First cycle test p + deca maybe dbol post cycle therapy (pct) questions (first real cycle need help!!)


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First cycle test p + deca maybe dbol pct questions (first real cycle need help!!)

Alright guys been lifting on and off for about 2 years now due to a rotator cuff injury. I've always fluctuated from around 165-175 everytime I go heavy I reinjure myself. I've been taking it easy now been in the gym consistent and have been rehabbing it and I think its about 20% off from being where my right shoulder is. Another benefit is I know Deca aids in joint repair I'm hoping on top of packing on around 20+ pounds that my shoulder will be recovered fully.

Current stats

178 p
16% BF probably

This is what I have laid out.

Test - P - 100 MG EOD 1 - 12 WEEKS
DECA 300 MG 2EW 1 - 12 WEEKS

What do you guys think of this lay out shouldI tweak anything or go like this?

Now my main question on this is the PCT. Expense is not an issue I merely want the absolute best. I'm thinking of keeping Aromasin on hand and having nolva and clomid for PCT as well as some liver support as soon as I start the dbol. My main concern is I do not know how my body is going to react as far as possible GYNO. Which is my biggest concern. I took a 6 week anavar stand alone cycle with nolva for pct and I didn't have any reactions. I realize that estrogen levels will be raised in order to compensate for the test but if I'm not having a bad reaction I see no reason to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I have thought about this and thought of maybe just taking aromasin once a week or every 3 days but I'm wondering if this is necessary. Also should I run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with this cycle throughout? Is it really necessary for someone my age?

Any thoughts comments or general pointers would be really appreciated.
Any thoughts comments or general pointers would be really appreciated.

First of all, the thread title is misleading " First cycle test p + deca maybe dbol pct questions (first real cycle need help!!)"

I took a 6 week anavar stand alone cycle with nolva for pct and I didn't have any reactions.

That would make this your second cycle. I personally would use a long ester of testosterone instead of a short ester for your first cycle. You will have to inject literally half as many times. Most people get sick of injecting all the time after a while. Since your first cycle was oral only, I am guessing that you will want to inject as rarely as possible.

My main concern is I do not know how my body is going to react as far as possible GYNO. Which is my biggest concern.

If gyno is your biggest concern, you will take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) starting at the beginning of your cycle. It is normally suggested that a person do a cycle of testosterone only as their first cycle to see how their body reacts. That means drop the dbol, deca, and proviron.

I realize that estrogen levels will be raised in order to compensate for the test but if I'm not having a bad reaction I see no reason to use an AI.

If you see no reason to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), then gyno isn't your biggest concern, because everyone knows that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) usage helps prevent development of gyno. So which one is it?
Walkingdead while I do understand it's good to take test as a standalone to see how your body reacts I think with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT on hand I should be relatively safe. Now obviously I have the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand but is it beneficial or necessary to start running it on cycle from the get go or only as needed? Or when I start the cycle should I take a dose every three days from the get go just to see if it keeps it in check? As far as switching the test what would you recommend and is this cycle lay out fine?
Walkingdead while I do understand it's good to take test as a standalone to see how your body reacts I think with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT on hand I should be relatively safe. Now obviously I have the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand but is it beneficial or necessary to start running it on cycle from the get go or only as needed? Or when I start the cycle should I take a dose every three days from the get go just to see if it keeps it in check? As far as switching the test what would you recommend and is this cycle lay out fine?

Since you've never used Deca before, tell me how you propose to determine which is causing the gyno if you do indeed experience symptoms of gyno? I'd suggest dropping the Deca until you figure out how you will react to the Test.
What difference does it make if the test or deca causes the gyno if I have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand? Can someone just answer my question? Is my cycle planned out well and should I run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) immediately or do it once a week / once every 3 days or wait to monitor for potential gyno before I take anything.
What difference does it make if the test or deca causes the gyno if I have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand? Can someone just answer my question? Is my cycle planned out well and should I run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) immediately or do it once a week / once every 3 days or wait to monitor for potential gyno before I take anything.

No your cycle is not well planned out. You left out bloodwork, you need to reevaluate the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) logic you're using, study post cycle therapy (pct), and last but certainly not least you have your cycle laid out so you end the test propionate and deca at the same time. Not a wise choice at all
No your cycle is not well planned out. You left out bloodwork, you need to reevaluate the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) logic you're using, study post cycle therapy (pct), and last but certainly not least you have your cycle laid out so you end the test propionate and deca at the same time. Not a wise choice at all

So do you have any advice to offer at all other than saying its not good? Should I do the Deca week 1 - 10 as opposed to 1-12? I don't need to study PCT I've spent countless hours researching. I came here so I could get some advice and so far everybody just says a bunch of nothing and trys to argue with me. I HAVE an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would it be optimal to start it from the get go and run it throughout the cycle or should I take a wait and see approach?

Again ADVICE and direction would be much more appreciated than useless criticism.
So do you have any advice to offer at all other than saying its not good? Should I do the Deca week 1 - 10 as opposed to 1-12? I don't need to study PCT I've spent countless hours researching. I came here so I could get some advice and so far everybody just says a bunch of nothing and trys to argue with me. I HAVE an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would it be optimal to start it from the get go and run it throughout the cycle or should I take a wait and see approach?

Again ADVICE and direction would be much more appreciated than useless criticism.

How is it useless criticism if I'm pointing out the errors for you to research more? Take a proactive step to your cycle instead of relying solely on answers given here. I also believe you to be too young to cycle safely so I'll leave the cycle advice to others. I gave you an idea of what to look back over in regards to your cycle and so have others, I'm sorry you don't see it as being constructive.
What kind of bloodwork should I be looking into? What if I scaled back my cycle to just Test and Deca? What recommendation do you have as far as how I should run my AI?
What kind of bloodwork should I be looking into? What if I scaled back my cycle to just Test and Deca? What recommendation do you have as far as how I should run my AI?

This is my thread on bloodwork. It'll give you the generally used blood work panels and if you want the bells and whistles add on lipids, prolactin, Vitamin D, prostate, sensitive estradiol assay or any other tests you feel you should need.

I'm really not comfortable giving out cycle advice to someone your age but I'll give you general recommendation if you're going to go through with it anyway. Drop the dbol and deca, test Solo will give you great gains while allowing you to see how you react to a single compound. Adding multiple compounds is asking for trouble if sides arise since you can't pinpoint what is causing the sides. You also don't know how to manage estrogen yet which is critical for safe cycling and running test only will give you that much needed experience as well as a few other reasons for running only test for a first cycle.

For AI: if using adex start at .25mg/EOD and if using aromasin start at 12.5-2mg/ED. 6-8wks into the cycle you should get another blood test and verify that estradiol is being managed properly with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose. If not just adjust the dosage as necessary.
If you run deca then you need something for prolactin control like prami or caber in addition to your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for estrogen control from the test. If you havent heard about prami or caber and what they do thats what dre means when he says do more research
alright I understand were you guys are coming from and agree maybe deca + dbol is a little too much. What if I modified went 100 MG EOD 1-12 weeks with test p and add in ana Anavar (var) at 50mg weeks 5-7 and 75mg 8-12 with proviron at 50mg from 5-12. Would this be acceptable?

Dre as far as the aromasin goes what do you think I should start with for initial dosing? A lot of things I've read have stated doing it at 25mg ED, some say thats overkill and not necessary and you can do 25MG EOD. What are your thoughts on this and me modifying my cycle to just test and Anavar (var) + proviron?
No need for proviron the test and Anavar (var) would be better than deca at this point. The aromasin should be taken ed start at 12.5 and if estro sides still arise up it to 25
Why not go with a long ester test like e or c? Run that for about 12 weeks. As far as aromasin dosing I would start out at 12.5mg ED and go from there. It has such a short half life it should be taken daily.
Thank you all for the dosing instructions on the aromasin, as far as why I don't go with a longer ester in the future I want to run a tren cycle so I want to see how my body reacts to shorter esters and the fact that I have to pin EOD.

I figure test p is tried and true so why not go with the original? Is there a reason I shouldn't be using a short ester and go with something longer?
Quick question guys. This is how I've structured my cycle and I want to see if the proviron is necessary or if its a waste.

Weeks 1 - 10 100MG test p EOD
Week 4 - 40mg anavar
weeks 5 - 8 - 60mg anavar
weeks 9 - 10 80mg anavar

i wanted to run proviron at 50mg with the var is that a waste of money? also going to have aromasin on hand as well as clen and nolva.
Yea proviron wouldnt do much here so leave that out. Also no need to bump the var everu.couple weeks just run it 60-80 wk 4-10