First cycle ever, Helladrol.

Yeah, Halo kicked in pretty quick for me as well and the pumps are fucking awesome!
Word of the slightly wiser: Try to not go ape shit on the weights...
Torn muscles aren't fun.
Yea i had tendentious for 10 months so i know the feeling. I stayed on my normal routine just added a touch more weight. Ha. Def don't wanna tear anything buy my shirt from being swole!! Today i feel great. Not sore one bit. My Fing lower back hurts me again. I have to go to the chiropractor and get an alignment. It felt good for a couple days and last night i did some shrugs. Back to shit again.. Dammit
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Day 5 today and no sides. 4g taurine with my protein shake in the mornings seem to do it for the BP's. Did chest last night and felt strong. Some gains but nothing major. I did a short session. I didn't have the steam I usually have when I take PWO but that should come with time I hope. I may take one scoop next session and see how it goes. Bench was up slightly but nothing to brag about... Today will be rest day... Back at it Friday. I'm gonna work out at home Friday.
I didn't need PWO while on Halo, but if you need some energy, you can always get caffein tabs...

I def get great pumps just not the energy drive i use to. Ill try a black coffee like i use to. That usually gets me going. Im sue once i go to 100mg i will be rocking. Sunday I'm going to go to 100mg and get the party started!
Don't expect more energy though.

Yea so ill have to coffee up before i hit it for sure. Some days a feel like a lump of shit.

Day 6 for me and no sides at all. Still sore from chest day but ill get over it. I really can't wait for this to really kick in! I started eating more and i can definable tell with my core. Im starting to loose my abs slowly. Im gonna eat super clean starting today to see if it helps. I weighed myself yesterday and i was 205!!! Up from sitting at 195 ish. Time to put on muscle. Wonder if i stay at 2000 cal - 2500 cal if i will stall have good gainz? I wanna get lean big not fat big...
Thanks for joining the party Mich. Tomorrow im gonna start with 100mg. I have no sides as of today. Work outs have been average. Hopefully the 25mg more will get me going. No major difference so far.

np the more logs the better,you always learn something new with each new log
Day 3 with 100mg and no sides. Today i didn't take any taurine in the morning just 1200mg fish oil. I want to see if i get back pumps. I had a session on Sunday and yesterday and I'm not real sore at all. I set a PB on the flat bench on Sunday with 10@225,10@225,10@225 with 1 minute of rest between sets. Felt really good. On the last set it was tough getting the 10th one up but when i really let it rip, it went right up. Yesterday i did 3 sets of DB flat bench and awesome too. 10@80's,11@90's,10@90. It actually felt easy. Man i can't with till the mule kicks in! LOL
Day 3 with 100mg and no sides. Today i didn't take any taurine in the morning just 1200mg fish oil. I want to see if i get back pumps. I had a session on Sunday and yesterday and I'm not real sore at all. I set a PB on the flat bench on Sunday with 10@225,10@225,10@225 with 1 minute of rest between sets. Felt really good. On the last set it was tough getting the 10th one up but when i really let it rip, it went right up. Yesterday i did 3 sets of DB flat bench and awesome too. 10@80's,11@90's,10@90. It actually felt easy. Man i can't with till the mule kicks in! LOL

happy to hear it
Today I did another rest day. I did some more research on Forma Stanzol and it seems like its good to cut down on fat and reduce E. IMO I think I have a lot of chest fat with puffy nips. My girl doesn't think it's so, but I do. So tonight I start it. I did 3 pumps each peck/ nipple and two pumps on my stomach area. Tomorrow I will do 8 in the am after the shower and 8 before I hit the sheets for the night. I didn't take any taurine until about 10-11am to see if I would get BP's. I started to feel it and had 4g and within an hour or less it was gone. I haven't gotten to feel the really bad BP's and I don't really the I wanna... I just got major pumps just applying the Forma so I had to throw down a flexing session in the mirror. BooM Tomorrow will be a super cardio day with some legs and a mix of upper body and core. Low sets of 6,4,2's to build strength. Mood has been good so far as well. I can also say the first couple days I had mild head aches. I never get head aches but it wants too bad. Must have been a side...
I had an awesome session today. Finally was able to hit mp PB incline bar bench 225 for 4 after another PB flat bar bench of 285 for 3! I really think I should come close to my goal of 350 on the flat bench by July. Hopefully I can ride the mule and hit it on cycle sooner. I'm positive I can hit 315 right now if I try when I'm fresh. The 285 was my 4th set in.... No taurine until 11:30am today and no BP's. Feeling really good!!