First Cycle: Need advice and general direction


New member
Hello, I'm a complete noob to anything gear related. I've done some research and found a beginner cycle that I feel I'm comfortable with trying. I'll be taking 400mg of test-e/week with .25 tren eod with 20mg nolvadex every day. 2 weeks after last test and tren injection I'll start taking clomid. What I want to know are things like where I should inject, how and how I should space out my injections. I added the tren in the cycle but I've read that low doeses of tren should be okay as long as I run it with test. Any advice on whether I need to add anything? I want to avoid as much hair loss or acne or any sides as possible. Family has no prolific signs of hair loss and I've never had issues with acne.
This isn't a good first cycle by no means. I would say read up the beginner cycle stickys and then post a first cycle. This one is no good..
I m gonna delete this shit on general purposes after my 3 rd cup of coffee and 2 nd cigarette
TRENSOMNIA rox..fuck sleep...might miss sumpin anyway s. That girl in my room s snoring like a busted chainsaw. I vid d her. 110 pound bikini chick sound s my like my Ryobi C SAW right b4 it let go.."I do not snore..!!! "
They all do. They all swallow goo too..

This Opie s in league moving ed drug s
I m gonna delete this shit on general purposes after my 3 rd cup of coffee and 2 nd cigarette
TRENSOMNIA rox..fuck sleep...might miss sumpin anyway s. That girl in my room s snoring like a busted chainsaw. I vid d her. 110 pound bikini chick sound s my like my Ryobi C SAW right b4 it let go.."I do not snore..!!! "
They all do. They all swallow goo too..

This Opie s in league moving ed drug s

Haha your not the only one t last few nights ive been up until 2 in the morning go team tren you looking good in the avi brother shredded up man
TY sir..27 day s to go to my competition.
Me vs me in the mirror !!!!
Well mate i think you will win
Honestly seeing you guys around 50 years old looking this good and putting the effort in makes me pull my finger out and do something at 27 i haven't got any excuses if you boys can do it so will i
Idk why I said .25.. I meant 25 but you should've known what I meant. I've read starting tren is pretty harsh or can be so I wanted to start on the low side since I haven't had any experience with gear at all
you have no experience with gear at all and you want to pop your cherry with tren, and at those dosages??:sperm:
you have no experience with gear at all and you want to pop your cherry with tren, and at those dosages??:sperm:
Yeah, I've heard people starting their first cycle on tren and it didn't seem to bother them too much. 25mg of tren isn't the standard beginner dose so I'm starting pretty small. I really just want to know what to expect and how to deal with any sides if they do indeed come.
Idk why I said .25.. I meant 25 but you should've known what I meant. I've read starting tren is pretty harsh or can be so I wanted to start on the low side since I haven't had any experience with gear at all

25 lmfao your hilarious bro killimg me!
400-600 TEST X 12 TO 16 WEEKS that way any sides wi be ez to nail down and address. Tren will skew any and all reason when unfucking your bloodwork result s which tren will def make em look rough.

Slow 25 your a very young guy and you got 28 yr s to look like me but aim higher much higher as I m a feeble old man who has a tough time enjoying a shit after squatting 405 x 5 and I know you can do that too right ? I mean...ur 25 ???!!! I benched 225, 25 time s on my 25 th b day...1989 doah !!!!!
There's is a sticks with the answer to your question read em before posting ***55357;***56849;

I have read the stickys. Believe me. It's the comparison between what the stickys say here and what they say on other sites. It's hard to come to an absolute answer when everyone's answer differ from one another. I'm looking for a personal response that details personal knowledge from another individual rather than a generalized post for everyone to read.
The reason I said Troll is to start Tren on 1st cycle is not ignorant but stupid. Then at 25mgs WTF is that. The whole post here is out of whack.

Then to start a thread and only to return with Q's or comment 4 days later when all these people are coming back and trying to help ? Just , I don't get it.

OP you show that you have done NO research to suggest this cycle of Tren.

Also you never read a noob first cycle including Tren compound. And you haven't read up on Tren to know what the profile says. Sorry back to the drawing board for you.
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