First Beastdrol Cycle


New member
I am getting ready to try my first PH cycle but wanted to post my plans here to see if you all had any comments or suggestions before I ordered.

I am trying to keep things pretty simple since it is my first try, so this is what I was thinking.

Running the Beastdrol Starter Stack from and using their suggested 4 wk cycle, but also taking a 30 mg dose of nolvadex through the cycle and pct just as insurance against loss of gains or other side effects.

I have heard some people suggest using HCG alongside Nolva and would really be interested to know if you think that would be beneficial or necessary.

PLEASE share your thoughts!
I would recommend using some type of support supp along side Beast, such as Need2Guard as an example. That being said I also would not recommend that anyone use Beastdrol for your first ph cycle. Something more mild like Epi-Strong or Helladrol are more commonly used for a first timer.
That stuff is hard core on the body.Ended up giving the rest of my cycle away to a younger more motivated individual.

I purchased the cycle off Mr supps stacked it with katanadrol.I felt it worked good for what I wanted but my BP was up there.I drank a gallon of water a day and still had major joint pain.At 34 340lbs it was time to leave that stuff to the younger more fit crowd.
It is a very strong compound, and can have very harsh sides. It is best left for individuals who have run other, more mild ph's and that have an idea of how there body will respond to the compound. I would much rather see you try something else instead of hurting yourself.
beastdrol is awesome stuff.. i wouldnt rule it out completely but like nerd said it can cause some sides and probably are better options for a 1st cycle
Good advice here so far. Beastdrol is a bit harsh for a first cycle. H drol or epi might be more along your lines. Either way you should look into something like RS transaderm to stack it with to help out with the lethargy of being shut down.
Beastdrol is extremely powerful. It will produce substantial increases in lean muscle tissue and strength. Many people report getting better gains in lean mass and strength with Beastdrol than with any other oral steroid, with the exception of the strength from Anadrol. Although, the dose used with Anadrol is usually 100mg or higher, when a 30mg dose of Beastdrol is comparable.
The actual amount of muscle and strength gained is unable to be determined. There are too many factors that go into a training and diet regimen to accurately tell anyone how much strength and size you will gain. It is safe to say though, you will not be disappointed with your results.
The type of gains that come from beastdrol are all lean. There is no bloat or fat gains, and noticeable increases in vascularity are reported by most users.
How or what is the perfect way to run a beastdrol cycle?
1-4 beastdrol 1 cap 3 times a day spread out morning, Noon, and night.
1-4 N2guard 7 caps a day spread out
1-4 hcgenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm
4-8 post cycle and unleashed 1 cap of each 3 times a day
4-10 forma-stanzol 5 pumps rubbed on your chest 2 times a day morning and night.
For the first 4 weeks then drop down to 3 and 3 the last 2 week.
8-12 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day.

Need To Build Muscle Inc.
Why do people insist on using Superdrol for their first PH cycle?

If you were going to do your first REAL cycle, would you be using 1g of tren a week? no.
Then why would you be using one of, if not the strongest oral steroids out?

After you use Superdrol, where will you go from there? There aren't many-if any- other ph as strong.
Hey man back in the day superdrol was my first cycle ever. I would never Recommend someone to run this as a first. Just get some epi-strong run it for four weeks along with a good support supp such as Need2Guard. Do not run the nolva during cycle save it for post cycle therapy (pct).

Take a few months off get some blood work and if everything comes out okay and you feel your ready then give beastdrol a shot.