First cycle of Anavar: Menstrual issues!


New member
I am on my 10th day taking it. My period was not due for a week. It started early and is very heavy and not letting up. Is this normal? Help!!
Are you experiencing any other sides? acne, oily skin, depened voice?
are you by chance on the pill, or any other meds?
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It is more common to not have a period when you are on it if the dose is high enough.
exactly.. sounds like it likely isn't var she is taking..

OP, keep in mind that var is very expensive in terms of orals and UGLs will sell things like tbol or dbol as var to make a profit..
I am taking 10mg once a day. It is a credible source, my hubby has bought from this guy many times. I am 46. First time using it.