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First cycle test p + deca maybe dbol pct questions (first real cycle need help!!)
Alright guys been lifting on and off for about 2 years now due to a rotator cuff injury. I've always fluctuated from around 165-175 everytime I go heavy I reinjure myself. I've been taking it easy now been in the gym consistent and have been rehabbing it and I think its about 20% off from being where my right shoulder is. Another benefit is I know Deca aids in joint repair I'm hoping on top of packing on around 20+ pounds that my shoulder will be recovered fully.
Current stats
178 p
16% BF probably
This is what I have laid out.
Test - P - 100 MG EOD 1 - 12 WEEKS
DECA 300 MG 2EW 1 - 12 WEEKS
What do you guys think of this lay out shouldI tweak anything or go like this?
Now my main question on this is the PCT. Expense is not an issue I merely want the absolute best. I'm thinking of keeping Aromasin on hand and having nolva and clomid for PCT as well as some liver support as soon as I start the dbol. My main concern is I do not know how my body is going to react as far as possible GYNO. Which is my biggest concern. I took a 6 week anavar stand alone cycle with nolva for pct and I didn't have any reactions. I realize that estrogen levels will be raised in order to compensate for the test but if I'm not having a bad reaction I see no reason to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I have thought about this and thought of maybe just taking aromasin once a week or every 3 days but I'm wondering if this is necessary. Also should I run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with this cycle throughout? Is it really necessary for someone my age?
Any thoughts comments or general pointers would be really appreciated.
Alright guys been lifting on and off for about 2 years now due to a rotator cuff injury. I've always fluctuated from around 165-175 everytime I go heavy I reinjure myself. I've been taking it easy now been in the gym consistent and have been rehabbing it and I think its about 20% off from being where my right shoulder is. Another benefit is I know Deca aids in joint repair I'm hoping on top of packing on around 20+ pounds that my shoulder will be recovered fully.
Current stats
178 p
16% BF probably
This is what I have laid out.
Test - P - 100 MG EOD 1 - 12 WEEKS
DECA 300 MG 2EW 1 - 12 WEEKS
What do you guys think of this lay out shouldI tweak anything or go like this?
Now my main question on this is the PCT. Expense is not an issue I merely want the absolute best. I'm thinking of keeping Aromasin on hand and having nolva and clomid for PCT as well as some liver support as soon as I start the dbol. My main concern is I do not know how my body is going to react as far as possible GYNO. Which is my biggest concern. I took a 6 week anavar stand alone cycle with nolva for pct and I didn't have any reactions. I realize that estrogen levels will be raised in order to compensate for the test but if I'm not having a bad reaction I see no reason to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I have thought about this and thought of maybe just taking aromasin once a week or every 3 days but I'm wondering if this is necessary. Also should I run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with this cycle throughout? Is it really necessary for someone my age?
Any thoughts comments or general pointers would be really appreciated.