the gunk to it, reheat and redraw off the good stuff. Honestly, i just usually chunked the shit as the amount you get off of it is negligible.

6. Setup your whatman filter however you do it and filter your liquid gold into your sterile vial.

Viola, you have a beautiful goldish solution of Tren Ace. No waiting days or whatever for all that shit to happen. And you don't need any magic solution either. BA, BB, pellets and oil and you've got it.

Good luck.
you can do it that way, but im impatient and would never use a coffee filter again. lol

Here's how i did it.

1. Add solvents and pellets to beaker. Heat on hot plate on med-high heat until you get a brownish looking liquid.

2. Add oil and lower heat a bit. After about 15 minutes or so, the fillers and shit should start to seperate from the liquid gold on top.

3. Let it cool down a tad and draw off the liquid gold very carefully without sucking up any filler gunk.

4. Put that into another vial. Don't worry about filtering yet or whether its a sterile vial.

5. This is where you would use the coffee filter, etc. I just put that gunk into a big vial somewhere. If you make more in the future you can add all the gunk to it, reheat and redraw off the good stuff. Honestly, i just usually chunked the shit as the amount you get off of it is negligible.

6. Setup your whatman filter however you do it and filter your liquid gold into your sterile vial.

Viola, you have a beautiful goldish solution of Tren Ace. No waiting days or whatever for all that shit to happen. And you don't need any magic solution either. BA, BB, pellets and oil and you've got it.

Good luck.

Thanks man.

Thats what I figured I could do, but then I have heard about some people saying that they have gotten a few more CC's from the coffee filter. If thats the case, then thats a few days of pins ha.. Im in college.. You know how the money thing goes..
Im very excited to see how this compound will effect my body composition. I am very well familiar and a large fan of test enth, began with it and will forever staple it.

I have read so many things about tren acetate and known a few friends who have run it, but what are your experiences with it. Why does everyone "love it" so damn much. Considering the sides that come with high and frequent doses. Other then hardening, go you gain more density in the muscle or do you get bigger? If that made sense.
Im very excited to see how this compound will effect my body composition. I am very well familiar and a large fan of test enth, began with it and will forever staple it.

I have read so many things about tren acetate and known a few friends who have run it, but what are your experiences with it. Why does everyone "love it" so damn much. Considering the sides that come with high and frequent doses. Other then hardening, go you gain more density in the muscle or do you get bigger? If that made sense.

here's why.

1. no aromatization
2. excellent in a low calorie environment
3. only AAS i believe has any fat burning capabilities (not proven)
4. most sides people say they get are overrated. Or second hand horror stories
5. awesome to bulk with or cut with
6. makes you an animal in the gym

thats what I can think of right now. Add it to test and you have a cycle that can't be beat.
I always use test, i love it. Test is the king of mass. But im bukling so i hope that it can put on some serious size. I will run it at 50mg/ml eod for about 2 weeks and then up to 75mg/ml eod. and maybe finish 2 weeks at 100mg/ml eod. For about 7-8 weeks total. Then take a break and repeat again. Would like to run two cycles of tren and test over summer. My summer is 5months though haha. What do you think? Thanks for all the input my man.