finished up my bulk with 3j pic incl


New member
Recently finished up my bulk with 3j
I hit my target goal of 230lbs 3j wanted me to achieve for this current bulk
Been maintaining.this weight for a month or so and waiting for 3j to give me the go to start my cut :)
Here is a pic of me last summer cut ( 190lbs) (left pic) and a pic taken tonight at 230lbs
Please feel comment
Good job on the bulk Matt, forty pounds is a solid bulk!

The pictures are so different it's hard to compare though (pose, lighting, shirt on/off and hat is different...)
Trick photography... You turned the hat around backwards for the bulk pic,, classic move, did 3j tell you to do that.. ;). Kidding..

Bulked up, now your cruising on 200 mg, time to maintain or cut up and still be able to keep those mass gains and get ripped
Trick photography... You turned the hat around backwards for the bulk pic,, classic move, did 3j tell you to do that.. ;). Kidding..

Bulked up, now your cruising on 200 mg, time to maintain or cut up and still be able to keep those mass gains and get ripped

Was trying to show off my ironville clothing but obviously didn't work lol
Tank and hat
3j has me maintaining right now, cut the cals back some
was up to 4800 cals a day, 7 meals per day and he has cut one meal back, been a great ride with 3j.and looking forward to chop with him as well
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Good job on the bulk Matt, forty pounds is a solid bulk!

The pictures are so different it's hard to compare though (pose, lighting, shirt on/off and hat is different...)

agreed. Post another set of pics, same b4 pic & a new current pic, same pose , no shirt. Hats ok:)
Yeah ofcourse bro It's a bulk brother
It'll come back once u chop no worries lol
ofcourse your not going to look as big as if u were all cut up but that's the thing u gotta tell yourself u are gaining muscle on a bulk and the only way to do so is eat to gain, I live in Canada so 6 months outta the year it's cold as fuck here so I am covered up anyways so why not put on size in the winter months and chop in the spring months and looked jacked for.summer months :)
I go to the extreme as well, like the traditional bb ways, off season u bulk up, and maintain for abit then lean out to show the gains bra
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Nice size gains. Personally, id say keep bulking man. You're long/lanky. Fill that shit out for an entire year then cut next January.
I just do whatever 3j wants me to do, as I don't have a prob in the eating dept
But it's Def time to give the stomach a break from eating so much and start to lean down as I was beginning to feel abit sluggish from 7 meals a day and up to 5000 cals for the last few months as it starts to get to u after awhile eating so much
Maintaining my weight as we speak while I am on my cruize and still eating a wack of food so it's all good, I am sure once I start my cut I will be wanting more food again lol, how it goes haha
Nice size gains. Personally, id say keep bulking man. You're long/lanky. Fill that shit out for an entire year then cut next January.

thats a mistake many many people make.. you have to go through phases... even if you maintain for a while and bulk again... you cant just keep bulking and bulking and bulking
Recently finished up my bulk with 3j
I hit my target goal of 230lbs 3j wanted me to achieve for this current bulk
Been maintaining.this weight for a month or so and waiting for 3j to give me the go to start my cut :)
Here is a pic of me last summer cut ( 190lbs) (left pic) and a pic taken tonight at 230lbs
Please feel comment

I think you look just as big on your cut
It's all about illusion in this game
People tend to look bigger when there all.cut up
Why when u see bb on stage they look huge, there so vascular and look huge on stage but in reality there actually at there weakest point when stage ready
I just do whatever 3j wants me to do, as I don't have a prob in the eating dept
But it's Def time to give the stomach a break from eating so much and start to lean down as I was beginning to feel abit sluggish from 7 meals a day and up to 5000 cals for the last few months as it starts to get to u after awhile eating so much

Damn dude. Eating like that has to be like having another full time job. Knowing 3J I'm guessing that was a pretty clean 5k too. Much respect for sticking with it.
Yeah my Co. Workers looked at me funny coming in daily with 5 Tupperware containers full of food everyday
Almost sickning listening to them ask questions and the common question was how do u eat the same stuff ed lol, lmao u guys probably get drilled the same stupid question at work as well
I can only girlfriend would bitch about how she just got to "watch me eat" when we would see each other. I developed a passionate hate for chicken and brown rice.

I'm now on BASE's custom Budweiser and bourbon bulking diet. Not nearly as effective, but way easier to stick to.
It's all about illusion in this game
People tend to look bigger when there all.cut up
Why when u see bb on stage they look huge, there so vascular and look huge on stage but in reality there actually at there weakest point when stage ready

Sure no doubt...but measurement wise was there a big change