First cycle, when to run letro?


New member
I had pubertal gyno for a while, got it in my teens, it hurt like a bitch to touch for like a year, then the pain finally went away, but if you feel it, you can still feel something under there, but it is painless, and my tits look pretty damn normal, I guess one just sticks out a bit, the other is fine.
If I run a cycle of test (500mg) a week, I have a good feeling it will flare up, since there is still a bit there or w/e, I have letro on hand and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) later on, the question is, when should I use letro? and do you think gyno will effect my right tit as well (it's only the left right now) thanks in advance
I had pubertal gyno for a while, got it in my teens, it hurt like a bitch to touch for like a year, then the pain finally went away, but if you feel it, you can still feel something under there, but it is painless, and my tits look pretty damn normal, I guess one just sticks out a bit, the other is fine.
If I run a cycle of test (500mg) a week, I have a good feeling it will flare up, since there is still a bit there or w/e, I have letro on hand and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) later on, the question is, when should I use letro? and do you think gyno will effect my right tit as well (it's only the left right now) thanks in advance

Juicedporkchop or R1rider are good with letro doses. Currently im running it because of the sensitivity i have with dbol. .25/.50 2x/wk is good for estrogen sides. For gyno id say 1mg/1.25mg 2x/wk then taper down once sides go away
thank you, do you think I should do the loading phase like start 2 weeks before cycle so it's in my system? or just wait to see if the gyno I have flares up, then start dosage?
thank you, do you think I should do the loading phase like start 2 weeks before cycle so it's in my system? or just wait to see if the gyno I have flares up, then start dosage?

Honestly, your gyno is gonna flare up if it is legitmate gyno. Depends on what type of test your gonna run to when u should start the loading phase. I always run it as soon as I start the cycle because letro is potent. The test levels help with the letro sides like sore joints fatigue etc.. but if your gonna do a loading phase keep the letro dosage low/moderate so itll build up slowly so the sides arent that bad until the test 'kicks' in
alright, and do you think i can keep it under control with letro? or sohuld i not bother with test e. im not even sure if its gyno anymore, its not painful, it just hasnt went away from when i had it as a teen