first cycle cyp & deca

First cycle - deca 400mg + cypionate 250mg per week = 10 weeks

First day, monday, 7am went to my nurse, she shot me with cyp and I didn't feel a thing! Then she started shooting deca and I started feeling lightheaded, and than I hear a big crash. I woke up and realized that I fainted and fell. The big crash was the sound of my head hitting the door and that woke me up. After I got up I started talking on serbian and she was like "Are you okay baby, I can't understand you, are you okay!?!" Then we looked at the door and there was a big hole in it from my head. But I was okay, a little lightheaded though till noon. My nurse said that I fell with a fucking needle still in my ass, and when she took it out it was all bent like letter L. That shit was hilarious. I was so imbarassed, but I guess that I can't stand needles. Next time I'll lay down, just in case. Went to the weightroom on the same day, did legs and abs, but didn't feel any change or some extra boost. I weighed myslef and I was 189 lbs. I also took a picture so I can compare it by the end of the cycle to see my progress. I'm also doing a blasting diet plus eas mrp, N-large and a lot of vitamins. I'll try to gain 20 pounds. My ass feels sore as fuck.

i withdraw my previous post. failed to read your first post all the way.

I'm ashamed I even posted in this thread. this is a fucking joke. has to be.
Well, fuck you buddy - you don't like my thread or cycle - don't read it. You people sure grow some balls when it comes to hard talkin over the internet. Blabing bitches
That alot of Test so watch out you don't grow titties!!!!!
Should get Winstrol (winny) or Methel test instead of all the pure test!
Years ago I used russian d-bol and that was strong,big,so much blood I ghad nosebleeds,my cock was so pumped I would pound the fuck out of my woman and bump her cervix:( Swear I grew an inch???
Hell of alot of test,so don't fuck up your system.
I will finish the cycle that I've started, but I'm out of this b.building bullshit. That's for pussies and ignorant people. Why would I need gyms or protein shakes to get stronger and look better? Most of us on this site will never look like Arnold or Ronnie, simply because our bodies and bone structure will not allow it. You think that the ones that did look like that are healthy? Look at Arnold - 7 open heart surgeries, look at Flex Wheeler. It's pathetic! Look at Kevin Levrone! What is that all about? Purpose??? Why not play an actual sport, and do calisthenics instead? Do you even know how buff you can get with calisthenics only? You can get really buff - believe me. Save your cash man, wake up a little...
ok guy

Vladimir said:
I will finish the cycle that I've started, but I'm out of this b.building bullshit. That's for pussies and ignorant people. Why would I need gyms or protein shakes to get stronger and look better? Most of us on this site will never look like Arnold or Ronnie, simply because our bodies and bone structure will not allow it. You think that the ones that did look like that are healthy? Look at Arnold - 7 open heart surgeries, look at Flex Wheeler. It's pathetic! Look at Kevin Levrone! What is that all about? Purpose??? Why not play an actual sport, and do calisthenics instead? Do you even know how buff you can get with calisthenics only? You can get really buff - believe me. Save your cash man, wake up a little...
Now let me tell you something. just fyi. Every day most of us pay our dues, weather its one more squat,one more plate,one more curl,one more shot. but you know what it sounds like to me is your just not hard core enough, and somebody here on this site should send your ass that ''PUSSY'' report from awhile back so you can read that shit. Unlike you the rest of us probably dont go to the gym to stare at some chicks ass, we know why were their and we make our own sacrifices and if one of yours has to be that you are just now realizing your too scared, and you want to back out now, shit, thats your priority. but remember this winners are made every day and respect goes out to those who stick it out and make there dreams come tru, no matter how small or big they may be, know this those who do, have all ready passed you up! thats hard core and you cant handle it!!!!! SQUAT TILL YOU PUKE

Most of us on this site will never look like Arnold or Ronnie, simply because our bodies and bone structure will not allow it. You think that the ones that did look like that are healthy? Look at Arnold - 7 open heart surgeries, look at Flex Wheeler. It's pathetic! Look at Kevin Levrone! What is that all about?

I think take a look at yourself ............ have some respect for what others can obtain with hard work, life is full of losers and it looks like we just found another ............... Big L for you buddy.
You can hate if you want, but I don't see myself as a loser. I didn't go to weightroom to check out chicks. On the contrary, I was one of the buffest guys in there and was pushing harder than anybody else. I do think that calisthenics will give you the real combat power though, and I do believe that boxers are MUCH tuffer than any b.builder will ever be. Most of you never went to a real boxing workout and have little experience outside of the weightroom. Before I started with this b.building obsession, I've survived 2 wars, been through many street fights, trained boxing and worked out in parks. I'm realy not mad at anybody who doesn't understand me, because I truly don't care if you do or not. Some of you trash talking bastards are not even worth listening to since your experience in this type of workouts is not that big. said:
I enjoy starting with the heavy blasters, then use Bubba last to further isolate and burn it up. Please, go and try my exercise and give me your opinion. These can also be done on a dip bar.

this is some funny stuff man, sorry to piss you off.. I think you took it the wrong way.
Not sure why you took this cycle except for the fact that you were not willing to put forth the dedication needed to hit 200 lbs again, didn't you say that you were already there last year? Why not get back to that point naturally and then do your cycle, I think you would've easily hit 210-215 this way.. but now you are only gonna hit like 205 max and probably lost 5-10 lbs.. Not dissing your just curious why you went this route instead of waiting? and what is your age? no one has asked
did anyone see that ad were you get free counselling with every bottle of test
if you have perhaps you can pm vladimir(tuffcunt super boxer phyco streetfighter )
the details as perhaps it might help with the sides hes experiencing
i think they call it cockonheaditis

as for the prison workouts there ok i did em while i was locked up......
we didnt have any weights after someone used them to panelbeat someones head..