Sorry for the delay in posts. Pin 18 was Sunday night. Everything went fine. Defiantly noticing a size difference. Strength has went way up even though I haven't been able to train with the weight I usually do. Deadlift Saturday was 600 so that's a on for me. Starting tomorrow I will post up my routine as I will be back to my usual gym with actual barbells and what not. With that said the past 5 days I have been able to get to a gym next to where the ship is tied up and it defiantly feels like I'm stronger. Also wondering if I should just finish off the vial of test in my last week. Maybe do 375 Thursday and Sunday for the past pins. Or if I should extend it staying at 250 pine until I run out. Dont want to keep it around the house because my next cycle winter be until next year. Seems so far away

also if I do extend or up the dose do I still start post cycle therapy (pct) 2.5 weeks after last pin or will it be later due to the increase dose/extended cycle
Thanks guys