First cycle on sarms how does it look?


New member
Just making sure my cycle is gtg before starting! This would be my first cycle of anything so I decided to go with lg 4033 and mk 677 it looks like this..

LG4033 5mg Daily in AM
Mk677 25mg Daily in AM
Total 16 weeks (too much?)

Nolva 40/20/20/20
Mk677 25mg daily
Total 4 weeks

4-8 week break than reevaluate

Anything I missed any suggestions?
I'm thinking this cycle looks good so I'm going to run with it. I'll update this thread with any results I see ***55357;***56722;
Starting my cycle today so I should be done in 4 months.

To add to the SARMS im taking I'm also taking
1mg of finasteride
a day for my hair as well as some other supps (pumpkin seed oil, multi vitamin etc).

However I am going to also start taking
.5mg of duasteride daily. This is pertinent because duasteride has been shown to stop the conversion of testosterine to DHT, causing an increase in free test at the expense of DHT. Studies have shown this to not have an effect on muscle growth however you never really know.
Also I just took a testosterine test to get my before baseline. Ill post the results when I get them in 5 days.
Baseline Test levels
Testosterone, Serum*760 ng/dL
Free Testosterone (Direct)*18.5pg/mL

Sorry for not posting earlier, I thought I had replied to this thread already.
My diet is all right it could use some work but I make sure to get three large meals a day as well as three small meals. For my height it it looks about average.
Just making sure my cycle is gtg before starting! This would be my first cycle of anything so I decided to go with lg 4033 and mk 677 it looks like this..

LG4033 5mg Daily in AM
Mk677 25mg Daily in AM
Total 16 weeks (too much?)

Nolva 40/20/20/20
Mk677 25mg daily
Total 4 weeks

4-8 week break than reevaluate

Anything I missed any suggestions?

16 weeks is a bit long those for 8 weeks each and then take a 4 week break in the middle.....Bump up the LGD.

make sure you check the board sponsor for the best
Hows your sarms cycle going brother?

1 week in my seamen was reeeaally watery, erection quality and libido was fine though. 2 weeks in seamen is back to normal. As for the SARMS they are working well or I suspect they are at least! I feel like I'm getting bigger faster. So far I've gained 2 lbs.
A wise man once said.....Finesteride doesn't effect the size of your cock. what it does is effect the bodies conversiton of akg to No2 which is a easily adjusted with a little added L-arginine.......

youve gained two pounds is good, hows your diet bro?
I'm loathe to disagree with a wise man (because I know his history and track record), but a healthy dose of DHT is required to keep Mr. John Thomas happy. Be careful of finasteride.
Libido is unaffected so far! My hair is thickening up a bit. I dropped finasteride but am still taking duasteride .5mg a day. I'm up 5 lbs from my starting weight. My diet is not strict but I don't really eat fatty foods or sugar anyhow so it's mostly just me trying to get as close to 3k calories a day.
A wise man once said.....Finesteride doesn't effect the size of your cock. what it does is effect the bodies conversiton of akg to No2 which is a easily adjusted with a little added L-arginine.......

youve gained two pounds is good, hows your diet bro?

It's funny you say that, I was taking L-Arginine since I started my cycle. However a few weeks in I started to get CRAZY painful headachez when I would lift. I thought I burst something, I was seeing dots and would have to cut my workout short. Eventually more research led me to cut L-arginine from my regimen and now I don't get them anymore.