First cycle TEST/DBOL Cycle Progress pics


****** from Europe
Hi guys im on 500mg a week of test enth. had to change to sust at week 6. and did 50mg of dbol for 28 days at begining of cycle. weighed in at 83kg at start (12.01.12) and now 103kg on 12.03.12

Im on week 8 now with 4 weeks to go and would like to show my progress so far. the 3rd trap flex is acomparison between pics taken two weeks ago and now.

My diet is my pride and joy. I can only hope to keep my gains if i am treating the cycle as if im not doing steroids and trying to gain natrually.

Protien : 225g = 1350kcals
Carbs: 450g= 3600kcals

Supplements: Critical Mass 1000kcal per serving 53g protien 150g carbs.
(I take half servings 4 times a day for breakfast and in between meals)

Muscletech Celltech= 10,000mg Creatine per serving and All amino acids per serving.
(half serving 2 times a day 1 before workout and one after along with post workout shake)

PHD Pharma blend 6hr= timed release protien before bed

PHD Waxy Maize starch= 30g low gi carbs per serving for incase a meal is not convienient I can put some in a shaker and drink some good carbs.
Training wise

Everything i have learnt has been through endless research through magazines, journals, internet and the regime that has worked for me has been HIT. I do a light warm up and a moderate warm up and the 1 working set only. each rep has 3 parts.

The explosive but controlled positive
The hold and squeeze
The slow 6 second Negative

the working set will i do is :
6-8 reps unassisted to self failure
2 spotted reps
2-4 negatives where spotter lifts weight up everytime and I just lower it.

Straight after workout I sup down the cell tech and then a whey protien isolate

If you want to learn more check out dorian yates blood and guts trainer.

My diet is my pride and joy. I can only hope to keep my gains if i am treating the cycle as if im not doing steroids and trying to gain natrually.

Protien : 225g = 1350kcals
Carbs: 450g= 3600kcals

Supplements: Critical Mass 1000kcal per serving 53g protien 150g carbs.
(I take half servings 4 times a day for breakfast and in between meals)

Muscletech Celltech= 10,000mg Creatine per serving and All amino acids per serving.
(half serving 2 times a day 1 before workout and one after along with post workout shake)

PHD Pharma blend 6hr= timed release protien before bed

PHD Waxy Maize starch= 30g low gi carbs per serving for incase a meal is not convienient I can put some in a shaker and drink some good carbs.

Diet is your pride and joy? Half of your 'protein' is coming from your weight gainer shakes? You need to drop that instantly and should start eating whole foods, and if you can't do that, please start having protein powder in water. I think you would like the results much more.
You definately look bigger, bloated definately.
As for diet mate, I would suggest 3J in the diet forum. Your diet needs work, give him a buz mate. I've used him, and can't speak highly enough. Just a suggestion though.

Good luck.