First cycle ever, Helladrol.

I'll get some Hawthorne berry next time I go to the health food store. It wouldn't hurt. I drink at least a gallon of water a day. Gotta flush out. Thanks for the insight Mich!

np awesome results on the bench looks like your hit your goal if you keep pushing
So what does your cycle look like after everyone's suggestions? I'm considering running a hella cycle after my osta cycle.
So what does your cycle look like after everyone's suggestions? I'm considering running a hella cycle after my osta cycle.

~Very simple and basic starter cycle to get my feet wet~
Im going to run a 6 week cycle:
Helladrol - 75/100/100/100/100/100 (I may go up to 125mg for the last week if i stay with little to no sides) week one was one pill in the morning, one at lunch, and one before bed. Now I'm taking second one at 10-10:30 and third around 4pm

Forged Liver Cycle support 2/2/2/2/2/2 (i take one pill in the morning and one pill before bed) I'm not sure if the bottle i have will support the entire 6 weeks so I'm going to get some N2 Guard for safe keep for the last week and for my next cycle. Ha! Already planning on a second cycle ~
Forma Stanzol - O/8/8/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 (this is applied 2x daily. First time in the morning after my shower, and second time before bed)
2400mg + of fish oil to keep joints healthy and lubed up. Ive read Helladrol dries out joints. More of prevention and always good to have this in your system.
5g of taurine to combat Back Pumps

Forma Stanzol - 10/10/10/10 (i started 1/2 way thru week to for E control and will continue to week 10 for PCT)
Forged Post Cycle Support - 2/2/2/2 (starting at week 7 ending week 10. One pill in the morning and one at night before bed)
Clomid - 50,50,50,50. (im not 100% on this because i see so many different dosages around the web. I see 100,50,50,25. I see 25,25,25,25. If someone has any reasoning for support on this, fill me in please)

Im at the gym at least 3 days per week. Would like to put in more but family first***8230; Each session consists of 2 hours of non stop punishment. I don't have set chest days, shoulders, back***8230; I mix things up according to soreness. Always do cardio on them days as well. I work my ass off when I'm there. Just me and my music. I compete with the guy in the mirror. I do it for me, and no one else. I have been fat all my life. Last year i hit 232+ and decided to join the gym. I haven't looked back since. I cut to 177lbs but i was weak. I stand today at 205 and feel great. 15%bf+or-.


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I should have my blood work report tomorrow. I got a call for the Dr office and they said my blood work was very good and everything was ok. I will request a copy of the results to share. Tomorrow i have a follow up.
~Very simple and basic starter cycle to get my feet wet~
Im going to run a 6 week cycle:
Helladrol - 75/100/100/100/100/100 (I may go up to 125mg for the last week if i stay with little to no sides) week one was one pill in the morning, one at lunch, and one before bed. Now I'm taking second one at 10-10:30 and third around 4pm

Forged Liver Cycle support 2/2/2/2/2/2 (i take one pill in the morning and one pill before bed) I'm not sure if the bottle i have will support the entire 6 weeks so I'm going to get some N2 Guard for safe keep for the last week and for my next cycle. Ha! Already planning on a second cycle ~
Forma Stanzol - O/8/8/10/10/10/10/10/10/10 (this is applied 2x daily. First time in the morning after my shower, and second time before bed)
2400mg + of fish oil to keep joints healthy and lubed up. Ive read Helladrol dries out joints. More of prevention and always good to have this in your system.
5g of taurine to combat Back Pumps

Forma Stanzol - 10/10/10/10 (i started 1/2 way thru week to for E control and will continue to week 10 for PCT)
Forged Post Cycle Support - 2/2/2/2 (starting at week 7 ending week 10. One pill in the morning and one at night before bed)
Clomid - 50,50,50,50. (im not 100% on this because i see so many different dosages around the web. I see 100,50,50,25. I see 25,25,25,25. If someone has any reasoning for support on this, fill me in please)

Im at the gym at least 3 days per week. Would like to put in more but family first***8230; Each session consists of 2 hours of non stop punishment. I don't have set chest days, shoulders, back***8230; I mix things up according to soreness. Always do cardio on them days as well. I work my ass off when I'm there. Just me and my music. I compete with the guy in the mirror. I do it for me, and no one else. I have been fat all my life. Last year i hit 232+ and decided to join the gym. I haven't looked back since. I cut to 177lbs but i was weak. I stand today at 205 and feel great. 15%bf+or-.



Thanks bro. I might run that next with a couple of tweeks.
great log here happy to hear the blood work came back with good results

Everything was very good and I'm a pretty healthy guy. I'm gonna have my blood done again in week 6 to see where I'm at.

AST - 39 between 0-40 is normal
ALT - 33. between 0-44 is normal
Alkaline Phosphatase S - 65 between 39-117 is normal
Testosterone, Serum - 554 Between 348-1197 is nor mal
Free Testosterone (direct) - 16.8. Between 8.7-25.1 is normal
Cholesterol, Total - 154 Between 100-199 is normal
HDL Cholesterol - 53. >39 is normal
Triglycerides - 37. Between 0-139 is normal
Last night I was doing leg presses with high weight and I had a pop in my lower left rib cage.. I def fucked something up in there. Don't know if I cracked a rib or jut popped one out of place. I'm not in crazy pain but it's noticeable. Don't think I broke one but def damage something. To put some icing on the cake, today at the dr office he did a biopsy on a mole on my back between my shoulder blades removed a dime to nickel size hunk of skin and had to stitch it with 2 in the inside and 4 outside. Totally didn't expect that. I'll be going into week 3 tomorrow too... Pissed. I need a couple rest days anyways so I'm gonna take a couple days off to recoup everything. By then I should be ready to roll.... Always something for me....
Last night I was doing leg presses with high weight and I had a pop in my lower left rib cage.. I def fucked something up in there. Don't know if I cracked a rib or jut popped one out of place. I'm not in crazy pain but it's noticeable. Don't think I broke one but def damage something. To put some icing on the cake, today at the dr office he did a biopsy on a mole on my back between my shoulder blades removed a dime to nickel size hunk of skin and had to stitch it with 2 in the inside and 4 outside. Totally didn't expect that. I'll be going into week 3 tomorrow too... Pissed. I need a couple rest days anyways so I'm gonna take a couple days off to recoup everything. By then I should be ready to roll.... Always something for me....

that sucks hope you heal up soon
No joke. I think ill be good by the end of the week to do some work. Im gonna hit the cardio Thursday for sure. Im going thru withdraws already. Haven't been since Friday. Ate like a beast yesterday for Mothers Day. Had the family over for NY Strip steaks on the grill.
Been following this log...GOOD STUFF! Despite the minor setbacks, seems like you're on your way Oversupplimented. I'm running a SARM and some peps right now, but thinking about going with PH's next. Ran some Phreak (superdrol, haladrol) a few yrs ago, worked really well, but shut me down pretty hard. Making major adjustments to PCT this time around. Thnx for the PCT protocol.
Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I'm looking for a PH stack that's a little more intense. Any suggestions on what to stack with the Helladrol? I was looking at Ironmaglabs Super DMZ Rx 3.0, (Dymethazine, Methylstenbolone, Alpha-1) sounds like a kick ass triple stack! Has anyone tried this stuff? Feedback please.
Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I'm looking for a PH stack that's a little more intense. Any suggestions on what to stack with the Helladrol? I was looking at Ironmaglabs Super DMZ Rx 3.0, (Dymethazine, Methylstenbolone, Alpha-1) sounds like a kick ass triple stack! Has anyone tried this stuff? Feedback please.

Thanks for following along my PH ride. The PH's are all new to me, this is my first rodeo here. Noob, Mich and Boot can chime in better then me on the more aggressive PH's. I did some reading on Beast v2 and i didn't go that route because of the aggressive ness. Maybe that will be the one for you being that its not your first cycle. I started this three to inform others on what PH's do and don't do so no hijacking worries. I have read all good regarding Help so i decided to give it a try. Shit, i already have another bottle for a late summer cycle and I'm sure it will be stacked with something more aggressive next time around… :)
Forgot to mention i totally forgot to take my taurine with my shake in the morning yesterday and i didn't have any BP's whatsoever! Today is back to eating clean. Low carbs and high proteins / fat. Im thinking about Ketosis diet to get rid of my chest fat. I read that the Ketosis attacks bf but I'm not sure if i should try this on cycle or not. Im stuck between a rock and a fat place***8230;. I want to have gains but i don't want to have fat. I was 195 for two months at 2500 calories, now I'm sitting at 207 and i feel kinda fat. I definitely see myself getting bigger muscle wise so i think the weight is packing on from that. I really dunno.
Yesterday i did 100 push ups to test me ribs and stitches. Everything was super. Im gonna do a session tonight for sure. Gym clots are in the truck and i already have my pump on just sitting t the desk typing. I think the Helo is kicking in for me. To be honest, i feel like a hurt animal sitting here. After a 6 day rest, i should be stronger now. Im going to see how many times i can put up 225 on the bench. On the norm, i start to fade at the 10th rep. Im going to push for as many as i can get on my first set so really see if this PH is kicking in. My weight got up to 208 on Monday. For the past 2 days i have been sting super clean, lower carb intake and now I'm back down to 202. I had a killer ribeye dinner with 4 Michalob Ultras (90cal & 2.5g carbs)with dinner last night and a long island ice tea. Not good for the liver but good for the mind. Im sure I'm back to 205 today. Eat big, grow big. :wiggle::wiggle: