First Cycle, looking for some help


New member
I'm 31, male, 5'9 135 pounds, with low-T (111) and I'm new to steroids. This is what was suggested (and i ordered) for my first cycle:

The basic 15 week program
-Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg vial of 5ml’s (This will last you actually 15 weeks. The pharmacy compounds in 5ml increment vials, this is the closest to 3 months. Most clients use 200mg/ml per week)
-12 Letrozole tablets 2.5mg (1/4 tablet every 4th day)
-1 vial of HCG 5,000 IU vial (Kick start your testicular function with clomiphene citrate when you cycle off the medicine)

What do you guys think? Is it strong enough? Should I modify it? Do I need to wait 15 weeks after this cycle is completed to start again?
I'm eating clean, lifting every other day, and doing 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical) every other day. I know it's a little more cardio than some would like but it clears my sinuses and I feel great. If I eat over 2000 calories a day it goes to my waste but hopefully that will change soon.

Thanks for your help,
my man, youre 5'9 and 135lbs... you dont need steroids you need a proper diet.. steroids are not going to make you magically grow.. your stats tell me you dont know how to eat to grow
Do not cycle.

You are hypogonadal. You need treatment. Stay natty until you explore the cause of your low t and find a solution. Most likely TRT.

200mg/wk is a TRT dose anyway. Not a cycle. If you go on TRT you may be on 200mg/wk for life. Don't mess around with your health. See a doctor.

And 3j is right. Hypogonadal or not, you need to learn how to eat.
diet is king here at your weight of 135 pounds. and please keep the same topic questions to this thread and how old are you, in one thread you say your 31 years old and the other your 32??
all the above is true .. you need to get yourself on TRT treatment , and get your diet and eating dialed in.

your low body weight may actually be directly related to your Low Testosterone as well. again , get your diet dialed in AND your testosterone therapy treatment . just those two things alone can help you put on 30 pounds of lean mass , and in a healthy way . without need to run a steroid cycle.*

* i know because I did it myself when I found out I had low T and got on TRT. I've put on 45 pounds since then and still maintained 12% bf. getting that TRT and diet dialed in will do wonders for your physique (i put on 30 lbs my first 6 months of TRT, before ever running a 'cycle')