First cycle advice please


New member
I am 35yrs old 200lbs pretty lean and have been lifting since I was 15. I am looking into doing a cycle for a strength and growth boost. I am looking at doing a 6 week cycle of DEPOTRONE test cyp. 400mg a week. Is this too much for a first cycle? Like I said I am just looking for a boost. Should I take tamoxifen and clomid and when? Also I am a little nervous about hitting a nerve in my ass or blood vessel when injecting. My friend says he uses 23g 1 1/2"pins is this good? I was thinking I would be more comfortable with delt injections. Is 1 1/2 " too much for the delt? Is there alot of room for error on the glute as far as nerves go? Sorry for the rookie questions but I really need the advice. Thanks
Your on the right track. First, you should acquire novla and clomid before you even start the cycle. Clomid should start 2 weeks after your last shot of test. I think, personally, that 400mg is good for a beginner, but some may say add an extra 100mg or so. Shooting in your ass is easy, you shouldn't worry about hitting a nerve as long as you follow procedure when injecting (cleaning the area, aspirating, etc).
Here is a site for help:
and you should use 1" if your going to shoot in your shoulder.
I agree with rollercoaster 400mg is good. I would prob run it for at least 8 weeks. As for the clomid, I only use it with doese of 600mg or more but, thats me. Do make sure you have NOLVADEX on hand. You never know how your body will respond to the test for the first time.
Here is another site for inj. info
why would you only use clomid for 600mg or more? 200mg or 1000mg your shut down and need to do post cycle therapy (pct)...either way...
400mg is ok, do it for 8-10 weeks...6 is too everyone else said, have nolva on can use it for post cycle therapy (pct) too if you want...
Clomid post cycle therapy (pct)= day 1 300mg day2-11 100mg day12-21 50mg
Nolva post cycle therapy (pct)= day1-10 40mg day 11-21 20mg....
Good Luck...
JAMES5038 said:
I am 35yrs old 200lbs pretty lean and have been lifting since I was 15. I am looking into doing a cycle for a strength and growth boost. I am looking at doing a 6 week cycle of DEPOTRONE test cyp. 400mg a week. Is this too much for a first cycle? Like I said I am just looking for a boost. Should I take tamoxifen and clomid and when? Also I am a little nervous about hitting a nerve in my ass or blood vessel when injecting. My friend says he uses 23g 1 1/2"pins is this good? I was thinking I would be more comfortable with delt injections. Is 1 1/2 " too much for the delt? Is there alot of room for error on the glute as far as nerves go? Sorry for the rookie questions but I really need the advice. Thanks

welcome bro......
don't be afraid of the search button....we all love to help out our new members.....however, this question gets asked virtually everyday.

MODS....a while back i wrote a thread for rookies and young newbies, i'll try to find it. perhaps we should make it a sticky in light of the number "how is this for a first cycle" questions.

god bless
Thanks, great info fast. I will have tamox and clomid when I start. I think the tamox I looked at said GENOX 20 on the box, is this the right stuff? Has anyone tried Depotrone? Is it any good?
I'd suggest 500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks. Start Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) two weeks after your last injection. You will need 36 50mg tabs of Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). Take as follows;
Day 1 - 300 mg
Day 2-11 - 100 mg/day
Day 12-21 - 50 mg/day

Make sure you have Nolvadex on hand in case of any gyno symptoms. 23g 1.5" is good for glutes, you will also need some 18g 1.5" pins for drawing up the oil. If you are going to do delt or thigh injects, get some 23g 1" pins.
StoneColdNTO said:
I'd suggest 500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks. Start Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) two weeks after your last injection. You will need 36 50mg tabs of Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). Take as follows;
Day 1 - 300 mg
Day 2-11 - 100 mg/day
Day 12-21 - 50 mg/day

Make sure you have Nolvadex on hand in case of any gyno symptoms. 23g 1.5" is good for glutes, you will also need some 18g 1.5" pins for drawing up the oil. If you are going to do delt or thigh injects, get some 23g 1" pins.
bump good advice:)
alkizz said:
How much Nolvadex should I have on hand and should I start at the 1st sign of gyno?


I always keep enough on hand to run at 20 mg/day for the entire length of my cycle.

If you start to develop gyno symptoms, start taking 40-60 mg/day until symptoms subside, usually a few days, then continue taking 20 mg/day for the duration of your cycle.
what is Gyno, if i am taking Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate), do i need to take anythign post? If so what?
Stonecold and everyone who replied, thanks. This board is great. What are symptoms of gyno, Sore nipples? Stonecold do you take novla throughout your cycle or just if symptoms occur? Also on the pin advice, the gear I looked at was depotrone test from south africa in break off tops so I should not need to switch pins , right?
JAMES5038 said:
Stonecold and everyone who replied, thanks. This board is great. What are symptoms of gyno, Sore nipples? Stonecold do you take novla throughout your cycle or just if symptoms occur? Also on the pin advice, the gear I looked at was depotrone test from south africa in break off tops so I should not need to switch pins , right?

Gyno symptoms include but not limited to; sore nips, puffy nips, small lumps under or around nips. Only take Nolva if you start to develop gyno symptoms, or all the way through your cycle if you know that you are gyno prone. In your case, you won't know as it is your first cycle, so just hold off and see. If you do develop any symptoms, start taking 40-60 mg/day until symptoms subside, usually a few days, then continue taking 20 mg/day for the duration of your cycle.

As for pins, you are going to want to inject with a 23 or 25g, it will be almost impossible to suck up the oil out of the amp with a pin that fine, so you will want to use a 18 or 20g for that purpose, and then switch to the smaller gauge for injecting.