First cycle 12 week test-e

Left Calf 19 1/4''
Right Calf 19 1/4"
Left Quad 27 3/4"
Right Quad 27 1/2"
Waist at Navel 39"
Chest at Nipples 51 1/4"
Shoulders 58"
Neck 17 3/4"
Left Forearm 15"
Right Forearm 14 7/8"
Left Upper Arm Relaxed 17" Flexed 19 1/4"
Right Upper Arm Relaxed 17" Flexed 19"

grew justabout everywhere... not happy about waiste going up but ill live
did back and biceps tonight... routine was as follows

deadlifts 485x6 525x4 575x2
pullups bwx12 bw+25x12 bw+35x12
barbell rows 265x12 275x12 285x12
one arm dumbbell row 135x15 135x15 135x15
straight bar curl 105x15 105x15 105x15
hammer curl 65x12 70x12 75x8
preacher curl 85x15 85x15 85x15
so pin #10 was tonight, left delt, everything went well.. still continuing 12.5mg ed dose of aromasin

workout tonight was as follows

barbell shoulder press 275x6 295x4 325x2
upright rows 145x12 155x12 165x8
bent over flye 65x12 70x12 75x9
lat raise 40x15 45x15 50x12
barbell shrug 475x15 495x15 515x15
dumbbell shrug 135x15 135x15 135x15
dumbbell wrist curl 60x15 60x15 60x15
BA***769;N XE BEN HOWO 371HP, 375HP.336HP

1. Model xe: ZZ3257N3847A

2. N***259;m s***7843;n xu***7845;t: 2013

3. Nhà s***7843;n xu***7845;t : T***7853;p ***273;oàn xe t***7843;i h***7841;ng n***7863;ng trung qu***7889;c SINOTRUK- CNHTC.

4. Công th***7913;c bánh xe: 6x4 ***8211; xe 3 chân.

5. T***7843;i tr***7885;ng thi***7871;t k***7871; : 32 T***7845;n

6. T***7843;i tr***7885;ng cho phép: 25 T***7845;n

7. ***272;***7897;ng c***417;.

- Model: WD615.47 , Tiêu chu***7849;n khí th***7843;i EROII

- Nhà s***7843;n xu***7845;t ***273;***7897;ng c***417;: CNHTC/ Liên doanh Áo

- Công Su***7845;t ***273;***7897;ng c***417;: 336HP ho***7863;c 371HP Ho***7863;c 375HP/EROIII

8. Cabin.

- Cabin tiêu chu***7849;n HW76 : Cabin kép có gi***432;***7901;ng n***7857;m, Có ***273;i***7873;u hòa, có radio, có ***7893; c***7855;m USB nghe nh***7841;c.

- H***7879; th***7889;ng nâng cabin b***7857;ng th***7911;y l***7921;c k***7871;t h***7907;p c***417;.

- Màu s***7855;c cabin: Tùy ch***7885;n Xanh, ***272;***7887;, Tr***7855;ng.

9. H***7897;p S***7889;:

- H***7897;p s***7889; ***273;***7901;i m***7899;i HW10 có 10 s***7889; ti***7871;n 02 s***7889; lùi nâng cao n***259;ng l***7921;c v***7853;n hành ***7903; cung ***273;***432;***7901;ng ph***7913;c t***7841;p, và nâng cao kh***7843; n***259;ng kh***7903;i hành có t***7843;i ***7903; ***273;***432;***7901;ng x***7845;u.

10. Ly h***7907;p.

- H***7879; th***7889;ng côn d***7851;n ***273;***7897;ng th***7911;y l***7921;c và tr***7907; l***7921;c h***417;i.

- ***272;***432;***7901;ng kính lá côn: ***510; 420 mm.

11. C***7847;u xe.

- Hãng s***7843;n xu***7845;t: CNHTC / liên doanh hãng STEYR c***7911;a Áo.

- C***7847;u tr***432;***7899;c 9 T***7845;n có gi***7843;m sóc, C***7847;u sau 2x16 T***7845;n.

- C***7847;u chuy***7875;n ***273;***7897;ng gi***7843;m t***7889;c 2 c***7845;p (có gi***7843;m t***7889;c visai hành tinh ***7903; may ***417;) nâng cao n***259;ng l***7921;c v***7853;n hành trên nh***7919;ng m***7863;t ***273;***432;***7901;ng x***7845;u. Có l***7855;p khoá sai t***7889;c, thi***7871;t k***7871; gia t***259;ng ch***7883;u t***7843;i trên 20 t***7847;n/c***7847;u, r***259;ng c***432;a l***7899;n, tránh h***432; h***7841;i ***273;***7871;n bánh r***259;ng khi ch***7903; quá t***7843;i.

12. Khung xe: Xát si

- Khung xe kép g***7891;m 2 l***7899;p m***7895;i l***7899;p d***7847;y 8mm b***7857;ng thép h***7907;p kim gia c***432;***7901;ng l***7921;c.

13. H***7879; th***7889;ng phanh.

- H***7879; th***7889;ng phanh h***417;i hai m***7841;ch kép, phanh l***7889;c kê khí nén.

- Có phanh ***273;***7897;ng c***417; b***7857;ng khí x***7843; ***273;***7897;ng c***417;.

14. Thùng d***7847;u.

- Thùng d***7847;u làm b***7857;ng thép h***7907;p kim có khóa n***7855;p thùng.

- Dung tích thùng ch***7913;a d***7847;u: 350 Lít.

15. H***7879; th***7889;ng lái.

- H***7879; th***7889;ng lái Box lái: ZF8089 c***7911;a ***273;***7913;c.

- Có tr***7907; l***7921;c b***7857;ng th***7911;y l***7921;c.

16. H***7879; th***7889;ng ***273;i***7879;n.

- H***7879; th***7889;ng ***273;i***7879;n ***273;i***7873;u khi***7875;n b***7857;ng h***7897;p ***273;i***7873;u khi***7875;n trung tâm có màn hình táp lô hi***7875;n th***7883;.

- Bình ***273;i***7879;n: 02 bình ***7855;c quy 150Ah, ***273;i***7879;n ***273;i***7873;u khi***7875;n 24V.

17. L***7889;p.

- Quy cách l***7889;p: 12.000-20.

- Có 01 qu***7843; d***7921; phòng.

18. Thùng xe (Thùng ben).

- H***7879; th***7889;ng nâng ben: G***7891;m b***417;m th***7911;y l***7921;c, h***7879; th***7889;ng th***7911;y l***7921;c và tháp nâng ben HYVA Hà Lan

- Kích th***432;***7899;c thùng: Dài 5,6m x R***7897;ng 2,3m x Cao 1,5m.

- B***7873; dày thùng ben: B***7873; dày thành thùng 10mm, b***7873; dày ***273;áy thùng 12mm.

- Ki***7875;u lo***7841;i: Thùng vuông có x***432;***417;ng ben, có l***7855;p h***7853;u.

- Dung tích thùng: 19,3m3.

19. H***7879; th***7889;ng nhíp.

- H***7879; th***7889;ng nhíp: Nhíp tr***432;***7899;c 10 lá, nhíp sau 12 lá. B***7873; dày nhíp 25mm.

- Quang nhíp ***273;ôi.

-QUY***769; KHA***769;CH CO***769; NHU CÂ***768;U MUA XE XIN LIÊN HÊ***803; :CÔNG TY CP ***272;T PT MA***769;Y VIÊ***803;T NAM-NHA***768; NHÂ***803;P KHÂ***777;U PHÂN PHÔ***769;I CA***769;C SA***777;N PHÂ***777;M CU***777;A TÂ***803;P ***272;OA***768;N CINOTRUK.

***272;I***803;A CHI***777;:P 702 TN CT2 KHU ***272;Ô THI***803; V***258;N KHÊ-HA***768; ***272;ÔNG-HA***768; NÔ***803;I

***272;IÊ***803;N THOA***803;I : 0904.821.999
Couple of your questions went unanswered: don't worry about a little oil coming out of the injection site. Shit happens! Also, if your not used to using pins and vials, there may be a little left in it when your done with the vial. Play with it, you'll learn how to drain nearly every drop out. I wouldn't suggest opening it up. Rock on young man...
hey man thanks for the answers and following along, ive come to accept that a little oil will seep out of the injection site, especially due to the fact that I inject myself in glutes and delts and cant use z-track method.

also when emptying the vial I did manage t get all the test out after a while, took a little bit of time..

routine today for legs was as follows

box squats 375x6 395x4 415x2(knee wraps on last set)
squats 275x15 285x15 295x15
walking lunges 135x12 135x12 135x12
leg press 720x15 720x15 720x15
stiff legged deadlifts 275x15 285x15 295x15
single leg curl 95x15 95x15 95x15
calf press 630x20 650x20 670x20
standing calf raise 310x20 310x20 310x20
so tonight was chest/triceps

flat dumbbell press 135x12 135x12 135x12
incline dumbbell press 125x12 135x12 135x12
decline dumbbell press 135x12 135x12 135x12
flat dumbbell flye 70x15 75x15 80x15
closegrip bench press 265x12 275x12 285x10
one arm overhead dumbbell extension 35x12 40x12 45x12
rope pressdown 30x15 40x15 50x15

also just to make note, I got called back to work later this weeks and will be gone for 4 weeks. I will be taking everything with me to continue my cycle but I wont have access to the same weight while at sea. so improvements wont be as expected but I should be able to keep or even add some size while out there and hopefully maintain most of my strength gains

I will update the log while out there as often as possible and will resume with normal updates when I get back the first week of august
Hey bro I would either cut out the shake at night and replace it with a lighter meal or change it to a casein shake...
Just my $0.02
Keep it up
thanks man.. I just usually have the shake when I gets back from the gym then have some chicken and rice afterwards... im usually up pretty late and not gone to bed till like 230-3
Did back and biceps tonight routine was as follows

Pull-ups bw+25x12 bw+35x10 bw+35x8
Tbar row 260x12 270x12 280x12
Lat pulldown 160x12 170x12 180x12
Seated row 170x15 180x15 190x15
Dumbbell curl 50x12 55x12 60x10
Chin-ups bw+25x12 bw+35x12 bw+45x8
Dumbbell preacher curl 40x15 45x15 50x15
PIN number 11 this morning. Everything goin good. Will go back to only posting on pin days for the next 4 weeks then will update again with pics measurements and routine
Pin #12 last night. Late with post due to work hours. So officially half way through injections. Got about 17 pounds on. Defiantly more vascular. Muscles are much more solid when flex. And still fairly hard when relaxed. Hard to judge strength due to work and only having access to minimal equipment but before I left bench was 455 dead 485 and 415 for 2 reps on box squats. Hopefully strength won't drop much and ill be handy about that when I get home. But pins are going great. No troubles and no noticable sides as of today
Pin #12 last night. Late with post due to work hours. So officially half way through injections. Got about 17 pounds on. Defiantly more vascular. Muscles are much more solid when flex. And still fairly hard when relaxed. Hard to judge strength due to work and only having access to minimal equipment but before I left bench was 455 dead 485 and 415 for 2 reps on box squats. Hopefully strength won't drop much and ill be handy about that when I get home. But pins are going great. No troubles and no noticable sides as of today

Correction. That's 585 for deadlift not 485

And thanks man good to have you