First Cycle testosterone, Curiosity strikes


Major Rookie
Hey everyone :bigok: this is all facts, no bullshit because all i want is information. i was a really fat kid (210lbs), i started to run and basically weighed 180lbs and i looked average (i have naturally huge legs!). i was looking skinny so i started to hit the gym. I've been hitting the gym for 1year and 10 months. 6 times a week. over that time i went from 180lbs-215lbs. i was and still am very satisfied with my gain, people i talk to, accuse me of using steroids haha, i love the bulk look..BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, june is around the corner so its time to cut. i KNOW im gonna loose size, but for some reason curiosity really is striking and i've been THINKING of using some extra help. Its not that i dont wanna put in the hard work, i work out that days muscle group for 2-4 hours, 40 mins of abs and 20 mins of cardio. i do more work then a lot of people i know. and IT IS working. enough gabbering ill get to the facts..

Work out routine --
Mon- Chest
Tues- Biceps
Wed- Triceps
Thurs- Back
Fri- Shoulders (delts and traps)
sat- Chest
sun- Biceps

With a rest day every two weeks or so.

4000-5000 cals daily.
230g protien (gonna try and raise that)
carbs-more than high enough (i never cut before while worrying about keeping muscle. I only bulked after i lost all that weight so i didnt worry about it to much)

All vitamin pill
C5 pills (every creatine except mono)(just finished)
liver care
ripped freak (just started)
1MR (fucking love!)

age 18 :nono: i know, i know, i just cant help being curious. im not jumping the gun :shoot5:

heres the thing.. my size right now is almost perfect!, would i complain to have an extra 10lbs or 20lbs, haha of course not.. but im gonna cut in two months, and i know im gonna loose some size and its gonna kill my ego and self esteem. (yes i said it..)

i started to research the best steroid cycles.. the safest options.. etc, this is what i am border lining, if at all..

option one:
Test alone cycle, 300-500ml/week (1-12)
nolva, 20mg (12-14)

option two:
avatar only cycle, 30-50mg/ED (1-6)

option three:
test, 300-500ml/week (1-12)
avatar, 30-50mg/ED (3-7)
nolva, 20mg/ED (12-14)

option four:
my buddy is gonna do test and decca and he wants me to do it with him but i doubt i will do this one

option five:
im young and stupid.. but smart enough to back away from this for now. i understand some of you will suggest this but i just cant help but to stop thinking about it.. what can it do for me.. how will i look.. anyways.. thought i would just get some insight and deffinitely take it into consideration when researching and talking to gym buds.

thanks for your time everyone :moon: :wavey:
deffently do your research and you'll see that at 18 you will prob do more harm than good to your body and it will shut your natty test levels down which are prob through the roof right now anyway. If your looking to cut then add cardio and clean diet to drop your BF. No need for aas at that age. Just my opinion though
thanks buddy, i'm pretty sure thats what my conscious is yelling at me anyway, what about that legal PH alternative, any benefits or will it do the same harm as steroids?

for example, those new andro series?
I am one like the rest here that will say don't do roids at your age but we kow you gonna do what you want regardless.

I tried PH for years before i even considered roids and i had great strength gains and moderate to good muscle gains with them over the years.

If you lookin to cut id use a e/c/a stack with all that cardio your doing i don't see why u wouldn't lean out unless your diet isn't on par. Anyways thats my 2cents good luck :yesway:
Hey bud, i really appreciate taking the time to respond. i am deffinitly gonna look into and possibly try the E/C/A for 6 weeks and then ill give my body a break, as for AS, i'm not very stubborn and wont probably take AS, instead ill start researching PH and possibly the andro series, funny thing is though is that AS looks more promising and safer then PH sometimes haha if it wasn't for the permanent natty test level suppression risk i would take AS butttt that shit seems really serious. like i said if i wasnt concerned about cutting, and i was gonna keep bulking i wouldnt even think about steroids but since i wanna cut and still gain lean mass gain while i cut (which is basically a fucking miracle) then it wouldnt have popped into my mind, there has to be a PH out there that is safer then your typical AS but will still help you gain lean mass or atleast maintain your lean mass while you cut. :afro:
The designer steroids/prohormones whatever you want to call them will have the same effect on the negative feedback loop similar to non legal dope. Can still shut you down.

Your training schedule is fucked but thats alright cause you are 18. Still figure it our and you will grow more. You are telling me you work biceps for 2 or 4 hours?

Keep coming back man
hahahaha :chimney: yeah i do, i just take 1MR and work out for hours, when i read it, i sound like a fucking moron, haha but its working so far.. maybe i should just do an hour and a half and stop talking to my buds so much, i honestly dont feel overtrained one bit..