First Blast Testosterone Cypionate 400mg's Per Week


light weightlifter
Custom tailoring my first blast of Test C 400mgs for 12 to 14 weeks.

Monday morning 200mg Thursday night 200mgs.

What is a good standard issue anastrozol dose for this blast of 400mgs test c per week ?
anywhere from .25-1mg divided in biweekly doses. Do you take Adex for TRT? How's your e levels. Start with .25 2x/wk would be my best guess. It's an individual thing, so ymmv.

.it s like all things w AAS admin; u gotta find ur sweet spot Ziegler. There some general accepted maxim s but to dial in u, u gotta feel it..u feel me ?

Cajun s all over it as usual.
i would run .25mg every other day and see how you do.. if you notice bloat take it up to .5mg

what are your goals with this? whats your diet gonna look like?
Do you take Adex for TRT?

I have the script for the adex but havent used any yet. I have been on 100mg test c for a month and a half now.

u gotta find ur sweet spot Ziegler. There some general accepted maxim s but to dial in u, u gotta feel it..u feel me ?

Yes I do and thank you for responding. I am looking for a starting point to start fishing in.

i would run .25mg every other day and see how you do.. if you notice bloat take it up to .5mg

what are your goals with this? whats your diet gonna look like?

Thank you sir, my goal is to ad a little size and strength. My diet is not "on point" I generally eat a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich for breakfast washed down with some whey protein.

For lunch I eat at work I eat a small meat & veggie pizza and for dinner I eat a bowl of raisen bran.
I have the script for the adex but havent used any yet. I have been on 100mg test c for a month and a half now.

Yes I do and thank you for responding. I am looking for a starting point to start fishing in.

Thank you sir, my goal is to ad a little size and strength. My diet is not "on point" I generally eat a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich for breakfast washed down with some whey protein.

For lunch I eat at work I eat a small meat & veggie pizza and for dinner I eat a bowl of raisen bran.

If you have a script of adex, us that.. get bloods and see where you are mid way..

You really gotta work on that diet more, you are only gonna get some much gains, diet will dictate your results 85% of the way...
If you have a script of adex, us that.. get bloods and see where you are mid way..

You really gotta work on that diet more, you are only gonna get some much gains, diet will dictate your results 85% of the way...

My doctor isn't on the same page as me when it comes to my trt dosing. I had to stockpile the script for a year before I started using it because he is only willing to dish it out at 100mgs every two weeks.

Here is his idea of a trt regimen if you cant read it it says take 1mg anastrozol three times a week 100mg testosterone C every 2 weeks.

View attachment 565023

I don't think his test c & adex dosing script is on point do you ? If you click on it you should be able to see it better.
Was also thinking about maybe adding some Npp at 100mg to the test c 100mg per week instead of the 400mg blast.

I do have some joint tenderness and am for all intents & purposes just looking to spice it up a bit in the juice department.

Would that be a better idea for someone like me that isn't all that on point with the diet and training ?
Letro .25-.50 per 250 mg test

Letro/Adex conversion(E3D)
2.5 mg pw = 2 mg adex PW
1.25 mg pw = 1 mg adex PW
.612 mg pw = .5 mg adex PW
