First cycle ever, Helladrol.

Yesterday i did 100 push ups to test me ribs and stitches. Everything was super. Im gonna do a session tonight for sure. Gym clots are in the truck and i already have my pump on just sitting t the desk typing. I think the Helo is kicking in for me. To be honest, i feel like a hurt animal sitting here. After a 6 day rest, i should be stronger now. Im going to see how many times i can put up 225 on the bench. On the norm, i start to fade at the 10th rep. Im going to push for as many as i can get on my first set so really see if this PH is kicking in. My weight got up to 208 on Monday. For the past 2 days i have been sting super clean, lower carb intake and now I'm back down to 202. I had a killer ribeye dinner with 4 Michalob Ultras (90cal & 2.5g carbs)with dinner last night and a long island ice tea. Not good for the liver but good for the mind. Im sure I'm back to 205 today. Eat big, grow big. :wiggle::wiggle:

Good shit Oversupplimented! Get it in, but don't make the rookie mistake of going super heavy. Stick to regularly increased, moderately heavy working sets/drop sets and supersets. No need (other than bravado) to do reg 1 rep max lifts...seen a lot of guys tear pecs, shoulders and roll biceps this way (including yours truly). Just because you feel like Superman and wanna grab those 125 lb. DB's doesn't mean you should IMHO. Not trying to sound like a stick in the mud here, but beer, whether it be low cal or high cal still has alcohol and is a bad idea on strong orals. Your liver, even with good on cycle support is under enough strain...NO ALCOHOL. Better to be safe than sorry.

~An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
I agree 100%.

If you have read my log, you know that I tore a muscle mid cycle on Halo, because I couldn't resist the temptation of upping the weight to fast.

Also - booze is a no go.
Thanks guys for the support. It was hard to say no to the beers last night cause it was all free. I never ever drink but last night was an exception. On the clean and narrow from here in out 100%!
I tried to bench today and ribs said no way. I got shoulders and some arms in tho. Weight was up and a sick pump for sure. One of the regulars said my arms look bigger so I know it's all go.. I didn't push myself today but was a very good session. 206 with sweaty gym clothes. Really pissed about the ribs here at mid cycle.. I still have 2.5 more weeks to roll. Anyone ever push Halo to 7 weeks on? Due to no sides I could probably bump up to 125mg. Thoughts?
If I were in your shoes I'd do 7 weeks at 100 rather than bump to 125.
Just my personal opinion of course.
That said, I didn't have any sides until the end of week 6.
The my body told me he's done with halo though. lol
I may just run 7 weeks if sides are still non existing, I have plenty Halo to make it happen:). Im gonna get my blood checked again in week 5 or so to see what my liver is telling me to be on the safe side. Im gonna order up some N2 Guard this weekend and start taking some of that as well. My PCT should be here soon to. Tonight is back and cardio night.
Today is the start of week 4. I have had a couple nice comments from some people in the gym and they can definitely see a difference in my gains. Incline bench has always been my weakness. Today was the first time EVER that I could press 100lb DB's. I did two sets, one set of 10 with 80's, one set of 10 with 90's no help. For the 100's I had a spotter but was successful pressing 6 all by myself mad two more assisted. My ribs won't let me do flat press or declines which sucks cause I have always been way stronger. Hopefully by the time I heal up I can see what my decline and flat have peaked on cycle. If I can do 100's I'm pretty sure I could press 120's on decline. Shit is starting to get real!!!

Also I got BP's today on the elliptical, had my protein shake with 5g taurine, and they stopped within 30 minutes.
The entire day yesterday i had a Halo headache from hell. All thru the day. It was like the headaches i had in the first week, then i haven't had them until now. Im not sure 100% is from Halo or the pollen / allergies. Had a super hard time trying to fall asleep to. Today i feel ok. Tonight is going to be back day and tomorrow cardio and some shoulders. Wish my ribs would heal up soon. Still really tender when i do certain things but at least i can still work out to some extent. Im really missing the benching. Weight is 205lbs. Also need to order another bottle of Forma. The first bottle seems like its going quick and I'm only doing 8 pumps, 2x per day. 4 on chest and 4 on stomach. Seems like 8 is enough to cover the entire area. Shits expensive!!
I remember not being able to sleep some nights too.
What are you using as a PWO? I think it's best to lay off anything with cafeine or other "pushers", especially if you work out in the afternoon / evening.
I haven't been taking anything but coffee on my work out days. Yesterday was a family/rest day so it was just tilapia and potatoes for dinner then a nap because i had a banging head ache. Maybe the nap was counter active too. Im going to try and drink more water today. My piss stunk bad yesterday even tho i had a good amount of water from noon time on. So far today I'm pretty good.
How much did you pay for the whole cycles worth of stuff? All together it seems to be around 185 looking at all of the cheapest stuff I can find.
How much did you pay for the whole cycles worth of stuff? All together it seems to be around 185 looking at all of the cheapest stuff I can find.

I bought an extra bottle of Helladrol thinking I was going to need it but I don't. It will be for next go round. I will need one more Forma soon so total about $325 - my clomid, taurine, and fish oil. That is another added $80-100.
PH cycle under 500 isn't happening IMHO.

What I do when on PH, is that I split my nutrition into 8 daily events and each of them gets a bottle of water.
That way I'm at a gallon automatically and anything in between is extra on top.
Never once did my piss look any different than spring water. ROFL
PH cycle under 500 isn't happening IMHO.

What I do when on PH, is that I split my nutrition into 8 daily events and each of them gets a bottle of water.
That way I'm at a gallon automatically and anything in between is extra on top.
Never once did my piss look any different than spring water. ROFL

Ha Ha. Did you do a multivitamin? My Orange Triad has me pissing fluorescent some times! LOLz and i usually drink a camel amount of water. I don't do the 8 meals a day tho. I seriously need to start eating less carbs to go on a cut. Starting today I'm cleaning my diet up a bit. I can't see spending $125 for a diet plan at this time tho. I want to but i can't swing the coin...

between 100 and 300 depending on what items you run and where you get it

Dam Mich where and what? Thats cheap! DO you have any PH logs from yourself? I would move to check em out bro.

Last nights session was back day. My weight is definitely up on everything but my fucking ribs hurt me and kept me from my normal routine. If they still hurt in week 6 I'm calling my first PH cycle there. No need to push out 7 weeks when i can't benefit the way i want to. I couldn't even run on the dam tread mill last night it hurt so bad. Tonight will be shoulders and some chest work. Tomorrow will be strictly sauna and cardio. I have to cut this dam fat and its not going anywhere. YEsterday i felt super bloated and i dunno why. I do eat clean now but I'm guessing to many carbs. Today i will keep carbs under 150g. Any suggestions fellas?
Ha Ha. Did you do a multivitamin? My Orange Triad has me pissing fluorescent some times! LOLz and i usually drink a camel amount of water. I don't do the 8 meals a day tho. I seriously need to start eating less carbs to go on a cut. Starting today I'm cleaning my diet up a bit. I can't see spending $125 for a diet plan at this time tho. I want to but i can't swing the coin...

Dam Mich where and what? Thats cheap! DO you have any PH logs from yourself? I would move to check em out bro.

Last nights session was back day. My weight is definitely up on everything but my fucking ribs hurt me and kept me from my normal routine. If they still hurt in week 6 I'm calling my first PH cycle there. No need to push out 7 weeks when i can't benefit the way i want to. I couldn't even run on the dam tread mill last night it hurt so bad. Tonight will be shoulders and some chest work. Tomorrow will be strictly sauna and cardio. I have to cut this dam fat and its not going anywhere. YEsterday i felt super bloated and i dunno why. I do eat clean now but I'm guessing to many carbs. Today i will keep carbs under 150g. Any suggestions fellas?

my cycles are pretty basic. cycle support ,weight gainer,ph,pct and ai to have on hand just in case.I don't really count food because its part of it all.I haven't ran a cycle in forever but have one planned but life has been insane so haven't been able to run it