First Cycle Log - PSL Test E


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This thread will contain all the juicy info of my first cycle.

As is recommended by the community here I've decided to go with Testosterone only for my first cycle, with a little HCG and Arimidex as well.
Cycle Schedule

Weeks 1-12
250mg/3.5 days - Testosterone Enanthate
250iu's/3.5 days - HCG
.25mg - EOD - Arimidex

Weeks 13-14
250iu's/3.5 days - HCG
.25mg - EOD - Arimidex
Beginning the 15th week, approximately 14 days after my final Testosterone injection, I will begin my PCT.
PCT Schedule

Weeks 1-2
Clomid 50mg/day
Nolvadex 40mg/day

Weeks 3-4
Clomid 50mg/day
Nolvadex 20mg/day

Alright, so thats the skinny on how I plan on running everything.

As far as injections go, I did my first one yesterday right around this time. The pinning went great actually. I was very clean, wore gloves, wiped everything clean before drawing or injecting, aspirated, and didn't hit a vein my first time... This was my only real worry to be honest.
I knew to pull back on the syringe and check before injecting and was very relieved when no blood came in!

Okay, so that went great, I had no pain injecting. I went to work about an hour after injecting and as the night went on my ass got pretty sore. The worse it ever got was about as bad as someone punching or kneeing it. I of course got online and read 1,000,000 threads on pain and what's normal what's not. I have no redness, heat, fever, or festering so I'm fine! Just virgin muscle soreness. This morning it's just slightly sore, again, with no visual indications of an internal issue.

Note : I attempted the first injection with both Test and HCG, drawn both with a 23, and injected with a 25. I had no problem getting the product into the syringe, but keeping it from just being big HCG bubbles inside my Test's oily solution posed difficult.. It also made it very hard to tell how much I actually drew up. With that being said, I needed .25ml of my HCG solution, and had already pulled 1ml of my test into the syringe. I basically just pulled to the 1.5ml to account for the space the bubbles were taking up and ordered some insulin syringes to avoid this next week or the following week when they arrive. I would imagine, if I don't get the HCG dose perfect the first week or even the first two weeks, that it wouldn't be a huge deal cause the Test hasn't had time to completely shut me down yet. Surely let me know otherwise if it's a huge deal, but I'll just continue trying the dual solution until my insulin pins arrive.

All in all, one day of injecting, and months of preparing, I feel pretty good about this. Can't wait to feel the effects! Thanks for reading and stay tuned, maybe I'll just xfer my training log into this thread as well. I just got a Chromebook, so posting will be a lot easier now that I'm using a real keyboard and not my phone. That is all!
Hey all, quick update here.

Had a little soreness from my first injection. It's been since Monday at 3:00 p.m, and the bruised feeling is starting to diminish and it's Thursday, 3:30 a.m. Not bad. I'd take 2.5 days of soreness every injection if the results are what they are hyped up to be.

I was a pussy, and asked 3J how I was going to do legs when my other ass cheek's gonna be sore from tomorrow's injection. His reply was short and sweet, "Man the fuck up". Just what I needed. No pain, no gain right?

On another note, yesterday my girlfriend (who lifts with me everyday) and I did Chest/Back. Shit was grueling. I'm done skipping workouts in favor of combining two together. Supersets are cool, but not for every single set on opposite body parts.
Next week, I'll be back on a consistent lifting schedule, no gaps in between days, making up for missed workouts, deloading, logging inconsistently, etc. Just gym rat, errday! When I'm right on my own paper training logs, they'll be posted up here for everyone to see as well.

Time to go tear up my shoulders! I'll report back tomorrow after my second injection. Thanks for reading!
Congrats on your first journey to the dark side. There will be pip with any gear being it's your first cycle. Virgin muscle always hurts. Some gear is just painful to begin with. The EP line is the smoothest gear i've ever used though. Once you get used to pinning you won't feel a thing afterwords.
Like joz said brother, virgin muscles. You would have been sore if you had only pushed the needle in and pulled it out without injecting anything. But PSL's gear is smooth as shit. You should have had the pleasure of injecting this water base susp I had five of six years ago, it's from a ugl that no longer exist, BUT damn I couldn't walk for a week. And I love pinning
Second injection went pretty well this afternoon. My 29g .5" pins came in the mail for the HCG, so I got to do them seperate this time. That shipping was pretty awesome considering it's nearly Christmas. Ordered on Tuesday at 3 in the morning roughly.. Basically I got them within my injection timeline, didn't skip a beat lol

I injected the HCG SubQ about an inch to the side of my belly button. At a 45 degree angle to ensure I was only in the fat... I don't have much lower abs anyhow lol who am I kidding.
The Test was injected into the left glute, (opposite of prev. injection). I find it hard to reach around to the upper, outer section of the glute, and so I'm so fidgety in that position that I put pressure downward on the needle as it's in my skin. I found this out, as I carefully pulled it out and as soon as it came out the hole it scraped down my leg about half an inch. Gonna have to work on steadiness, and maybe use a less tense grip on the syringe.

Other than that, I don't currently feel any knotting or stiffness developing as with the previous injection. Maybe having the HCG out of the mix helped, or maybe I did a little better this time. We'll see after 8 hours of work and a workout.

BuzzBait, thanks for your post, I've read some pretty nasty stories about pain from injection, limping, infections, unable to walk, etc. Scared me at first, because the first signs are all the same. Heat, and soreness. I've learned to just ride out the storm. It all turned out fine, hardly feel the PIP from Monday now. Noob problems. Ready to see these gains my friend! Cannot wait! 200 here I come!
What are your current stats bro?

Oh yeah! Forgot to start with that. I have a standard log in the logging section, some may be familiar with me, some not. Here's my current stats.

Age - 24
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 181
BF% - <20, >15

I'm currently working with 3J. Training, nutrition and general advice on cycle and anything else really for that matter.
Hey dude,
I planned to start my first cycle too. I would start in January.
I had almost the same stack as you.
Did you get or plan the blood test to check up?
Hey dude,
I planned to start my first cycle too. I would start in January.
I had almost the same stack as you.
Did you get or plan the blood test to check up?
I did, I did. I had pre bloods done, it was a little further back in November. I was planning to start earlier but didnt have everything I needed yet.

My next bloodwork will be in probably 3 weeks. I've got a slow thyroid, so I have routine bloods every 2 months anyway. At that time I'll have my doctor check everything. I could even hold out to 4 weeks if I needed, as I have certain amounts of medication to last me so long. We'll see.
Looks like a solid plan. I plan to start my first run in a few weeks.

Look forward to following your success.
Looks like a solid plan. I plan to start my first run in a few weeks.

Look forward to following your success.

One thing I'll say, do not hesitate to put it off. Make sure you're ready, and everything is in place before committing to it. Once that needle goes in, there's no turning back.
I'll be following this thread for sure. I'm planning my first cycle in the spring...getting everything ready including my mind. Keep up the good posts!
I'm looking forward to run a blast as soon as I get my trt dialed in. Itching to use the PSL tren and test I've had for 3 months.

Looking forward to seeing your progress. Kill it!
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I'm looking forward to run a blast as soon as I get my trt dialed in. Itching to use the PSL tren and test I've had for 3 months.

Looking forward to seeing your progress. Kill it!

Yeah buddy. About to go murder my arms on a Sunday night.. Making up for a workout I couldn't make the past two nights. Christmas shopping had my schedule all kinds of fucked up.
I feel you got to do what you got to do.

I work a 7 day on 7 day off schedule.

Work a week of nights I hit the gym at 330 pm have to leave gym at 430 to be at work by 530

Then on days gym opens at 4am I'm there when she opens only get a half hour have to leave by 430 to make it by 530

But on days off I make up for it. I can't stand missing a day lol.

Haven't looked or felt this good in years trt has helped alot but I have to say working with 3j has been the best money I've spent in years.

Go swell those arms!
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What's up everyone! It's week 2 into the cycle, seem to be handling everything well thus far. Not that I was really expecting to see anything out of the ordinary happen after just three injections, but you never know right? Placebo or not, my mood has been pretty good lately. Probably just having this idea of what's to come in my head everyday, has me on cloud nine.. Anyway..

I've been taking my Adex, every other day as planned, haven't skipped a beat there. Still at .25mg. I would like to note that I've had one nipple be itchy, not a usual itchy, and on a few different occasions. Something to keep an eye on I think, but I'm not really worried about it.

I added in 1200mg of NAC ED and have been taking it alongside my vitamin and thyroid medication when I wake up.

My first shot was in my right glute with soreness that lasted around 3 days. The second shot was in my left glue and was sore for 1.5 days, tops.
This last shot I did, being the third, I decided to go with my right delt. Everyone seems to like injecting in the delt and I've heard about the quad being painful more often then the delt. I used a 1", 25ga needle as normal. I went in straight, and used the fingers spread apart method to figure out that perfect middle between the top and bottom of the muscle attachments. I will say, this shot healed very quickly, almost by the next morning. But, the injection itself was like pushing a needle through a heavily cased sausage, I could feel the snap of my skin and each layer of my shoulder beneath it. It was cool, and terrifying at the same time. Once it was in all the way, no big deal, but the push in for some reason was just weird, not like the glute. Gonna do the left one on Thursday, Christmas morning woohoo!

HCG went in just as easily as the first time subQ.

I look forward to every injection to be honest, I like the experience and it's something that I think a lot of people see as taboo and scary but I'm starting to get a hang of it. Not as crazy as people make it out to be.

Killed it in the gym Sunday and Monday, hitting back tonight. Can't wait, time to eat though, over and out!
I know you can't wait for it to kick in. Sounds like the suspense is killing you LOL. Are you taking a liver supplement? Been doing a bit of reading and a lot of people use liver supp on any cycle not just oral. I've added it since I've been on trt.