

Its a Celebration Bitches
I read a post on here earlier tonight about some joe who ordered the cattle pellets and claims he took them orally and "chewed them up."

Now this might be a really dumb question but.... can one experience gains like the injectable tren acetate from chewing fina pellets?
I would imagine there would be more side effects....
You would probably get about 5 to 10 percent of the potency of a pellet if you chewed it down IMO and I dont think the sides would be all that bad but the gains would.
5 to 10 percent???!! thas real low i thought it would be low but not that bad....
i have been using oral finaplix, maybe even one of my posts your referring too. I chew up 3 pellets, 3x daily. Tough on the liver, but the gains are definately there. that's 180mg, and while the absortion rate is nowhere near 100% i'm sure it's much more than 10% with the gains i'm seeing. prolly like 40-50% absortion would be my guess. I tried dmso and transdermal application prior to using them orally, and got absolutely no gains at all from that, i'd say that method is probablly more in the 10% range.
I read the various opinions from people with "different" experience. I will probably try the tren by injection next. This bout I tried the unconverted, subligual method that the majority says is a waste. I am not so sure about that. I have been injecting testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml 2x/wk with decent results. At about 6 weeks into it I didn't feel the benefit and was at a standstill with my progress. Size stabilized, strength gains halted. That testosterone drive just wasn't there. I got my hands on a couple of Finaplix H cartridges and was advise by an old friend (who is huge) to just crush up 4 tabs upon wakening and hold the powder under my tongue for 20 minutes, then swallow, repeat at 4:00PM pre work out, and 2 tabs at bedtime. I am only on day 9 of this regimine and size, weight, strength is up noticably and body fat percentage is down. I feel that crazy man's rush while benching and doing weighted dips and I am totally enjoying my workouts again. Now I am not saying that injecting or transdemal w/DMSO is not better, I just do not have experience with trying that yet. But I can tell you this, I am no retard, THIS IS WORKING!!! I can only imagine how shooting it would be. I haven't felt this kind of wourkout rush since I was doing cyp, deca 3 times a week and two 50mg Anadrols daily. I now get the strength and size without the nosebleeds. Your thoughts without being condesending would be appreciated.
i have been using oral finaplix, maybe even one of my posts your referring too. I chew up 3 pellets, 3x daily. Tough on the liver, but the gains are definately there. that's 180mg, and while the absortion rate is nowhere near 100% i'm sure it's much more than 10% with the gains i'm seeing. prolly like 40-50% absortion would be my guess. I tried dmso and transdermal application prior to using them orally, and got absolutely no gains at all from that, i'd say that method is probablly more in the 10% range.
When will you be ready for slaughter?
You could use subdermal implant method and let them absorb that way. That's how cattle do it and look at their gains!