first cycle test prop. not feeling it


New member
hello, i'm almost 24, 6'2, 200lbs, 10%. started my first cycle of test prop this monday.
i went with
mon - 50mg
tue - 50mg
wed -100mg
thu - 50mg
fri - 50mg

all in all, i'll running prop at 450mg per week. i have no problems with ED pinning, btw.

the problem is, i'm not feeling anything. i got a few zits on my back as of thursday, and my BP has risen a bit, but i don't feel that "test godlike feel" and i also don't feel any libido increase. i know it's too early to talk about gains right now, but i'm starting to get worried. my test is pharm grade dosed at 50mg/ml and vet grade dosed at 100mg/ml. the injection sites did hurt for about a day but now the pain went away fortunately. what to make of this guys?
oh, and i forgot to mention, i have aromasin on hand, but i'm not using it right now due to not feeling the test kick in. i wouldn't want to crash my e2 for nothing. i didn't do bloodwork before cycle
be patient bro, give it a few more days. you just started this monday....

you have some of the sides. only way to be 100% is to get some blood work done.

and welcome to Ology and the darkside
there is not a sudden explosion of growth the week you start a cycle even with short ester gear or orals . train right and eat right plus get plenty of rest and the gains will come.
good luck bro. just finished my third pin of test p. im avg about 4-500mgs a week and im excited to see how it feels. keep up the hard work and gl.
hello, i'm almost 24, 6'2, 200lbs, 10%. started my first cycle of test prop this monday.
i went with
mon - 50mg
tue - 50mg
wed -100mg
thu - 50mg
fri - 50mg

all in all, i'll running prop at 450mg per week. i have no problems with ED pinning, btw.

the problem is, i'm not feeling anything. i got a few zits on my back as of thursday, and my BP has risen a bit, but i don't feel that "test godlike feel" and i also don't feel any libido increase. i know it's too early to talk about gains right now, but i'm starting to get worried. my test is pharm grade dosed at 50mg/ml and vet grade dosed at 100mg/ml. the injection sites did hurt for about a day but now the pain went away fortunately. what to make of this guys?

am i really the only one that wants to know why u are not running prop steady at like 65mg a day
i have never done prop but i would believe its like the rest of the TEST family and u dont want blood levels to be unstable
am i really the only one that wants to know why u are not running prop steady at like 65mg a day
i have never done prop but i would believe its like the rest of the TEST family and u dont want blood levels to be unstable


+1 to Mr. Attention To Detail

I agweeeeee
Jesus man! My Natty was so high at your age I would have to do 1,000mgs to feel anything.

Hell I didn't cycle until 42.
Aparently not enough detail lol. I didn't notice this .. If he's running 450 a week and he's ran 300 already that means fri and sat are 75mg
No good bro keep them all the same
I agree with everyone. Here's the thing, 99% of the time you won't feel anything. Some people seem to experience some sort of boost in energy or confidence but that's a mental thing.

Also you shouldn't notice anything in a week of 300-350 prop. All esters will begin to increase blood levels within 24-48 hours, short esters like prop will elevate a little faster but clear faster so the point is it takes time, I know people say use prop because it "kicks in faster" but there is no such thing as it kicking in, hormone levels in your blood build and you make gains over periods of time.

Not everyone gets a huge libido boost, especially at "almost 24" you should already have a strong libido, I always notice heavy changes in libido weeks into the cycle. Don't spend time worrying or looking for signs and symptoms. I never male any gains until 4-5 weeks in even with prop except recently my face got really bloated for the first time in years but only because I was using too much.

And guys don't really think about this but things like prop don't really build the same blood levels enanthate will, E may take longer to build higher levels but SE even pinning frequently it's in and out.

I am sort of skeptical of any HG gear unless I got it at the pharmacy.
Just keep working and eating and like DAWG said it's not a sudden explosion, it's a gradual increase.
thanks for the replies, guys. that really calmed me down. anyway, to the person asking why i did a 100mg injection all of a sudden. as i said in the first post, my gear is dosed at little ampoules of 50mg/ml of prop and a couple of big vials with 10ml of prop (100mg/ml). i want to use up all of the 50mg ones, then i'll move one to the big ones and start shooting around 75mg ED which will amount to 525mg of prop every week.
since i didn't feel anything from the first two injections, i decided to go with 100mg for the third day, that's it. and yes, i'm aware i have to keep my hormone levels somewhat stable