First Cycle - Winny Only

Thanks pal. I'm thrilled to collect so many pieces of shit in my thread. Say something else I could care less about fag.

This isn't bro.... why do you collect pieces of shit? that's fuckin weird man. You're pretty new to "care less" about something. If you were actually serious about this you could make yourself a halfway decent person. But obviously I'm just wasting my time right now Jeremy
It's hard for me to be grateful for your help when you cut me down every post. I appreciate your help though.
Where is your TEST Bro? When you decide to get serious I guess you will then educate yourself and do it right. I hope....
Not if you keep doing those Winstrol (winny) oral cycles you wont!!! Dam if you were going to do such a shit cycle should of at least made it a Dbol only cycle.. that way you would of seen some change ;) seriously.. whats going to happen in 4 weeks you are going to wake up screaming in pain while asleep... that is the muscle cramp in your calf that feels like a knife went into it... I hate Winstrol (winny), You are going to be very dissapointed.. But prepare to pin for your net cycle.. sus 250 2 per week for 10-12 weeks you will see amazing results for your first cycle... some people reccomend eth. but i dont feel much effect from it
raoh what the fuck is wrong with you are u fucking dumb...Get some is trying to help your punk ass and what the fuck is with this winnie bullshit come on man get your shit together
It's almost over. Two more weeks. I'm making plans for next time. I'm trying to decide on test E or C. I know, Get Some and I are like BFF now.
Man..This has been going on for awhile. The constant bashing has to suck ass. (If only you had just listened) I just want to see the month and a half after results. That's all I care about. Your gonna look like your first pic, and wonder why. Eat 1 slice of pizza=right to that a big bowl of ceral=right to that a mc d or burgerking meal=well that one is going right to your ass. You won't be able to keep it off.
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Joints are much better since taking the fish oil and glucosamine. I feel great tbh. Thanks for asking. :afro:
It's almost over. Two more weeks. I'm making plans for next time. I'm trying to decide on test E or C. I know, Get Some and I are like BFF now.

yes, I accepted your friend request! lol

I like Test E better personally.... start a new thread when you are ready for that shiznit
Got it bro. Almost done with this winstrol bullshit. Quick question, I'm about to get some test E. Should or could I start it right after this Winstrol (winny) cycle or should I do a proper post cycle and then hop on the test?
Got it bro. Almost done with this winstrol bullshit. Quick question, I'm about to get some test E. Should or could I start it right after this Winstrol (winny) cycle or should I do a proper post cycle and then hop on the test?

Thats a good question, either way can work. You starting a post cycle therapy (pct) after being on winstrol is going to start you back up only to shut you down again when you start testosterone. You starting testosterone after the winstrol is done would be you entering a proper cycle. How long have been on the winstrol for again?
Thats a good question, either way can work. You starting a post cycle therapy (pct) after being on winstrol is going to start you back up only to shut you down again when you start testosterone. You starting testosterone after the winstrol is done would be you entering a proper cycle. How long have been on the winstrol for again?

Going on week 6 or 7. Thanks buddy.