First cycle, need critiquing.


New member
Hey everyone, been researching AAS for a few years now and have decided to run my first cycle. I did not develop gyno during puberty but I am still very cautious with this cycle to make sure that I am not gyno-prone. If any problems arise with gyno I will be combating it with Arimidex. Will be using LIV-52 during my dbol and post cycle therapy (pct). I will be taking before and after blood tests to make sure everything is in proper order. I am pretty sure I have everything in order so any comments/suggestions are appreciated before I make my purchase.

-23 years old
-Training for 6 years
-205 pounds at estimated 10% bodyfat
-6'1" tall
-Will be eating a minimum of 4000 calories per day split up into 6 meals. This will be a bulking cycle so I am not too concerned about water retention.

Cycle Info
-40mg dbol ed (Weeks 1-5. Spread out 4 times a day @ 10mg every 4 hours)
-500mg test e (Weeks 1-12. Pinning Monday and Thursday)
-Arimidex incase of gyno

-Waiting 2 weeks after last test e pin to start PCT
-Week 14 (100mg Clomid with 40mg Nolvadex ed)
-Week 15 (100mg Clomid with 40mg Nolvadex ed)
-Week 16 (50mg Clomid with 20mg Nolvadex ed)
-Week 17 (50mg Clomid with 20mg Nolvadex ed)

My Shopping Cart
-2 packs of dbol (Each pack contain 100 tablets of 10mg)
-3 vials of test-e (Each vial contains 10 ml/vial (250 mg/ml)
-3 packs of Arimidex (Each pack contains 20 tablets of 1mg) This is just to be over cautious, I'll have plenty left over.
-2 packs of Clomid (Each pack contains 30 tablets (50mg/tab)
-2 packs of Nolvadex (Each pack contains 30 tablets (20 mg/tab)
-100x2ml syringes with needles (Getting plenty extra)
-3 bottles of LIV-52 (Will be taking 4 pills each day)

I am pretty paranoid about gyno, should I purchase some Letro just incase I am very prone or do you think the Arimidex will cover it?

That should be it. I appreciate all feedback, thanks.
letro is way strong,i would suggest reading up on aromasin or arimidex first,Letro is usually used for last resort issues
Go Aromasin. Letro did however help me when my body fat was high and I had gyno. It killed it in a matter of days on just 1/4 tab each dose. If your body fat is nice and low (<12%ish) you probably won't get the estro sides.
Dose the arimidex during cycle if you're scared of gyno, half an mg every 3 days, that shouldnt lower your estrogen too much. if you feel any estrogen related effects, increase the frequency or up the dosage til you're comfortable.
if you look at an insulin syringe thats a total of 1ml.. it is also equivalently measured as 1000iu... so i put 250iu or .25ml in each one
Hey everyone, been researching AAS for a few years now and have decided to run my first cycle. I did not develop gyno during puberty but I am still very cautious with this cycle to make sure that I am not gyno-prone. If any problems arise with gyno I will be combating it with Arimidex. Will be using LIV-52 during my dbol and post cycle therapy (pct). I will be taking before and after blood tests to make sure everything is in proper order. I am pretty sure I have everything in order so any comments/suggestions are appreciated before I make my purchase.

-23 years old
-Training for 6 years
-205 pounds at estimated 10% bodyfat
-6'1" tall
-Will be eating a minimum of 4000 calories per day split up into 6 meals. This will be a bulking cycle so I am not too concerned about water retention.

Cycle Info
-40mg dbol ed (Weeks 1-5. Spread out 4 times a day @ 10mg every 4 hours)
-500mg test e (Weeks 1-12. Pinning Monday and Thursday)
-Arimidex incase of gyno

-Waiting 2 weeks after last test e pin to start PCT
-Week 14 (100mg Clomid with 40mg Nolvadex ed)
-Week 15 (100mg Clomid with 40mg Nolvadex ed)
-Week 16 (50mg Clomid with 20mg Nolvadex ed)
-Week 17 (50mg Clomid with 20mg Nolvadex ed)

My Shopping Cart
-2 packs of dbol (Each pack contain 100 tablets of 10mg)
-3 vials of test-e (Each vial contains 10 ml/vial (250 mg/ml)
-3 packs of Arimidex (Each pack contains 20 tablets of 1mg) This is just to be over cautious, I'll have plenty left over.
-2 packs of Clomid (Each pack contains 30 tablets (50mg/tab)
-2 packs of Nolvadex (Each pack contains 30 tablets (20 mg/tab)
-100x2ml syringes with needles (Getting plenty extra)
-3 bottles of LIV-52 (Will be taking 4 pills each day)

I am pretty paranoid about gyno, should I purchase some Letro just incase I am very prone or do you think the Arimidex will cover it?

That should be it. I appreciate all feedback, thanks.

Get back to us dude. cycle update time. did you start? sides? gains?