First brew question


New member
When making test p I mixed the powder ba and bb together then put the hot gso in the mix. When I say hot is was prolly 160-200°f. Is that not ok? Should the oil cool more. I should say that I've read the oil should be heated to sterilize thats why it was hot. I'm worried that it being so hot might have affected the potency. Any opinions would be great. The gear came out great! Crystal clear. It was dosed 100mg/ml.
I'm new to this forum. Don't get me wrong everything I've learned about brewing is from this site, it's that I just registered. I found my answer for the most part in someone elses thread.
you want to make sure your ba/bb and powder is fully dissolved before adding the GSO. heating the gso wont really sterilize it, thats what filtering is for. however, i always heat the GSO up so that when i mix with the solvents there isnt a big change in temp. i let it cool slightly but still leave it fairly warm so it is easier to filter.
k thanks.i did filter with whatman.22. the tp was dissolved before the oil went in. my main concern was that it affected the quality being so hot. But people bake their gear after so I'm sure I'm good.