Finishing off cycle with winny


New member
Hey guys, first post here.

Age: 23
Weight: Currently 194lb @ 12%bf
Height: 5'11
Training for 7 years now

So this is currently my second cycle of AAS, my first cycle was about 6 months ago consisting of 500mg test cyp for 12 weeks, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was liquidex but never really needed, my sides were a few pimples here and there but nothing serious, pct was simple, clomid 50/50/50/50, got blood work done before my cycle and 2 weeks after PCT and test and estro levels pretty much back to normal so was happy with that.

Im currently on week 7 of my second cycle

Weeks 1-4 - anadrol 50mg ED + liver support ED
Weeks 1-12 - test cyp 600mg
Weeks 14-18 - clomid 50/50/50/50
AI - liquidex 0.25mg (if needed, havent used it yet)

My original plan was to just run the course of this cycle as this was primary a bulking cycle for me, so far gained a solid 8-10lbs of muscle as the anadrol bloat has died down, I was thinking of running winstrol weeks 8-14 and going into a cutting cycle, and this would allow me to run my PCT sooner, what do you guys think? Waste of time/too harsh on the liver?
I'm just amazed you never ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with your cycles...have you gotten blood tests during to see where your e2 is at?
My estradiol before cycle was at 30.4, after 2 weeks PCT it was at 36.6, still within normal ranges.. I was told to only use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if experiencing any estro sides, however i've been fine up till now
You should definitely be the poster boy for the "Anti-AI" movement. With your kind of super genetics you probably don't even need to post cycle therapy (pct). All your ranges seem to just fall back into place without side effects. Congrats Bro...:)
Lol always got the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand ready, will be using it for sure in heavier cycles don't worry ;)
Asides that, any insight with my original question??
Lol always got the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand ready, will be using it for sure in heavier cycles don't worry ;)
Asides that, any insight with my original question??

To be honest, I won't help someone critique their cycle if they don't believe in properly managing their estrogen levels. To me, that's the #1 rule of using AAS. Not managing your estrogen levels leads to side effects which in return, gives AAS a bad rep...
Sorry bro i'll look into regulating my estro for future, anyway since i've been fortunate enough to not suffer any sides till now, anyone care to comment on original question?