First Cycle Log


New member
Ok I'm going all out lol!!!! Not really the kind of guy to do a log and show my face on the net but here it goes, Im taking the leap. This is going to be cycle.

Test E 250mg X2/week for 14 weeks
PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20.

Nothing too complicated, just what the vets around here advocate for newbs.

First Pin tomorrow, cant wait. Ill let you know it goes.

36 yo
165lbs 5,6
BF% 15

4 days workout/split
5 cardio days 5-6km of jogging on lunch hour.

Mostly looking for body recomp, OH and forgot the main factor DIET, well 2 words for you guys 3J nutrition, so im in good hands.

Cirrus thanks
and hope you guys will follow,support and critique.

PS ill be posting alot so i can get my limit of post to be able to show you guys some progress pics.
Monday morning,

First pin went really smoothly, look at some videos and read alot last nite on injections methods. Felt reallly confident this morning, so no fucking aroud just went at it and jab myself in the shoulder. No biggie just a small charlie horse feeling for an hour. When i got in at work everything was good.

Training Shoulders and traps tonite and running 5k on lunch hour. Can't wait for thursday, second pin but this time in the quad. Hope it all goes well.

Waking up the day after. Didn't have any PIP with my left delt, just maybe aliitle pain at the touch but really nothing major. Doing right quad thursday and kind of reluctent to do it. Read alot of ppl not being even able to walk after the Pin. I like to run alot so i hope this dosent affect my running schedual.

Did 6K run yesterday and great Shoulder and Traps workout in the evening. Going for another 6K today and hitting Back and Triceps tonite.

Have a good one.
Nice first cycle bro hope you see result this is going to be mine

fixing to run my first clen cycle (liquid clen) for a total of 16 weeks, sept.17-jan 6, i will be doing 2 weeks on with 2 weeks off. I will be stacking it with adderall 30mg rx i have add and i am perscride by my doctor. I took plenty of fat burners in the past from cellucore, roxy liean, oep so the jitteryness or sleeping wont be a prob. I am doing all cardio an a lil weight training while taking clen, fixing to do tough mudder in december and half marathon at disney. Hopefully i will see results i want by jan. I will post before pic up soon, idk what im going to do with my diet since you don***8217;t eat on adderall. . I plan on only doing adderall with clen on my first 2 weeks,
3rd and 5th week being on clen..

Im currently
248 lb
34.5% bf
bmi 33
muscle 31.9%
body age of 66 year old
verscile fat is 14%

my goal by dec.
virscile fat of 7-9%

any suggestion or questions just reply

will update with weekly dosage, pic and other supplement that i will be taking
Yesterday was a great day again for me, did my 6K run and a good Back Bicep workout. Now the bad part, got home ate the rest of my meals for the day, then went to bed. Holy shit, i just could'nt sleep last time I saw the clock it was 3am, got up at 5h30am. I'm now sitting at my desk eating my omelet and drinking a huge ass coffee LOL. I think i might skip the run today and just my legs workout tonite as planned.

Yeah Bro I hear ya!!! Believe me I would kill to be in bed right now, but work is important too.

Good luck man, I will be following, but you should have hooked up with 3J for a while before starting the cycle. AAS would have only benefited you more. You could have done a ton with just a 3J diet and working out.

Non the less, at least you are doing it right. You may want to look into some Clomid instead of Nolva or both. Nolva can suppress IGF.
Ya thoses pics are about 3 weeks old. I started with 3J's 2 months ago, wanted to lose the last 25-30 pounds. But my journey started july 2011 with a whooping 220lbs, now today I'm at 167. Just looking to recomp my body without losing too much muscle and maybe if Im lucky (being my first cycle and all) add a little bit of mass. We'll see in 14 weeks. I'm not close to the idea of doing another cycle this winter to lean bulk just before spring time. It all depends how lean I will be after cycle.
