Finished my 3 week Var only cycle. Feel better than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
So its been a week since I finished my first time Var Cycle.

And I do not feel tired. I feel energized! I feel ready to rock n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did all of you say this was going to shut down my test? My strength is fine and my motivation to go to the gym is superb!!! Only thing that sux now is that its cold outside. Sex is great too and my ejaculation is better than ever.

Broke some PR's recently as well after my cycle was over!

Shaved my chest hair a few days ago and its growing back completely fine. Still have to shave my face every single day in the morning.
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Did you have any virilization effects? Enlarged clitoris? Facial hair? Deepening voice? Hardening of your jaw line? Etc?

Also, it would be great to see your blood work results. Please post.
its definitely a dude or at least it says male on his profile. i was confused by op shaving chest hair and it growing back and op shaving is face every morning? and the person talking about their sex like a guy
Lol first thing I looked at was to see if the OP was a male/female. Should definitely have test included bro, if you aren't ready to inject, your aren't ready for AAS.
So its been a week since I finished my first time Var Cycle.

And I do not feel tired. I feel energized! I feel ready to rock n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did all of you say this was going to shut down my test? My strength is fine and my motivation to go to the gym is superb!!! Only thing that sux now is that its cold outside. Sex is great too and my ejaculation is better than ever.

Broke some PR's recently as well after my cycle was over!

Shaved my chest hair a few days ago and its growing back completely fine. Still have to shave my face every single day in the morning.

Hahahahaha a 3 week var cycle I bet you "GotSwole"