First cycle specific questions


New member
Starting my first cycle soon had a few questions
Height 6'1
Weight 183
bf 12%
age 24
cycle goal 15-20lbs maintain around 12% bf
Doing a 12 week cycle of test c 400mg/week for post cycle therapy (pct) i have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) nolvadex and clomid. For the test, should I pin 200mg twice a week or 400 once a week? I'm going to get blood work done again in week 6 to see where my levels are. I have aromosin as well but dont plan on taking it unless i develop signs of gyno or my bloodwork indicates I need it. what would be a good post cycle therapy (pct) with what i have? will also be getting bloodwork done again after post cycle therapy (pct). any other suggestions or precautions are welcomed, thanks
if ur only doing 400mg , split it into 2 dose so 200mg 2x a week , keep bloods more stable . u should always be taking aromasin or your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) DESPITE having symptoms of gyno or not , its about controlling estrogen and PREVENTING sides , nt taking care of them when u get them , high estogen can cause sides u cant see - high blood pressure et. use it . post cycle therapy (pct) should be clomid 50/50/50/50/ and nolva 40/40/20/20/ ( thats 4 weeks on thoses doses per day )
no why ? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is great to use , it keeps the testes running so that u can have an faster and smoother recovery in post cycle therapy (pct) depending how much u have i can suggest hoe to use it , IF u only have 1 5000iu vial , just blast it before post cycle therapy (pct) to wake em up , so do 500iu for 10 days straight STOPPING it 5 days before u start post cycle therapy (pct) , so time it like that , otherwise if u have enough to run entire cycle , use it at 250iu 2x a week (500iu total ) till 5 days before post cycle therapy (pct) again
I only have one vial. so after my 12 week test cycle, run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days, wait 5 days then start my pct?
I would boost the test to 500/w, works best with your stats and goal.
Safer to run Aromatase inhibitor (AI), low dose. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I would ditch it or 10 day blast after last injection.
Only clomid or nolva would do the post cycle therapy (pct) for you. Make a habit of doing 6 week post cycle therapy (pct) than for.
Clomid: 100/100/50......
Nolva: 40/40/20....
I only have one vial. so after my 12 week test cycle, run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 10 days, wait 5 days then start my pct?
yes exactly , with test e u wait 2 weeks before u start post cycle therapy (pct) , so in that time is when u use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , stopping it 5 days before the pct
i was planning on using an 18g pin to draw 25x1.5" pin with a 3cc syringe to inject the test. do i need a new pin to draw every time or just to inject? would this also work for my clomid/nolva?
I always use a new pin for everything. Better to be safe than sorry. And you are only talking about a couple dollars. Not sure what you meant by having "it work for clomid/nolva"? Clomid and Nolva are not injectable.
By the way that is great advice above. I hit the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post cycle and I seem to recover better than when I run low doses on cycle.
18g is easier to draw the test out with. You dont want to draw and inject with same needle though.....I just draw with the same needle and inject with a new one each time
Just get the syringes that have the drawing pin already attached.. Then buy a packet of 23g pins.
Draw, pop off the pin and pop on the 23 g injection pin. That's what I do
do i want 1" or 1.5" for test in the glutes?

For the glute I use both 1" and 1.5" and switch it up on occasion. Reasoning behind this is that it helps with scar tissue by altering the 'deposit' depth of the steroid.
- for the quad I use just 1" though.

Note: if u got a fat ass though, I'd recommend just 1.5"
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last question hopefully , my first blood test is scheduled tomorrow morning at 10am. i got my four wisdom teeth removed yesterday. should i wait until that is fully healed before getting my blood work done?