first cycle, and issues already


New member
As you all can see I am quite new to the forum, have done a lot of lurking and reading, and learning. So I have a buddy, one of those guys that has been using for quite a while, and pretty much cruising, and as I learned and read more, I found that my first cycle that he told me, deca and t400 with nolva as AI would not be good at all.
So of course I had all this stuff he had told me to get, some deca, t400 and nolvadex. Through my own studying I realised I needed a few other things so I picked up hcg, arimidex, and pramipexole, And have pins and everything ready to go, studied the injection sites, was all ready. then I started reading the newb section here. and decided on a test only cycle of 12 weeks, 400mg a week split into 2 injections, so .5ml of T400 each injection every 3.5 days. Sounded ok for my first cycle to see how things would go, so I would pin 2x week, and arimidex .25eod, and hcg 250iu's eod for 12 weeks, then wait a week and start pct with nolvadex.

Sorry for long intro, but now it brings me to last Thursday morning, got off night shift, showed, and pinned .5ml into thigh, cause I thought it would be the simplest body part. followed procedure I think, injected slow, massaged area after. and went to bed. wake up at 4 pm for work, could hardly move my leg. Ok I know this was gonna happen, t400 is brutal stuff, from what I have read. well it is now sunday, pain has subsided slightly, leg is swollen on top of thigh, not a golf ball or anything, but top of leg is bigger than unpinned leg,leg has a slight bit of red/pink to it probably a 6x9" speaker size, and is still warmer to touch than rest of leg.

Now I need to pinning again and am sort of not wanting to now, since this has not gone away, and the more I read its about abscess,draining, doctors, bla bla bla.
I have a pretty physical job, heavy equipment mechanic, on the biggest trucks and shovels in the world. so having a bummed leg or arm is not cool, I have supervisors asking me whats wrong with my leg, since I am in pretty good shape, and look after myself, and if I need to go to the med center, not cool.
I really don't know what to do, pin again in my delt, and see what happens...
Any help, guidence would help.
Go to emergency room and say u took a shot of b12. That's if u think its infected. I don't play around with that stuff. Start pct 2-3 weeks after last pin if u continue. Somebody probably will post a link for a pct calculater.
Thanks tboned I am considering that, I think I am going to sleep on it, went to the gym, rode the bike, and did some leg press, nothing like normal though. I see how I feel when I wake up this afternoon.
Haha that is what I need to hear, It is my first time pinning, I only pinned .5ml so 200mg into my virgin body, I am gonna go take a shower and was the sand out of my cunt. And Pin the delt this afternoon me thinks. by buddy says the delt is way nicer. I have just got a little paranoid reading all this crap about infections and sterile abscess's. If my leg does not feel better in a few days more, Ill go get some antibiotics.
i will bet you it is NOT infected. would you like to bet? you just pinned 400mg/ml test into a virgin muscle and you have pain...thats normal. even if you use the smoothest 250mg/ml enanthate you can get, pinning in a virgin muscle will have some sort of post injection pain. if you cant deal with that cuz of work then dont do steroids. it'll take your muscles a little bit of time to get used to it, so either deal with it or dont.

Agreed... Better to be safe then sorry. You'll know if its infected...
here are 2 pics. it is red, but somewhat hard to tell from pic. oh on another note, this is the easiest forum I have been on to upload pics, wow.
Just looks like someone slapped your leg is all. Can't really tell if it is swollen in the pics.

How are the leg exercises going?
Ya I cant wait to see what happens to my arm. Megatron leg's was supposed to be friday, that didnt happen, I rode the bike this morning for 15 minutes, and did a few sets of leg press with 2 plates a side. Pretty lame. this was after allnight working, but very pathetic.
i ran t400 my first cycle and my first few pins were in my quads. had the same exact problem. its a virgin muscle that is getting stabbed with a foreign object. i switch to glutes and seem to be better for me. i dont think you have an infection. if it gets any worse then go to doc
Well thanks for the support guys. I was able to sleep pretty good today. And the leg feels better. Still stiff. And sore. But I am getting more mobility out of it, and the swelling has gone down. Now to pin again, and start all over in a new virgin muscle.
Pip in the thighs can be crippling. Whenever i have gear give me bad pip, i try to pin it all into the glutes. Bigger muscle plus you wont have to limp around all day.

Looks totally fine, its just normal pip.
OK quick update. My leg is feeling better. Still sore. But better. And the swelling has started to go down.
So I injected my right Delt with 0.5ml this morning. And headed to gym right away. Do some back and shoulders. Woke up this evening. With some swelling and pain. And mobility is not there. But manageable. This t400 is not cool. I got some test E 250 on the way. To cut. Hopefully that helps this pip out.
Haha that is what I need to hear, It is my first time pinning, I only pinned .5ml so 200mg into my virgin body, I am gonna go take a shower and was the sand out of my cunt. And Pin the delt this afternoon me thinks. by buddy says the delt is way nicer. I have just got a little paranoid reading all this crap about infections and sterile abscess's. If my leg does not feel better in a few days more, Ill go get some antibiotics.

My first pin evrr was to the glute and I limped for like 3 days but after that I was g2g. Was scared shitless bit I pinned and worked on my feet for 12 hours.
T400 is for one a mother fucker. If its a virgin muscle you will get exactly what you have. You might also get test flu. Whats test flu? Its flu like symptoms that arise from the first time using test, but its not the only time you will get it. From your pics its fairly common to get what you have but next ime TEST e or c @ 250mg s more than enough.

Good luck
T400. Notorious for PIP.

Virgin Muscle Quads. Notorious for PIP.

Virgin Pinner. Notorious for shaking when injecting creating more damage with needle and subsequently more PIP.

So I was basically set up for failure eh, ha I know it will get better. Especially with the weather of knowledge on this forum. And support.