First Cycle Log

Week 4 Update:

Well all i can say is that the Test E i got is legit. I am definetely feeling the effects, the good ones and the bad. Let me expalin, first off for the pro's: drive and libido yup way up there, lift are going up and pumps are awesomes. Now for the con's: well theres only one, BLOAT. Holy mother f*cker, my face seem like a f*cking moon and my belly seems like it's going to blow lol. Now i know before introducing anymore drugs i should strart by checking my sodium intake and drink more water. But i do have some proviron on hand, would this help ny cause and what would be the dose to take? If not then i might just have to go with a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wich i dont have right now, but could get my hands on. Just thought that an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would limit gains a little bit so been waiting to get on it.

I'm waiting for a little while to run ma Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well as long as you keep it under control you'll be fine!!
I'd get your hands on some right away though!! Just incase!!
When are the new pics coming up man ??
How much weight are you up now?
Im on training right now till october 5th. Wont be home for a while and i dont have a cam. For sure ill shoot some when i come back. I will be on week 7 by then. Right now im up 10 pounds, diet is clean so not getting much fat.

You mentioned your lifts were going up... I know you squat, but do you do anything explosive? I'm thinking olympic lifts or atlas stones maybe... Reason I ask is I've heard of people that said their quickness improved on-cycle. Trying to find people who are going through their first cycle to corroborate. Also, at week four, how much have your lifts improved if you don't mind my asking?
Good luck mate Iam into my first 5th day of my first cycle. Just done my 2nd pin this morning. Iam doing 600mg Test E a week, going run it for 12 weeks +
Glad to hear things are working out good for you ! I can't wait till I can get my hands on some gear and get started too !!!
You mentioned your lifts were going up... I know you squat, but do you do anything explosive? I'm thinking olympic lifts or atlas stones maybe... Reason I ask is I've heard of people that said their quickness improved on-cycle. Trying to find people who are going through their first cycle to corroborate. Also, at week four, how much have your lifts improved if you don't mind my asking?

Well for the training that im doing right now my lifts have gone up for sure been tracking everything. For my deadlifts wich i was always hesitant to do because of injury. I went from a whimpy 200lbs for 15 to 20 reps lol i know, i was doing more reps instead of going heavy ( i was scared to get hurt ). But with me trainer working on my form and supervising my everymove i got to 4 sets of deadlifts at 405 for 6-8 reps. I know for some it's not much but for me it's huge cuz im not someone thats very strong to beggin with. My down the racks on almost all exercises are going up every week between 5-10 pounds again for me that huge.

405 for 8 reps is no joke. Last strongman comp I did (NAS) the deadlift was 375 for reps (in 60s) in the 235lb division. My explosive stuff improved dramatically with test. Snatches, broad jumps, jerks, etc. Trying to figure out if it's just me or if other people see it.
Hey guys I'm back from the dead. LOL!! No but seriously back from training for two weeks out of time. Everything went well diet was somewhat in check maybe a little more sodium that i was looking for but meh!!!! Had access to a great gym so did not miss one workout. My lifts are still going up, big motivation for me and weighted my self this morning 188lbs. So went up 17 pounds since first pin, i think it,s good cuz i'm not force feeding myself playing around 2800 to 3000 cal a day. On my 5,6 frame i can say people at work are startint to comment on my new look lool.

Fuck yeah man sounds like your having an awesome time up 17 lbs nice let's see some update pics!!! What kind of training were youdoing for those couple weeks?