First Cycle. Pretty sure I want to bulk, but should I cut?


New member
I saw a few posts talking about people with similar builds as me (15% bf 32" waist) being to fat to cycle. I already ordered my first cycle listed below, but now I'm second guessing myself thinking maybe I should cut more before I start. The problem is I cut down to ~185 and I feel too small. I wanted to bulk over Winter, recover, and start cutting in Spring, but I'm worried I'll feel too fat during this bulk. I'm willing to hold off a month or two before cycle for cutting, but I already started bulking natty b/c I wanted to get my lifts back up to near pre cut levels. I've been hitting the gym seriously for 2 years, and sporadically seriously for like 6. Below is a pic at 186. I'm currently about 191 1 month after this pic and my abs are mostly gone.

View attachment 554447

So my stats are 6' 190 pounds ~15% bf(??). Bmr calculated to be 1955 cals, TDEE is 3031 using a moderate (1.55) factor.

Training consists of 5x5 for one main lift on shoulders, back, chest, legs plus lots of accessory work in the 8-12 rep range ending with a drop set or high rep metabolic set. I will sometimes also combine shoulders and chest into one day and hit each 2x per week in a push pull. I also do rest pause where I take my 10 rep max and pump out 50 reps with 30 sec rest intervals between failure sets for ~5 exercises per workout.

I recently started bulking at ~3500 calories a day sticking close to 40-40-20 split for about 5 meals a day 60 grams whole carbs 50 protein. Honestly I'm not counting fat calories yet, and I do cheat more than I should so there is room for dietary improvement.

I've already ordered a cycle which includes:

600 mg Test E / week for 12 weeks
10 mg aromasin a day (more if needed)
HCG for 400 - 500 iu's per week.
nolvadex and clomid at standard amounts in sticky (have extra for both)
I may include ostarine during PCT not sure yet.

I plan on doing pre and post-pct lab female hormone panels, and mid panel female hormone panel and accurate T test (ie no >1500 .... labs will cost as much as cycle!)

Unrealistic goal would be gain 12 pounds muscle, lose 6 pounds fat for a total gain of 18 lbs muscle.

Realistic goal is gain 20 pounds of muscle fat and water, retain ~12-15 pounds after post cycle therapy (pct), wait for endogenous test levels to normalize, and then cut through spring until next cutting cycle consisting of Test plus something else around May. This is what I will do unless I get some better feed back from you guys.

Thanks in advance!
Well you ve done your homework and I applaud your posting up a pic.

I M O a bulk cycle, cut cycle is really for advanced guys. ,,with respect to aas. I ve been shredded on test alone. It s all about diet, recognizing your own personal needs for aerobics and self fkn control and discipline with regards to diet, rest and all that...

20 pounds in 12 weeks is doeable my future water logged friend but that s how aas work. They thrive in a calorie rich enviroment
and water looks good in a sweater.

If you retain 8 pounds of pure muscle in 12 weeks your ahead of the curve. Believe me.

Go for it
Gear came in the mail today. I'm very excited. I got in on the 2+1 sale and even got some extras for free! Customer service was top notch, and shipping was 2 weeks from time of purchase. Packaging was very discreet.

Thanks Teutonic for your advice. I especially like the water looks good in a sweater! Does anyone else have any advice on diet?