First cycle (Dbol & Prop)


New member
Hi ladies and Gents.
I've been lurking these on these forums for a little but haven't signed up till recently.

A little background info.

I'm 23 years old,
5'10", 180 lbs , roughly i'd estimate 12% BF
Training for 4 years.

I know how to diet and train ( had a good trainer) but I'm new to the anabolic world so I have some questions on my first cycle.

I plan on running Dbol and test propionate.

Week 1-3
24mg Dbol ED
Week 1-8(or 10)
100mg Test Prop EOD
That should be around 350mg a week correct?

My question is... I'm just using the Dbol to front load a little bit at the start of the cycle.
Can I do it for just 2-3 weeks at only 24mg ED? I mean is that enough?

Thanks for the input in advance!
why test prop?

its your first cycle, shouldn't you be more comfortable pinning twice a week instead of eod?

24mg dbol? do 40mg brother.

i suggest you to do more research and go with,

12-16 weeks 500mg test e or cyp
4 weeks 40mg dbol ed
Test Prop because I want to run a shorter cycle and also hopefully retain less water.
I was looking into 500mg of Test E or Cyp but don't want to run a cycle for 12 weeks or longer.

Thanks for the recommendation on the Dbol!
your not gonna see as great results with a short cycle then you could have with a "long" 12 week cycle.

you can combat water retention with cardio daily and maybe Adex or something.

but honestly, i personally never really had a difference in water retention. test is test for my body.
First off, you definitely need to do some more reading. 2nd, scratch the prop, go with cyp or enanthate and do at least 10 wks. Not 6 or whatever the fuck. You wont be pleased with your results. Worried bout bloat? get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or some prov. And have u even thought about ur pct?
I never said 6 weeks. I said 8 or 10 weeks. And really what does it matter if I do prop or cyp since it's just the ester am I correct?

I don't expect to get great results. I prefer to do baby steps and see how my body reacts. Then do a long cycle and lose more. I'd prefer to gain less and lose less then vise versa.
There are tons of ppl that do short cycles and everybody is different. Don't forget not everyones goals are the same.
I've read and read and read, but sometimes you just need to ask a few questions :)

And yes I have thought about my PCT.
guess i misread it. Look, honestly if this is ur first cycle then just go with test. And yeah, test is test but for a new user u usually tend to shy away from ed injections. I understand that u want to take baby steps, so do yourself a favor. Only use one compound ur first cycle(test). There are several reasons why i say this. 1, u dont know how ur body will react and/or what sides ur gonna have to deal with. If you've never cycled b4 and have a couple compounds u wont know which is causing it. the use of aas is all about learning and finding out what works best for YOUR body. 2, your first cycle you can get great gains from a low dose of test. My first cycle I only did 300/wk and saw extreme gains and strength leaps. Over time you will need more to get the same results, so it's best to do as little as possible to acheive results. Maybe the idea of seeing results instantly w/ the dbol is what interested u. I dunno. But really man, do it right. Every reputable and knowledgable member here will tell u the same thing. Don't waste ur time/money bro. Theres a certain way to do things so don't just go with what you personally think is best. no offense, but many, many bros with have a lot of experience with aas say this is the way to go. You don't wanna take the advice, then don't but there is a tried and true method here. If I were you this is what I'd do

wks 1-10 test 350-500mg
pct nolvadex & clomid
clomid=4 wks @ 50mg ed

Who knows you may be really sensitive to gyno so if you want to be prepared have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand in case your nips start itching & begin taking .5mg ed. If you're concerned about bloat/water retention then run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) regardless. This is good solid advice bro. Take it or leave it. good luck
That's the type of advice I was looking for. Totally agree with you and I think we've both mis read each others posts :)
Too be honest the DBol doesn't even interest me. At first I was recommended to take Dbol, test and deca as my first cycle or I wouldn't get any results and I'd waste my cash. No matter how many times I've told him it's my first and I just wanna see how my body reacts to test and also so I know if I get sides what's causing it.

That's the reason I wanted to use so little of the Dbol to begin with.
all good brotha, also in steroids work best in a calorie rich environment. So on cycle EAT bro. Shoot for at around 3500-4000 cal/ day. 300g protein, 250-300 carbs, 80-100 fat. If you want to get really dialed in go to the diet forum and have 3J help you out. If you dont know what your TDEE and BMR is then i really recomend doing so. Eat big, lift big, get ur 8hrs. and you will get big.
all good brotha, also in steroids work best in a calorie rich environment. So on cycle EAT bro. Shoot for at around 3500-4000 cal/ day. 300g protein, 250-300 carbs, 80-100 fat. If you want to get really dialed in go to the diet forum and have 3J help you out. If you dont know what your TDEE and BMR is then i really recomend doing so. Eat big, lift big, get ur 8hrs. and you will get big.
Thanks again. I'll definitely eat big but lean :)
And after considering I've decided to go with only test as my first cycle!
I'll keep this updated when I start.
Guys I need some help.
I'm on my 10th injection already (EOD) and I'm not sure but I don't think I really feel it kicking in.
Is that normal? I mean that's almost 3 weeks now.
I think my stuff might be fake. And ohh have I complicated things, I only bought 1 10ml vial at 200mg/ml and I was going to buy the rest later since that'll only last about 4 weeks but I started sleeping with my sources gf. (I know I know, don't say anything)
So now I can't even get anymore, but not sure if I even want to if it isn't real.
lmao thats messed up. find a new source. i would think with the dbol and test prop, after just 2-3 weeks u should start feeling good. u could also up the test to like 130mg eod
I dropped the Dbol on everyones recommendation brother. Just doing the prop.
Ya, don't think with your penis lol. Ohh I have a feeling I'm going to look stupid asking ppl at the gym. I could tell who's using but still lol.
If u look like u juice u wont have a problem. Ppl were talking to me about juicing before I even started lol. I sure as hell wont talk to a scrawny bitch that asks me about it tho. I think that's how most ppl r.
Well I'm not a scrawny bitch that's for sure lol. But I don't look like I juice. Hence me starting my first cycle :)
I have an athletic body with bigger legs that don't match lol.
I might have found a new source though last night!
i never have anyone ask me in the gym anymore about gear. i geuss i must have f off writen on my for head.

prop alone will do you good so long as you can handle the pins. there not all that bad.
good luck.
i never have anyone ask me in the gym anymore about gear. i geuss i must have f off writen on my for head.

prop alone will do you good so long as you can handle the pins. there not all that bad.
good luck.

I don't mind the pins. At first I was a little worried how I might handle it but after 10 already I kind of look forward to the next one haha.
I only pin my delts and quads. I think glute is too hard to do by myself. Just too ackward lol.
Ok I managed to get my hands on another source :)
Pinned yesterday but I'll switch to the new stuff tomorrow.
Can't wait!

Ohh I have one question.
I pinned my quad a few days ago and it hurt like a bitch! It was so hard to put in. It felt like I was going thru a brick and my leg started twitching but I managed to keep everything steady lol. My question is why? Did I hit a nerve or something? I was told I hit scar tissue.