First Cutting Cycle, please help


New member
I want to start a cutting cycle with Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Test Prop, and Boldenone (I was told by a couple bodybuilders and athletes these might be the best fit for me). I am 6 ft, weigh 227, and I would say I am roughly 20% body fat. I diet pretty well (eat five times a day, keep around 200 grams of carbs, and around 1,700 calories a day). I workout 5 days a week and do cardio 2 days a week.

Just want an extra boost to get to the body I want faster.

I have done an Anavar only cycle before, and a couple of Test P only cycles.

For PCT I have Anastrozole and Nolvadex, also planning to buy HCG.

I would appreciate if someone would give me advice about how to put the cycle together and the dosing and also the PCT. I can and will get advice from the guy Im buying from but would also like to have a recommendation from here.

Thank you in advance
I strongly urge you to not hop on AAS now. If you are 20% body fat and eating 1700 kcal at 227 lbs and not lowering your body weight, something is wrong. You are in a huge caloric deficit. You should be shedding pounds. My guess is that you have forced your thyroid to go Hypo with your diet. And you have probably suppressed your total testosterone. Please get blood work run before doing anything.
Im 28 years old. Im actually waiting to see results on my blood work. I went and got it done because I wake up in the middle of the night craving sugar.
Yea your diet isn't good at all. Chicks that compete cut on a 1700 cal diet... your cycle history isn't good at all either. Running an oral only cycle being a man is a big no no! Getting advice from your dealer isn't smart either. He will most likely sell you whatever he has in stock and/or whatever he can make the most profit from.

I would look into getting a diet coach like 3j on here. Your diet is way off. You also need to learn the proper ways of running a cycle too. Get the diet down first because that is most important. Gear doesn't drop fat. Read through the ology faq's thread to get a better grasp of how to run a cycle and what to use during a cycle not to mention proper pct...
I maybe off my calorie count by max 200-300 kals. I didnt say I wasnt losing weight, just not at the desired rate. I also want gains in strength.
Several things friend..

1- log you'd calories for several days, everything you put in your mouth. 1700 cal is almost nothing. You're probably eating more than you think.
2- aas helps keep muscle on a deficit, especially at < 10% bf @20% won't make much of a difference
3- more cardio may be warranted to lose bf. Some peeps don't need to, but most others do
I maybe off my calorie count by max 200-300 kals. I didnt say I wasnt losing weight, just not at the desired rate. I also want gains in strength.

these two goals can't be accomplished together. Loosing weight and burning fat in a calorie deficit equates to a loss in strength.

also, you say you want to loose weight at a 'faster rate' , yet you only do cardio twice per week. why is that?
How many pounds a week are you losing? I'm a bigger guy myself and I'm starving with 2000-2200 based on the day. If you're shedding or trying to shed more than 1.5-2 lbs a week then you'll be losing muscle with that. I have not ran my cycle yet as I'm trying to cut a little BF myself and figure out my labs (low test) before I hop on. I do know you will want to use the Adex during cycle not PCT.

As for diet I was struggling too, I read through some of 3j's articles and that helped tons. What I did was drop my carbs down (200 grams is too much for us chubby guys) to 150g tops, nominally 100g. High protein of course and fat to replace your missing carb calories, I'm using MCT oil currently to fill that hole and I highly suggest it... It's taken a ton of bloat out of my lower abdomen. Shit works amazing and progressed has increased a lot by dropping carbs and adding the MCT in, much more definition. Try centering your carbs around breakfast then pre and post workout. Like I said I'm new to doing this in a serious way and have yet to run my gear but this is what's helping me. Also a side note the more BF you have the higher the conversion of test to est will be. Post your labs when they come... Hopefully your test is good, he'll if I had normal test progress would be much better for me.
How many pounds a week are you losing? I'm a bigger guy myself and I'm starving with 2000-2200 based on the day. If you're shedding or trying to shed more than 1.5-2 lbs a week then you'll be losing muscle with that. I have not ran my cycle yet as I'm trying to cut a little BF myself and figure out my labs (low test) before I hop on. I do know you will want to use the Adex during cycle not PCT.

As for diet I was struggling too, I read through some of 3j's articles and that helped tons. What I did was drop my carbs down (200 grams is too much for us chubby guys) to 150g tops, nominally 100g. High protein of course and fat to replace your missing carb calories, I'm using MCT oil currently to fill that hole and I highly suggest it... It's taken a ton of bloat out of my lower abdomen. Shit works amazing and progressed has increased a lot by dropping carbs and adding the MCT in, much more definition. Try centering your carbs around breakfast then pre and post workout. Like I said I'm new to doing this in a serious way and have yet to run my gear but this is what's helping me. Also a side note the more BF you have the higher the conversion of test to est will be. Post your labs when they come... Hopefully your test is good, he'll if I had normal test progress would be much better for me.

glad my articles helped you brother...

you guys keep a look out on a very large and detailed article i just wrote for ology on begginers diet, training, and cycle.. it should help a lot!
I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that showed concern and replied to my post.

I want to confess and say that I kind of inaccurately wrote this post. I was being impatient and just wanted advice on a intermediate cutting cycle. Sorry for that.

My blood work came back and as the doctor explained everything was fine, her words were 'there is no imbalance'. It seemed as though she didnt know why I was waking up at night and craving sugar. But she did recommend taking in less sugar throughout the day even though I hardly ever do, and that was the reason I though I was waking up and craving sugar in the first place.

I have my blood work results somewhere in my car and if anyones really interested I will post the results when I fetch it from the car (its currently a mess right now with gym clothes and empty water bottles).

I understand it is most likely impossible to lose body fat and make gains in strength. I have been doing Wendler's 5/3/1 and realized that it takes ages to get a new PB since you work with your 90% and only add 2.5/5 KGs a cycle (month), which is ridiculous. Am I getting this program wrong? Also the way I was doing the program was: I would do my set and in between I would do either Abs or skip rope so that I could get my heart rate up and burn my calories. I would still stay in the 3-5 min. timeframe as you do when doing strength. Anyway, after almost doing 2 cycles, this would be my last 5/3/1 cycle before deload, Im still the same on my 1RM Bench (127.5 KG/281lbs). I don't really pay attention to deads/squats because I have a ruptured ACL for over a year now and the last time I tried to hang clean another rep of my 1RM (120kg/265lbs) I dislocated my knee. But no worries Im waiting on a operation any day now, was waiting for government funding to come through.

I have decided to go on a hypertrophy cycle so that I can lose fat and increase cross-sectional area. After that Ill go back on a strength cycle, although I still have yet to decide which program to use for strength. Wendler's is way too slow and I made way more progress just doing a linear periodization program where I was just doing 5/3/1 every week.

Anyway... fucking wrote an essay. Thanks for the attention and the help. Hopefully once I start my hypertrophy cycle and get my macros/calories in order I should be able to lose the fat.

Thanks again