First Cycle Test P/Anavar - before pics


New member
Little about myself, 25 years old been lifting and supplementing since I was about 16. Want to get a crisp hard look going. I am 5`11 195lbs and will be running a low carb diet with carbs just in morning and prework out.

So the cycle i`m running starting Monday will will look like this:

Week 1: test P 100mg EoD
Week 2: test P 100mg EoD
Week 3: test P 100mg EoD
Week 4: test P 100mg EoD
Week 5: test P 100mg EoD/Anavar 50mg ED
Week 6: test P 100mg EoD/Anavar 50mg ED
Week 7: test P 100mg EoD/Anavar 50mg ED
Week 8: test P 100mg EoD/Anavar 50mg ED
week 9: test P 100mg EoD/Anavar 50mg ED
week 10: test P 100mg EoD/Anavar 50mg ED

question, should I run Arimidex at week 2 because I will have it on hand, or should I just wait to see if I start showing signs of gyno.

Clomid 100mg w1 100mg w2 50mg w3 50mg w4

before pics View attachment 544631
So I was going to start Monday but actually got the gear today. Checked out the gear and looked online of the pics of the lab I am using. All checked out good. So today I pinned. Did left delt. Went in easy didn't hurt.

Time for the ride to begin. Will be shooting next on Sunday in my left quad.

Have arimidex on hand, but will probably wait till I have any gyno signs to use it and just check out how i react to the Test P.
I would use adex once the test is in my system, others do wait though. I am a little more prone though and have a noticeably higher BF% than you from the looks of things. I'm sure more people will chine in.

Since this is your first cycle, why not run test alone to see how you will react. Then add var on your next cycle?
For me I like running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at a low dose right from the long it's not enough to sink your estro too low I feel it's beneficial. I use aroma which is usually dosed 25mg ED therefore I dose @~10mg ED...A-dex takes ~2weeks to kick in anyways
Ya take Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during and keep sodium low it will help prevent water retention and give u that 'crisp hard look'
Cycle looks good bro, few thing as a comment. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like few of the guys said can be run since the beginning or wait till signs of gyno is up to you, we all diffrent and we all going to react diffrent to test. Will be a good idea actually best idea is to run test only first time BUT!!! Var is a very mild steroid that will not do too much impact in you. I used D-bol and no issues with it. Like the guy above said WATCH YOUR DIET for the hard look you looking for. EAT+TRAIN+REST=GREAT CYCLE enjoy the ride and get to work son..
I think I will drop the Var for this cycle and perhaps start arimidex at .25mg a day starting tomorrow. I am really not too worried about gaining 20lbs so I think I can do with running the arimidex. Really not interested in water retention or looking like a water buffalo.

Diet is in check, now its just time to wreck some F'n weights.
cycle looks good bro, few thing as a comment. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like few of the guys said can be run since the beginning or wait till signs of gyno is up to you, we all diffrent and we all going to react diffrent to test. Will be a good idea actually best idea is to run test only first time but!!! Var is a very mild steroid that will not do too much impact in you. I used d-bol and no issues with it. Like the guy above said watch your diet for the hard look you looking for. Eat+train+rest=great cycle enjoy the ride and get to work son..

x2 well said pikiki knows his shit
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I think I will drop the Var for this cycle and perhaps start arimidex at .25mg a day starting tomorrow. I am really not too worried about gaining 20lbs so I think I can do with running the arimidex. Really not interested in water retention or looking like a water buffalo.

Diet is in check, now its just time to wreck some F'n weights.

I like that you are thinking in moderation , I think a test only is a good first cycle
Ran into a bit of a problem guys. Opened up my arimidex gear and it turns out it isn't pill, its capsules (1mg/cap). How should I go about running it? Try dividing it up .5 ed or taking 1 E4D or what? Didn't really think about this, just was expecting it to be a pill. Naive of me I guess. Any suggestions?? Thanks.
Ran into a bit of a problem guys. Opened up my arimidex gear and it turns out it isn't pill, its capsules (1mg/cap). How should I go about running it? Try dividing it up .5 ed or taking 1 E4D or what? Didn't really think about this, just was expecting it to be a pill. Naive of me I guess. Any suggestions?? Thanks.

Go down to the health store or Wallys and get some clear gel capsules, cut the Adex perfectly in half and cap the ends with one of the gel caps. Thats .5 each or pretty damn close , I use a grain scale and mine weigh between 10-12 grains each. Thats it . I only take a .5 every 3 days and it keeps the bloat and bacne at bay ...... ~Bo
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Go down to the health store or Wallys and get some clear gel capsules, cut the Adex perfectly in half and cap the ends with one of the gel caps. Thats .5 each or pretty damn close , I use a grain scale and mine weigh between 10-12 grains each. Thats it . I only take a .5 every 3 days and it keeps the bloat and bacne at bay ...... ~Bo

^^ what he said should be good bro, in case you don`t find any gel caps locally look on ebay I got mines from there or just like you post 1 cap e3d or e4d and adjust from there, well think bro..
Decided just to roll with .5mg of arimidex EoD. Just seems like the easiest fix to the problem. Spent a good portion of the day researching what others say and it is all over the map, so I take that you can do it either way: .25mg/ED or .5mg/EoD.

Had absolutely no PIP in my left delt from the pin yesterday, is that normal? I know the gear is legit maybe I am just lucky haha. We will see how the left quad goes tomorrow, I am actually excited to pin. Might not be so excited if I was having annoyances in the injection site.

Tomorrow is my off day from the gym, maybe I will just go do some cardio or play tennis or something. I honestly just wanna lift heavy objects haha. Just knowing I am cycling gives a mental boost.
Have u thought about adding nolva to your pct? or HCG? if it is available ide recommend it. My biggest fear while juicing is infertility and if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can aid in mitigation then it is def worth it.

I know this could come across as dumb although make sure u research really well correct injection technique to minimise risk. injecting in quads is pretty dodgee i wouldn't do it on my first cycle (my opinion) glutes are better and u can alternate each side.

And im only just running my first cycle also and your right that mental boost is awesome but by my research that is I guess the addiction, so try and keep your mental state the same coming out of it and into the post cycle therapy (pct), don't slack off

also any chance u could put up a demo workout routine and diet...... diet is by far the most important part obviously so I mean i noticed you were stating in another post of yours you are after visible 4 pack but in your shape and doing a 10 week cycle of test p i dnt see why u cldnt get sub 10% bf with clear visible abs, it can be tweaked and i see a lot of concentration on macro nutrients but the way I look at it is micro nutrients are jst as important.

The more you learn the more you realise how little you know, there are a lot of valuable opinions in here so you might get something out of it :)
Have u thought about adding nolva to your pct? or HCG? if it is available ide recommend it. My biggest fear while juicing is infertility and if Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can aid in mitigation then it is def worth it.
Was considering nolva after a lot of reading, my source told me most of the guys just use clomid, but i'm thinking I will toss some in.

I know this could come across as dumb although make sure u research really well correct injection technique to minimise risk. injecting in quads is pretty dodgee i wouldn't do it on my first cycle (my opinion) glutes are better and u can alternate each side.
I am going to be pinning EoD so I am going delts, quads, glutes. Don't wanna inject the same site often

And im only just running my first cycle also and your right that mental boost is awesome but by my research that is I guess the addiction, so try and keep your mental state the same coming out of it and into the post cycle therapy (pct), don't slack off

also any chance u could put up a demo workout routine and diet...... diet is by far the most important part obviously so I mean i noticed you were stating in another post of yours you are after visible 4 pack but in your shape and doing a 10 week cycle of test p i dnt see why u cldnt get sub 10% bf with clear visible abs, it can be tweaked and i see a lot of concentration on macro nutrients but the way I look at it is micro nutrients are jst as important.
I was actually on a ketogenic diet for a while (65% of my cals from fat 35% from protein and 5% from carbs. Going into the cycle I am going to be following something similar, but with carbs in the morning and pre/post workout and upping the cals from protein and lower the fat. I'll post a diet later but my work out split is this: Monday - Chest/Tri Tuesday - Back/Bi's Wednesday - Cardio/Core Thursday - Shoulders/Legs Friday - Core/Stretching. I also play lacrosse 2-3 times a week

The more you learn the more you realise how little you know, there are a lot of valuable opinions in here so you might get something out of it :)
I completely agree, I don't pretend to know much and am willing to all critiques/criticism as long as it is in a helping manner.

Read above.

And on that note, lets be real here I am not trying to compete in body building contests. I would just like a boost. I know diet and proper training are 90% of that and I don't want people coming in here saying I am looking for an easy way out. I have weight trained natty since I was 16 so I'm obviously not looking for the easy route to "get abs". I have always saw guys who've done steroids who have not been as serious about diet or working out and still gotten good results, and wondered what kind of gains I could make, hence this cycle. Don't know about something till you dabble in it.
Well answer to the beatz bro. I believe you are ready to do this cycle and looks you did some good reaserch before jump into this. Keep it up and if you know what your goals are go for it bro...
I respect your response, although with the health risks involved may as well get all you can out of it while doing it. when it comes to steroids I would be dieting as serious as possible for health purposes as well as results. just make sure u get plenty of folic acid, and as i said b4 sodium low and potassium high.

good luck with your cycle man
I respect your response, although with the health risks involved may as well get all you can out of it while doing it. when it comes to steroids I would be dieting as serious as possible for health purposes as well as results. just make sure u get plenty of folic acid, and as i said b4 sodium low and potassium high.

good luck with your cycle man

I do appreciate it. You didn't insult me or come at me rudely, just offered information which I took in. It's pretty much the reason I am doing a log, for others input. I am serious about dieting. I am not going to go out and eat fast food and go drinking, but at the same time I won't be weighing and obsessing over diet either. I plan on eating clean with a cheat meal Saturday nights.

Onto the cycle, I pinned right delt today. Was no problem. Left delt is a little tender from where I injected on Friday but really nothing bad at all. Off gym day today so will probably just kick back and relax and get at er tomorrow. Chest and Tri's!