First cycle of peps/sarms. Few questions...


New member
Hi guys, just after some advice from those who have used these before or understand how they work.
im 30yrs old. 5'11 87kg. 12% fat. Train 5-6 times a week.

I have IGF1lr3 as my pep

Sarms on hand
S22forte - inject
GW501516 oral
MK 2866 (ostarine) oral

I pinned 10iu of the lr3 exactly one hour before my workout today and had the most insane pumps I have ever had. And no it wasnt in my head. It was genuinely crazy. I have 6-7 AAS cycles in the past and been training heavy for years so I'm aware of how my body responds etc.

I then pinned 25iu of S22 forte immediately after my workout into my quad. Now some say to pin this bilaterally and some dont. I really cant be bothered with that if I can get the same result as just pinning it all into my leg or even stomach. However, I will go bi lat if it will enhance results. So can anyone help me with that one?

Now I will run the lr3 4 weeks on 4 weeks off.
How can I cycle the rest of the sarms. Is 3 too many?

I also should mention for the last 2 weeks I have been running 5iu ed of HGH and will for the next 12 months min.

Goal is to get the fat down to the 7-8% while at worst maintaing my muscle mass, even gaining a couple of kilos or so of lean mass.

Any help and advice is appreciated.

Cheers all.